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Lies, damned lies and statistics


Feb 2, 2014
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Daily Express News Story

Lies are a part of eastern culture now. Some countries are way ahead of other countries. Lying is an art this art develops when people don't do anything else. Art of lying develops in devils workshop and devils workshop is an idle mind. Now lets come to this article written by Javed Chaudhry in the local newspaper.
This is a very good emotional fairy tale, but full of lies. I am very concerned about these sorts of lies. Lots of Pakistanis come to the western world with these fairy tale lies which unfortunately don't exist here. Lots of those Pakistani's end up in legal issues and ultimately in jails. Sometime, i wish those Pakistanis before leaving their country, there would be some orientation course about the west, their culture, legal system and what are the do's and don't in the western countries. Pakistani's lands on JFK or Heathrow have lot of these fairy tales or lies in their minds.
Let's start with the lies in this article.
1- Paying guest: lately paying guest is glamorized in the media as an alternative to those travelers who don't have any pennies in their pockets. Believe me, there is no such thing as paying guest in the U.S. or anywhere else. White only keep someone who is white ( in special case, if they want someone to stay), they can't trust anyone else ( normally this society love their independence, liberty and their space). How can they trust some Asians or ...., There are lots of guns, drugs and killings here. How can they trust someone who is coming from Asia. No way.

2- Flight from New York to Chicago is less than two hours (1 hour: 45 min) and no meal is served on those flights. Most of the domestic flights don't serve meals. Air flight is just a travelling here, it is not a picnic safari.

3- Passengers don't talk with strangers on the flight.

4- In all international flights or domestic flights where meals are served. Airlines asked at the time of flight reservation about choice of the food and everything is done online. Passengers don't need anyone to reserve halal foods for them, everyone is asked (if food is served during the flight) about the choice of food.

5- FBI or other security personnel are required not to disclose their identities. Disclosing their identities could be dangerous for them.

6- Bars and pubs don't throw people on the street. There are bouncers, who hold the drunk customers at the closing time and leave them outside on the sidewalk and inform the police and police usually escort them to their houses and if they don't have any proper house, they are taken to a precinct and later on discharge after all the legal requirements.

7- No one takes any drunk person home. The U.S has a very high street crime rate, guns, violence and drugs, nobody can take such a big risk. Even if someone takes someone home, it is called kidnapping. There is a very big lawsuit for this action. Drunk people love to file lawsuit against those people. This will give money to drunk people for the rest of their life.

8- American lifestyle is very different and frankly telling you guys they have no love relationship with any religion and Islam is the last thing on their minds. Muslims try to be very careful in these societies. One wrong move can put them in jail.

9- Americans love new things. There are people who are converting to Islam. who are those people? African American (black) people in jail. Black people have lots of identity issue and they convert to Islam. White people and if they are settled, No way, Big No? Islam is the last things on their minds.

The reason i am so much interested or you could say why I am boiling with this article is, this article is full of lies and these are the lies, which Pakistani people have in their minds when they land JFK and these lies after a couple of years take them all the way to jail. Here I will give one example of past lies and their after effects.

1- Sex is very common in the western world and white women are fond of brown people.
The reality is white women are very racist and don't let any brown man touch their skin and even they don't talk to them. There is another breed that is white looking women e.g. Spanish or mix breads keep in mind they are not white Americans, they are Spanish by ethnicity or Russians or someone else but not white Americans. Pakistanis are trapped by those women and those women are waiting for naive or stupid immigrants. If they trap one immigrant they live the rest of their life very comfortably. Once they trapped immigrants, they file a lawsuit that they were raped and sexually abuse. The government gives them full protection, give them apartment if they are pregnant, financial assistance etc. These are the things they were looking for. Immigrant professionals are a hot choice. Whole of legal system loves to grill them. Lots of Pakistani doctors have lost practices due to sex in their minds, they lost their licenses and millions of dollars ( this is a big topic to touch some other time)

I only want to tell you, how wrong ideas and concepts put them into lots of problems.
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Your opinion is very clear mate, its very realistic in nature, I agree that the immigrants travelling to the west think that they can hump any girl without any aftereffect and they are entrapped most often than not, we do need some orientation classes or something as you pointed out, but I dont think its going to happen, I think the least a person travelling abroad can do is use his common sense and stay away from any potentially difficult situation.....

PS: Dont worry man, the first threads dont always get attention even of they are as well written and realistic as this one, frankly it sometimes pisses me off that good common sense threads dont get any response while something stupid gets alot of responses.....:angry:
Keep up the good work brah.....:tup:
Well i wanted to comment but i didnt because i thought Pakistanis may take y comments as trolling
Your opinion is very clear mate, its very realistic in nature, I agree that the immigrants travelling to the west think that they can hump any girl without any aftereffect and they are entrapped most often than not, we do need some orientation classes or something as you pointed out, but I dont think its going to happen, I think the least a person travelling abroad can do is use his common sense and stay away from any potentially difficult situation.....

PS: Dont worry man, the first threads dont always get attention even of they are as well written and realistic as this one, frankly it sometimes pisses me off that good common sense threads dont get any response while something stupid gets alot of responses.....:angry:
Keep up the good work brah.....:tup:

Thanks dude for the reply. I am not starving for someone to appreciate my topic, but the reason is my heart sink when I see immigrants, especially Pakistanis trapped in stupid problems just due to their ignorance and because their media has taught them some fantasies.

Well i wanted to comment but i didnt because i thought Pakistanis may take y comments as trolling

It is not a matter of Pakistan or India, i think topics like this should be discussed in detail.
Thanks dude for the reply. I am not starving for someone to appreciate my topic, but the reason is my heart sink when I see immigrants, especially Pakistanis trapped in stupid problems just due to their ignorance and because their media has taught them some fantasies.
I understand man, you have written a well versed article but pdf is a place where an article about ones skin color and false bravado of ethnic pride grabs more attention than a logical article......
Take the example of Devyani Kobragrade, whatever she did was the lack of knowledge of American social and legal system and see where she ended.
Well i wanted to comment but i didnt because i thought Pakistanis may take y comments as trolling
You can comment but dont just shove all the blame on the Pakistanis because many Indians face the same plight abroad, infact most immigrants from the third world face it....
Devyani was an educated woman and she was working in the consulate and even then she made such a big mistake.
She could raise her kids without the help of Indian maid, there are lots of options in New York. She did not know the legal system in the United States and ultimately a small thing in eastern culture, but a big thing in American system fire back on her.

You can comment but dont just shove all the blame on the Pakistanis because many Indians face the same plight abroad, infact most immigrants from the third world face it....

I am talking about immigrants as a whole. Pakistani's have more emotional sort of mindset than other South Asians.

Read this article by Linda Berger
My impression of Pakistan as a white, western woman

I am glad some westerner has really touched the issue at the core.
I also want to touch the issue of copyrights and plagiarism.
This is a very big issue. All the institutions are required to give an orientation about copyrights and pilgrims to new recruits. Somehow the other this thing is such a big norm in South Asian culture they don't feel the depth of this issue.
I am sure even on this forum very few people will understand the legal complications of this issue. The reality is western countries are very touchy with this issue.
Lots of Pakistani's in educational institutions and at job places are trapped in copyrights issues and plagiarism and ultimately lost their jobs or their enrollment in educational institutions.
Seems to be no one is interested in this topic. I would label this issue as Easterns misconceptions in the west.
Anyway, all the best.
I understand man, you have written a well versed article but pdf is a place where an article about ones skin color and false bravado of ethnic pride grabs more attention than a logical article......
Youm man to say that @Rahi812 has written this article.

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