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List of the Most Dangerous Weapon North Korea

simple Brain

Oct 12, 2014
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List of the Most Dangerous Weapons of North Korea
April 18, 2017 at 8:16
Denis Aldohin / 42.TUT.BY

Despite the imposed sanctions and total isolation in terms of the transfer of military technology in accordance with UN resolution 2270, North Korea's army is constantly updated with new models of weapons - at the expense of their own development.

Korea MIC covers in general to 1800 enterprises are the main producers of arms and equipment 134 are factory, many of which are wholly or partially under the ground or in the rock strata. The Army has more than a million people.

42.TUT.BY chose the most powerful North Korean weapons and units.

Medium-range missiles
The North Koreans have made progress in rocket technology, and even share with other countries, such as Iran. On parade in honor of the 105th day of the birth anniversary of North Korea founder Kim Il Sung made a number of missiles that pose a serious danger.


Photo: NKnews
Among them - Pukguksong 2 ( "Pukkykson-2" - "Polar Star 2"). During the tests, the missile in flight reached 550 km altitude and fell into the Sea of Japan about 500 km from the starting point. North Korean news agency KCNA reported that "Pukkykson-2" can be equipped with nuclear warheads.


Photo: KCNA
The missile has a new solid-propellant engine, developed in Korea and is able to maneuver in flight. Rocket launcher mounted on tank chassis. Judging by the size and the characteristic arrangement of rollers, it is borrowed from the T-62.

Tanks "Jongmyo-216"
Columns of tanks, shown at the recent parade, make a strong impression, if you do not know that this is a good old T-62. In the course of modernization Koreans have significantly increased the firepower of these machines. Tanks received 125mm 2A46 smoothbore gun, the tower is equipped with two large-caliber machine gun with twin armored shields protecting arrow.


Image: youtube.com
In addition, the tank is equipped with two launchers ATGM «Bulsae-3" (a copy of the Russian anti-tank complex "Cornet", the range of 5.5 km) and two launchers MANPADS Hwa'Seong Chong (distance of 5.5 km, height - 3, 5 km).

Sam "Jongmyo-216" is equipped with additional armor in the frontal projection. Note that, despite his age, T-62 tanks have proven themselves in the Syrian conflict, where more than once saved the life of the crew, maintaining contact with anti-tank rockets.

300 mm MRL
The North Koreans are actively developing their own multiple launch rocket systems. One of them - 300 mm MLRS KN-09, on which work is conducted in 2013. With a high probability when working on the rocket used Chinese technology and solutions. The range of fire of the new MRL is about 200 km.


Image: youtube.com
Missiles can have high-explosive fragmentation, penetration and probably cassette warhead. MRL mounted on the chassis with the wheel formula 6 × 6.


calculating the cabin is protected by bulletproof armor. In preparation for the launch are likely to be used by data navigation satellite systems GPS and GLONASS.

Missiles for submarines
Ballistic missile submarines "Pukkykson-1" for the first time were shown to the public at the recent parade. South Korean military source agency "Yonhap" argues that the launch range of the missiles is not less than 1000 km. This is the first North Korean rocket designed specifically to launch from a submarine.


Photo: NKnews
Previously, the satellite was able to shoot at the shipyard in North Korea submarine, armed with such missiles. A leading American expert on armament of North Korea Dzhozef Bermudes sure that it is the largest North Korean submarine class GORAE (upgraded class Sinpo).

The expert believes that the submarine type Gorae have one or two mine launchers of rockets and design similar to the obsolete Soviet submarine of the project 629, which were purchased in Russia in the 90s as scrap.

Special Forces
North Korea has the largest number of trained Special Forces soldiers - more than 88 000 people. Directs light infantry special units of the Office of Management and Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the DPRK.


Image: youtube.com
Special Forces Korea is divided into three parts: the part of the intelligence, the light infantry and sniper parts. These units are assigned the task of sabotage and intelligence operations behind enemy lines, and support agents. In the event of the outbreak of hostilities commandos should open a "second front" in the rear of the enemy as much as possible using the technique of guerrilla warfare.

Deputy Director of the Institute of Military and Political Analysis Aleksandra Hramchihina believes that special forces ground forces of the KPA includes nine light infantry brigades, six teams of snipers, 17 reconnaissance battalion, eight battalions of infantry.

North Korean commandos distinguishes fanaticism and loyalty to the ruling regime. They are ready to sacrifice their lives in the event of emergency situations, when, for example, the execution of the task and retreat becomes impossible. For example, there was September 18, 1996, when the class «Akula» KPA Navy submarine ran aground near the town of Gangneung in the east of the South Korean Sea of Japan.

North Korean commandos stationed on a submarine, tried to go to North Korea by land. Managed to do only one soldier, 13 were killed and 11 committed suicide to avoid capture.
Читать полностью: https://42.tut.by/539886
I am Interested about NK special Forces ...

I don't know if I am authorise to tell you this, but based on the intel from NK defector, NK Special Force is an organisation akin to Strom trooper in WW1 and Waffen SS in WW2.

The term special force is quite broadly defined in North Korea and is not really the special force that we know, like SSG in Pakistan or Green Beret in the US, but more like people who are willing to die for Kim and do whatever the man tell him to. They are divided into Infiltration unit, Assault Unit, and Propaganda Unit.

Infiltration Unit preform recce mission behind South Korea, often disgusted as Civilian, sometime South Korean soldiers, these unit usually airdropped or breach into South Korea by submersible. They were specially trained, and most importantly accustomed to Western/SK ideology, rumour have it they live and train in a "Bubble City" somewhere in North Korea that resemble the South, with Southern TV, Radio and local legend (like supermarket, bus stop and such and such)

Assault Unit perform special operation such as Direct Attack on South Korea, usually akin to incident like Second Battle of Yeonpyeong, or the Raid in Blue House, they are specifically trained in amphibious and airborne warfare, much like the US Army Ranger, but they also perform espionage mission (such as kidnapping South Korean civilian and soldier) and also tri-service engagement.

Propaganda Unit is the in-State Special Force, they are basically support personally for the prior two unit, they make propaganda material, South Korean Military Uniform, disguises and so on. They are also in charge of interrogating POW or Kidnapped individual as well as debriefing them. They are like CIA and FBI in the US, but they are not considered as Field Operative.

There exist elite troop like Navy SEAL, Delta Force or SAD within NK rank, but they are about Brigade to Divisional strength.

Am not sure if I am authorised to tell you this, I will need to consult with my DoD Contact and see if this is at all appropriate, if not I will have this post deleted. But it should be okay as these information were also covered by deflector own biography.
I don't know if I am authorise to tell you this, but based on the intel from NK defector, NK Special Force is an organisation akin to Strom trooper in WW1 and Waffen SS in WW2.

The term special force is quite broadly defined in North Korea and is not really the special force that we know, like SSG in Pakistan or Green Beret in the US, but more like people who are willing to die for Kim and do whatever the man tell him to. They are divided into Infiltration unit, Assault Unit, and Propaganda Unit.

Infiltration Unit preform recce mission behind South Korea, often disgusted as Civilian, sometime South Korean soldiers, these unit usually airdropped or breach into South Korea by submersible. They were specially trained, and most importantly accustomed to Western/SK ideology, rumour have it they live and train in a "Bubble City" somewhere in North Korea that resemble the South, with Southern TV, Radio and local legend (like supermarket, bus stop and such and such)

Assault Unit perform special operation such as Direct Attack on South Korea, usually akin to incident like Second Battle of Yeonpyeong, or the Raid in Blue House, they are specifically trained in amphibious and airborne warfare, much like the US Army Ranger, but they also perform espionage mission (such as kidnapping South Korean civilian and soldier) and also tri-service engagement.

Propaganda Unit is the in-State Special Force, they are basically support personally for the prior two unit, they make propaganda material, South Korean Military Uniform, disguises and so on. They are also in charge of interrogating POW or Kidnapped individual as well as debriefing them. They are like CIA and FBI in the US, but they are not considered as Field Operative.

There exist elite troop like Navy SEAL, Delta Force or SAD within NK rank, but they are about Brigade to Divisional strength.

Am not sure if I am authorised to tell you this, I will need to consult with my DoD Contact and see if this is at all appropriate, if not I will have this post deleted. But it should be okay as these information were also covered by deflector own biography.

US must have their eyes on this specific unit , but i see them for the first time in the parade.. my first impression was that its same as SSG, SAS or Delta force but as you explained that they might cover other roles .
US must have their eyes on this specific unit , but i see them for the first time in the parade.. my first impression was that its same as SSG, SAS or Delta force but as you explained that they might cover other roles .

There are a constant stream of North Korean defector, it's not hard to pick up what's actually going on in North Korea.

There are a few other Special Attack Unit (Known simply as Unit and number) that is beside the special force circle.

US is seriously involved in South Korean Counter Intelligence Service (Which is my last MOS) and a lot of those information were obtain by all mean. And most of the time, when North Korea do something, not all of their agent was killed, some were captured, and more often than not they are willing to spill the bean.

I think the one you see is better equipped SF Assault unit, I don't think they will show the one equate to SSG, SAS or Navy Seal.

If You want to know more about these unit and what did they do, some of the famous NK Special Force activities are;

Propaganda Unit is the in-State Special Force, they are basically support personally for the prior two unit, they make propaganda material, South Korean Military Uniform, disguises and so on. They are also in charge of interrogating POW or Kidnapped individual as well as debriefing them. They are like CIA and FBI in the US, but they are not considered as Field Operative.

When you use the term "Propaganda force" or "unit" you are indirectly denying the strength and the competitiveness of the North Korea Special forces. As you have said that you "will need to consult with my DoD Contact and see if this is at all appropriate, if not I will have this post deleted".

I am not a huge fan of Kim, but this word Propaganda which comes directly from Western Governments and media is when used against North Korea sounds more hysterical.

See the problem is that North Korea is way too concealed, nothing comes out of it unless otherwise Kim's Government doesn't wants it to. They are extremely to themselves pretty much, I mean when was the last time a North Korean leader attended the UN conference? And when was it that a North Korean leader went on an official visit to another Country? Now that's what makes you perfect, when you are so much concealed that you do not have any kinda interaction with outside world, yet you are successfully running your Country, that's quite an achievement. Again I do not want to use the word regime since I never been there neither have I ever interviewed any North Korean in North Korea, seeing is believing my friend.
When you use the term "Propaganda force" or "unit" you are indirectly denying the strength and the competitiveness of the North Korea Special forces. As you have said that you "will need to consult with my DoD Contact and see if this is at all appropriate, if not I will have this post deleted".

I am not a huge fan of Kim, but this word Propaganda which comes directly from Western Governments and media is when used against North Korea sounds more hysterical.

See the problem is that North Korea is way too concealed, nothing comes out of it unless otherwise Kim's Government doesn't wants it to. They are extremely to themselves pretty much, I mean when was the last time a North Korean leader attended the UN conference? And when was it that a North Korean leader went on an official visit to another Country? Now that's what makes you perfect, when you are so much concealed that you do not have any kinda interaction with outside world, yet you are successfully running your Country, that's quite an achievement. Again I do not want to use the word regime since I never been there neither have I ever interviewed any North Korean in North Korea, seeing is believing my friend.

Propaganda is a part of Kim's warfare, it was a part of Psychological Warfare, in fact, many country have their own Propaganda unit, they may call it some other name, but the result is the same.

Propaganda is used in North Korea to both Military and Civil capacity, military project included making video nuking the US (Like the one they just release a few days ago) or Military Poster and Banner. Civilian propaganda included setting up ghost village and also Television and Radio Program.

The word Propaganda is about what they DO, not what they ARE. Those unit exist to solely for the purpose of making propaganda.
Propaganda is a part of Kim's warfare, it was a part of Psychological Warfare, in fact, many country have their own Propaganda unit, they may call it some other name, but the result is the same.

Propaganda is a word used in Western Media and in Western Democracies against North Korea in North Korea's way of handling things domestically and Internationally. For an instance, if Kim is visiting certain factories or attending an inauguration of a school or a business hub or anything. The Western media and the Western Democracies portraits it as a Propaganda against North Korean People. Remember I wasn't referring only specifically to the Kim's any kinda of a warfare, that too is justifiable because North Korea is at war all the time against Western World. And instead of calling it a propaganda, you can use the word retaliation against every single threats comes out of the North Korea.

Propaganda is used in North Korea to both Military and Civil capacity, military project included making video nuking the US (Like the one they just release a few days ago) or Military Poster and Banner. Civilian propaganda included setting up ghost village and also Television and Radio Program.

See now that's what I am talking about, I give you few examples in here that how is it a Western Propaganda, and what North Korean leader is doing is that he is simply protecting his Country and his People.
Korean People in general have faced the devastation, Ruthlessness and the horrific of the wars. The second world war, the Korean War etc. Now, Japan invaded Korea back in 1910, and since that time the stories of Jpanase War Crimes are famous around the world, no one denies it, unless you do. And should we consider Japan Invasion a moderate, sympathetic invasion?

Now in Western world this term is used as the "Japanese Imperial Period" or "period of the Japanese imperial colonial administration" but in reality it was an invasion, ask Korean People they know it, they will explain to you in a better way. You live in Australia, you have thousands of Korean living in Canberra where I lived for 12 years.

Now, my actual point is that, North Korean People have seen what happens to those who give up their freedom to the Western world in exchange of a promising flourished economy and lots of bailout packages and goodies. And this is what exactly Kim is doing, he is trying to explain it to his People that if we give up our freedom we will be butchered like a goats. You think he is not doing the right thing? Do you think that if he lay down himself to the western powers they will spare him, don't you have enough examples around the world already? I mean Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya aren't the necessary enough examples for you? That what frightens the Korean leader and to some extent its People too.

Look at Japan, do you think Japan is a free Country? Or simply look at the Germany, you work in DOD as I have sensed it, you tell me, Bundesnachrichtendienst works for its own free will? and that they do not receive their instructions from CIA? And that CIA never created Bundesnachrichtendienst? Have a look at South Korea, do you even know that how much money does USA sucks out of its so called allays every year in the name of defense? I literally need my answers, please do not avoid them.

The word Propaganda is about what they DO, not what they ARE. Those unit exist to solely for the purpose of making propaganda.

And, you have a great example of your own Country for you. It is that, I know and I also understand and completely agree that what Chinese Government did back in 1989 at the Tiananmen Square against the protest was absolutely justifiable. I agree on this one, but do you think that the Western Democracies accepted it? And do they still acknowledge the legitimacy of the force used by then Chinese Government against the Civilian protesters? No my friend they call it a Tiananmen Square Massacre. That's the term solely used for that incident.
As I said I agree what Chinese Government did back than was completely Justifiable and I know that CIA and several other agencies were involved in that protest because right after that Operation Yellowbird or Operation Siskin started.

Now, please explain it to me, do you still think what Kim is doing we should label it as a "Porpoganda" or should we call it a Faith-fullness? I now leave it to you, signify it.
Propaganda is a word used in Western Media and in Western Democracies against North Korea in North Korea's way of handling things domestically and Internationally. For an instance, if Kim is visiting certain factories or attending an inauguration of a school or a business hub or anything. The Western media and the Western Democracies portraits it as a Propaganda against North Korean People. Remember I wasn't referring only specifically to the Kim's any kinda of a warfare, that too is justifiable because North Korea is at war all the time against Western World. And instead of calling it a propaganda, you can use the word retaliation against every single threats comes out of the North Korea.

See now that's what I am talking about, I give you few examples in here that how is it a Western Propaganda, and what North Korean leader is doing is that he is simply protecting his Country and his People.
Korean People in general have faced the devastation, Ruthlessness and the horrific of the wars. The second world war, the Korean War etc. Now, Japan invaded Korea back in 1910, and since that time the stories of Jpanase War Crimes are famous around the world, no one denies it, unless you do. And should we consider Japan Invasion a moderate, sympathetic invasion?

Now in Western world this term is used as the "Japanese Imperial Period" or "period of the Japanese imperial colonial administration" but in reality it was an invasion, ask Korean People they know it, they will explain to you in a better way. You live in Australia, you have thousands of Korean living in Canberra where I lived for 12 years.

Now, my actual point is that, North Korean People have seen what happens to those who give up their freedom to the Western world in exchange of a promising flourished economy and lots of bailout packages and goodies. And this is what exactly Kim is doing, he is trying to explain it to his People that if we give up our freedom we will be butchered like a goats. You think he is not doing the right thing? Do you think that if he lay down himself to the western powers they will spare him, don't you have enough examples around the world already? I mean Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Libya aren't the necessary enough examples for you? That what frightens the Korean leader and to some extent its People too.

Look at Japan, do you think Japan is a free Country? Or simply look at the Germany, you work in DOD as I have sensed it, you tell me, Bundesnachrichtendienst works for its own free will? and that they do not receive their instructions from CIA? And that CIA never created Bundesnachrichtendienst? Have a look at South Korea, do you even know that how much money does USA sucks out of its so called allays every year in the name of defense? I literally need my answers, please do not avoid them.

And, you have a great example of your own Country for you. It is that, I know and I also understand and completely agree that what Chinese Government did back in 1989 at the Tiananmen Square against the protest was absolutely justifiable. I agree on this one, but do you think that the Western Democracies accepted it? And do they still acknowledge the legitimacy of the force used by then Chinese Government against the Civilian protesters? No my friend they call it a Tiananmen Square Massacre. That's the term solely used for that incident.
As I said I agree what Chinese Government did back than was completely Justifiable and I know that CIA and several other agencies were involved in that protest because right after that Operation Yellowbird or Operation Siskin started.

Now, please explain it to me, do you still think what Kim is doing we should label it as a "Porpoganda" or should we call it a Faith-fullness? I now leave it to you, signify it.

I have no intention to read all these blabbing, ranting and insidious post.

You don't want to call it Propaganda is your call, you can call it "Kim's Personal Best" or "Kim loyal dog squadron", "North Korean Protection Force" or whatever you want.

I am not going to change what I said because what they are doing is generating propaganda. You can disagree on what that mean, but do you have the right to challenge my use of word? No. I see it as propaganda, you see it not, but now I am saying it, not you. When you start your own post, I will not challenge you for calling it whatever you call. That is the same I am calling it Propaganda unit, where that is what I interpreted, if you don't agree on it, too bad, cause that's not your point of view..

For me, Propaganda is a tool to promote political ideology, it was about psychological warfare, not only North Korean does it, just about every country in this word does it, when a military unit works solely on promoting political/national ideology, that unit is said to be classify as Propaganda Unit, does not matter what is your point of view.
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I have no intention to read all these blabbing, ranting and insidious post.

You don't want to call it Propaganda is your call, you can call it "Kim's Personal Best" or "Kim loyal dog squadron", "North Korean Protection Force" or whatever you want.

I am not going to change what I said because what they are doing is generating propaganda. You can disagree on what that mean, but do you have the right to challenge my use of word? No. I see it as propaganda, you see it not, but now I am saying it, not you. When you start your own post, I will not challenge you for calling it whatever you call. That is the same I am calling it Propaganda unit, where that is what I interpreted, if you don't agree on it, too bad, cause that's not your point of view..

For me, Propaganda is a tool to promote political ideology, it was about psychological warfare, not only North Korean does it, just about every country in this word does it, when a military unit works solely on promoting political/national ideology, that unit is said to be classify as Propaganda Unit, does not matter what is your point of view.

Alright, if you don't want to read my argument than I believe next time I won't argue with you on anything, unfortunately my comment was deleted that I wrote after examining your thinking. Have a good one mate!
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