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Silo based missiles in Pakistan?

I thought all are road mobile...

Looks like many on the road are Dummy and real ones in Silos..Or it may be the other way round?

Keep the enemy guessing.....thats why they built those silos...

Sir Safriz, if I am not wrong- aren't Silos used to store ICBMs? If yes, then does it mean that Pakistan possesses ICBMs!!
Lol Windy....I'll tell you what those things really are and you will be laughing all day!!!

They are water holding areas!!!:lol: That blue thing is water...search some more in other areas and you would see dry wells as also!

In case of a fire, you have a water supply nearby.

Secondly, those HAS are only ammo dumps and places like that, some components here and there but nothing too much.

The real goodies are underground or in the mountains (as with a few other sites). only the production facilities (most of them) are located above the ground.

I knew it was water tanks because I remember reading this conversation in the http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...ndian-special-weapons-storage-facilities.html thread but did not want to destroy Windy's party.

This circular thing is also visible associated with every shelter thing. Possibly launching pad?


This f*king circular thing (somewhere square) is associated with every secured and sheltered structure in both Pakistani and Indian storage facilities. If anyone one knows about what it is, do share! :undecided:

I don't think these are launching pads. Possibly water containers for instant fire extinguishing or something.

One thing that has caught my eye again is the water hole next to almost every missile shelter, they are present with Pakistani missile shelters as well...do they serve any specific purpose?

Yeah I got information on them too, thanks for reminding.

Actually all these holes (somewhere square-shaped) are water reservoirs, storing thousands of gallons of water. They are for the purpose of immediate fire extinguishing, in case of an accident which might cause disastrous damage. To avoid the lag of transport, these reservoirs are built right next to the storage area so fire-extingushing trucks/water cannons can easily obtain water from these nearby sources.

This was also my first thought, but it seemed a bit too simple and crude!!!:P

Sometimes simple is effective!

Poor windy ...... :D
and a few along kala chitta

anybody's guess....

A friend who belongs from Attock, tells me there's always activity on the above mentioned location, specially during the night.

Well, all the known systems are usualy on a mobile launchers.

Ive actually passed from the kalla chitta ranges... the area is super sensitive.... its all fenced and security is pretty tight there... no pictures,no stopping etc..
Silo based missiles in Pakistan?

I thought all are road mobile...

Looks like many on the road are Dummy and real ones in Silos..Or it may be the other way round?

Keep the enemy guessing.....thats why they built those silos...


The link says The Houston Rocket :woot:
Windy!! Thanks a million buddy for posting the location of your missile silos! :yay: Makes things easier for us now! :tup:

Silos can be used to store any kind of BM's not just ICBM .

SS-5 was a soviet era IRBM which could be launched from silo and road mobile...
Currently Topols are the same..can be launched from road mobile and can be launched from silo..

so its not unusual for a missile to be both road mobile and silo based....
Some missiles are simply too heavy for being road mobile and have to he silo based..such as the 200 ton Satan ICBM..

Use of silos for smaller lighter IRBMs can be for deception purposes and for endancing second strike capability..in case road mobiles have been destroyed by enemy airforce...Reinforced silos can take a few hits before getting damaged to an extent that missile can't be launched while a ruptured hydraulic line on road mobile missile launcher can render it useless...

Another advantage of launching missile from a fixed site such as a silo is enhanced accuracy...Position A is known with pin point accuracy....navigating towards position B the target will be easier and acurate...but with advances in electronics this advantage of silo is irrelevant now...but was a point to he considered in 50s,60s and even 70s..

currently...Minuteman still sits in silos...but now with satellites spying on every corner of the planet and bombs able to penetrate ground....silo based missiles are moved around when satellites are not above the launch site.....so that the enemy keeps guessing where are the missiles....which silo is empty and which one contains missile and which road mobile has a dummy and which one has the real thing..

for now no evidence exists in public domain that Pakistan has solos for missiles...but if some day somebody comes up with credible evidence that Pakisatan has silos for their missiles it will be a good news as it will enhance second strike capability many folds...
Agni3 and Agni4 missing from Indian list .

the list isnt accurate...
Pakistani hatf-9 missile which is a battle field missile of 60 odd km range is mentioned as ICBM
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