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Libya was close to building nuclear bomb in 2003: Kadhafi


Oct 3, 2005
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Libya was close to building nuclear bomb in 2003: Kadhafi TRIPOLI: Libya was close to building a nuclear bomb before abandoning a weapons of mass destruction programme in 2003, Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi said, according to the country's official news agency.

"Libya was on the point of building a nuclear bomb: that is no longer a secret," Kadhafi was quoted Monday as telling a group of engineers. "The Americans and the International Atomic Energy Agency were well aware."

In a dramatic move that has seen his former pariah state returned to the international fold, Kadhafi announced in December 2003 that Libya was abandoning plans to build weapons of mass destruction.

Not a single arab country would give up the programme if it was that close building the bomb...specially someone as 'smart' as Khadaffi.

Thats a joke right? :lol:
Dude, the stuff from 'market' was not upto the mark.
You know who used to run that market.

Long time ago them guys wanted India to help with the bomb.
Samudra said:
Dude, the stuff from 'market' was not upto the mark.
You know who used to run that market.

Long time ago them guys wanted India to help with the bomb.

Oh comon now Sam,

AQ Khan only sold the enrichment technology and centrifuge designs...not the bombs!
Btw India's also used AQ Khan's network. ;)
Although Libya was able to acquire both the design and the components necessary to build an advanced centrifuge made of maraging steel, and had reportedly built a pilot-scale centrifuge cascade and conversion unit, Libya appeared to be years away from developing a nuclear weapon.
Owais said:
Libya was close to building nuclear bomb in 2003: Kadhafi [URL="http://www.geo.tv/news_images/world/25-Jul-06-05773083-c5a2-40f0-a991-ba0dd5247ab0libya_lpic.jpg"][/URL] TRIPOLI: Libya was close to building a nuclear bomb before abandoning a weapons of mass destruction programme in 2003, Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi said, according to the country's official news agency.

"Libya was on the point of building a nuclear bomb: that is no longer a secret," Kadhafi was quoted Monday as telling a group of engineers. "The Americans and the International Atomic Energy Agency were well aware."

In a dramatic move that has seen his former pariah state returned to the international fold, Kadhafi announced in December 2003 that Libya was abandoning plans to build weapons of mass destruction.

This guy was day dreaming:shocked:. Then why the hell have they abandoned the nuclear program:mad:???
Neo said:
Oh comon now Sam,

AQ Khan only sold the enrichment technology and centrifuge designs...not the bombs!

All the same, Neo.

No accused gets acquitted if he says "Yo Judge, me stole and sold only the diamonds in that wimmens necklace.You not fair in judging me thief when the wimman still has necklace.It was only the stones - the diamonds, man!"

Besides, me did'nt assert Khan sold the bomb.:flag:

See..the Chap himself was far from perfecting the device.Forget selling it to others in good or bad faith.

The Libyans though were very anxious to get the bomb from India when Desai was PM.

Btw India's also used AQ Khan's network. ;)

With a Pu based programme I fail to see what use we would have had with the Khan network.Show me the stuff.
Just a reminder, After India's Nuclear Test in 1974 Libya was the biggest supporter of Pakistan's Nuclear programme. Pakistan recieved alot of support during those days.
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