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Libya to get T 90 Tanks and S-400 Air defence System

Super Falcon

Jul 3, 2008
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United Arab Emirates
Russia is negotiating with Libya for the supply of T-90s Tank And modernization of the Libyan army armed T - 72

It is not clear how many TV - 90s tanks in the matter, and how many Tank T-72 will be upgraded in the next decade. Libya plans to develop 145 tanks T-72 and buy a few dozen T-90s.

T-90s tanks are manufactured by rossiykoy nitrogen and Uralvagonzavod. T-90C retains the classic configuration schemes, in which the main armament is arranged within the rotating tower, engine and transmission - in the back of the ship's hull and its crew - separately: the commander of the tank and artillery - in a room fighting, and the driver - in the Department of Management.

Tanks T-90s is characterized by the following:

* The maximum to fight in extreme cases;
* Exceptional reliability for all components and units, mechanisms and systems;
Of movement and the ability to maneuver excellent regardless of any weather conditions and roads, including the conditions of high dust and high mountains;
</ span> * The minimum cost of preparing highly qualified specialists.

In addition, Libya expressed interest in buying Russian air defense systems, in particular, S and S-400 triumph 300PMU2 "Favorites", and attack helicopters: Ka-52 "Alligator" and submarines, Mi-17 project and 636 speed </ span> yachts such as missiles, " Lightning ", multiple-launch rocket systems" Grad ", and other weapons.

According to experts, Libya may be in the coming years in Russia to buy weapons and military equipment worth about 2,2 billion dollars
Scheduled to be held Deal Arms New Between Algeria and Russia during the upcoming visit of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, on 17/18 February to Russia.
According to feedbacks will be contracted on the number of additional Su-30 aircraft and helicopters Mi -28, and navy frigates of the type Gorshkov 22350
However, the most important in this deal is the new aircraft from Sukhoi designed specifically for Algeria and approved under the name SU-30MKR for electronic warfare, radar-equipped ERBIS.
Projet 22350 DIMENSIONS Longueur 132 m Largeur 16 m Tirant d'eau n.c. MASSES d&#233;placement 4 500 t PERFORMANCES vitesse maxi n.c. distance franchissable n.c. autonomie n.c. MOTORISATION type n.c. puissance n.c. ARMEMENTS surface surface 8 SS-N-26 surface air 1 CADS-N-1 Kashtan torpilles SS-N-29 Medvedka canons 1 canon A192 de 130mm h&#233;licopt&#232;re plateforme pour 1 Ka-27 ou Ka-32
Is also scheduled to visit to discuss problems related to defects MiG-29 smt aircraft that have been suspended in the supply of Algeria Deal March 2006 the former
The schedule also includes the coordination of positions on the Obeb gas and standardization efforts in this regard

Source: Arab Forum for defense and armaments

Algeria too going for russian sophisticated harware
Besides Deal Great for the acquisition of 24 F-16 Block, 52 Khevcmasp U.S. defense request that Morocco is a set of special equipment Bhzhaltairat saluting the offer to purchase 40-point suspension type of weapon, LAU-129A and 20 _ Saruchjo land from thermal imaging of the type of Maverick-AGM-65d, as well as 4 of Soarechtdreb tal Maverick AGM-65H and Morocco's request as well as the purchase of 20 air missile _ Ordmugep thermal imaging of the type IIR Maverick AGM-65H. this topic requests That Khevcanha a document of the U.S. Department of Defense also includes the purchase of 60 crew of the GBU-12 bombs against Palizr and 28 Vulcan cannon for the F-16s of the type M-61 Menaiar 20 mm and 28 land mobile radio wave of a single type AN/ARC-238 Ndhamtiran with simulator training and 40 point of suspension-type missiles LAU-118A with 6 Hoyattahedev type Sneiber AN/AAQ-33 and 16 containers of the type of offensive maneuvers ACMI and 30 radar warning device of the type AN/ALR-93 freshness and 30 night-vision-type AN-AVS-9 . The Raytheon Company said that the U.S. armed forces Alpjawip of Morocco, had selected the company to provide aircraft, F-16s Block 52 aces of the war system and electronic system is the most advanced Haddalan in this area, because it meets the self-protection for aircraft, both major Fimaitalq Balradarat hostile or misleading with regard to missiles and jamming Allehau already Hawker Byish Kraft Company of America announced this year a deal to Tsoideslah Moroccan airline with 24 aircraft Byish Craft Training T-6 C-size and the contract is approximately U.S. $ 185.3 million and this contract is the first Mbietalcrkp issuance of new aircraft (T-6) training and Jim was Maslosekeriis Department of International Trade and American company (Hawker) Blagsahafi clarified that the contract will include services such as transport service aircraft and scanning Altveselellmouka company will also provide the Royal Air Force under the contract Achtbaro support equipment as well as documents and technical publications and training program for crew Alyalmaadat several programs and other logistical support. During this year also informed the agency of defense cooperation and security of America the U.S. Senate from Imkanipakd selling military equipment to Morocco Deal 3 is a model helicopters Sioch -47 shower Chinook (ch-47dchinook) with spare parts and equipment and support needed Allogistealve an estimated value of U.S. $ 134 million. During the year 2009 always the U.S. government approved a deal to sell missiles to Morocco Abrcherkp Ryten it comes to style and developer of missiles Mananua air medium-range AIM-120-C7 Ditto for the U.S. Defense Department notified Congress that Onamor interested in buying 26 trailer m198 artillery shells and 155 mm 280.000 Talegpzjerp variety at a cost of up to $ 31 million. Spanish market is Oidhamsdr for the acquisition of weapons and military equipment to Morocco. Saluting acquired Morocco Mnjarth Spain 1200 chariot and try to 800 trucks of military Mokhtlvalone addition to 50 tanks of the type used (for y Leobardo). And it remains Manalzbina Morocco's traditional industries, the U.S. arms and French. However, he Atjhmwjara to other European markets such as Belgium and England and Spain as well Ilyanaftaha on Asian markets such as India, China, Russia Source: Newspaper
Life No. 83 Date 10-16 December 2009

Morroco is stilll hungry for weapons
Published by the Russian news agency Itar-Tass on 22/5/2008, news confirms that the Russian Air Force Commander Alexander Zelin team, discussed with his counterpart Syria Lt. Gen. Ahmed salary in Moscow, the issues of cooperation between the Air Force and air defense in the two countries.

And paper disclosed that the deal was signed in large weapons include Rockets To-ground missiles and Iskander Iskander Submarine Alia -1650 Amur-1650 submarines, and as part of a deal that included combat aircraft and modern systems of air defense.

Curiously enough, after less than a month to visit the Air Force commander Syria To Moscow, RIA Novosti announced that it had been settlement of the last Syrian debt to Russia, $ 3.6 billion, paving the way The arms deals New
Russia's Kommersant newspaper earlier wrote that Moscow and Damascus had agreed on deliveries of ............ Iskander tactical missile systems, Yak-130 aircraft, and two Amur-1650 submarines
The Administration agreed with the U.S. embargo on 20 aircraft, "F - 16" To Egypt Generation of advanced U.S. fighter aircraft produced by Lockheed Martin, military sources said in Washington that the delivery of these aircraft could start in two years, and the completion of the whole number will be delivered by 2016.
As the U.S. administration also agreed to supply four types of equipment and weapons to Egypt, a missile, "Hellfire" anti-tank missiles worth $ 51 million, boats freely about one billion dollars, and missiles, "Harpoon" about $ 145 million, and motors for the development of aircraft, "F - 16" in the possession of the Egyptian armed forces, amounting to approximately $ 750 million.
Must Approval Congress on the deal that brought him the U.S. administration in October, October, and if no response or an objection within 30 days from the date of signing the deal in the rule is approved
Saudi Arabia will buy 150 Russia helicopter attack and transport the value of $ 2.2 billion , And analysts saw in this deal Russia an important breakthrough in the Gulf arms market, and a step Saudi Arabia to gain support in its confrontation with a nuclear Iran, as well as other strategic Affairs

Under the contract, Russia will deliver helicopters for transport of ever mounted g Mi-8 And Mi-17 Helicopters and assault rifles Mi-35 , With spare parts, arms and services belonging to

He declined Mswlon of the Agency for Russian arms exports Rosoboronexport Confirm the report or comment
hat the spokesman for Oboronprom It is one of the work of an agency Rosoboronexport , Interested in Russian helicopters industry, the signing of the " A letter of intent "Between Russia and Saudi Arabia," This transaction, if Tokdia, a strike against the French proposal for the sale of multi-role helicopters from the company "Eurocopter Eurocopter , "Said a Gulf analyst, said the deal represents a significant political event in the Gulf region with the entry of the Russians on the line of the arms market, and got the deal after two visits by the Russian President" Vladimir Putin "To the Gulf region, where he held talks with Saudi king" King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz "The senior officials of Saudi Arabia on the defensive potential sales to a country accustomed to Western defense market

Russian Mi-17 helicopter

Saudi Arabia is also considering an offer Russia a value of "billion dollars" to buy 150 Russia tank-type " T-90 ", And an unspecified number of armored transport vehicles

Analysts believe that the Russians have a window of opportunity in the region and the Saudi option with strategic implications is the willingness of the Saudis to adjust the position of Russia is not hostile to Iran and to join the Western countries in the development of further pressure and sanctions on Iran to halt its nuclear enrichment program

He accused the Americans of both Russia and China may block dot to make decisions deterrent against Iran in the UN Security Council, and Ocder " Ruslan Yakov "From the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies Russian Federation, that the deal represents an achievement of a revolutionary, because Saudi Arabia is one of among the most Buy Weapons

Russian tank T-90

It was believed that Saudi Arabia has tended to choose the helicopters of the company " Eurocopter "And perhaps also from a company" Sikorsky "However, the value of the deal with the Russians $ 2.2 billion Mmnaza are put forward for the Saudis and Russians alike, and may be aimed at Saudis behind Russia's offer to put pressure on Western companies to reduce their prices, that the Russians may demand more than $ 2.2 billion To change the political attitude

Known Russian helicopter Mi-35 NATO B Hind-E Is assigned to combat duty, assault and medical evacuation, as you know Russian helicopter Mi-17 NATO in the name of Hip-H

The deal comes after France lost several deals with Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Singapore, French Officials played down the importance of the matter, and expressed optimism about the future, and the reasons for the failure of France, the delays that have occurred in the production of Raft NH-90 And its price is high relative Bataiwavat Russian, although he believed that the lowest maintenance costs

Raft French NH-90

France hopes to sign contracts with Saudi Arabia in the areas of satellite, information and marine systems, as it is about negotiating on the major contract for border surveillance

The Mswlon Frenchmen and led by President "Sarkozy" several successful visits to Saudi Arabia in recent

France has abandoned the sale of Saudi fighter "Rafale Rafale "In return Saudi Arabia bought three planes of the type of tank Airbus Instead of two, as the French looking to sell the aircraft to search and rescue helicopter " Cougar Cougar "The Raft Light" Fennce "Training, as well as 10 Floats freely from the model NH-90 Frigate " 2 masts "In the long term, France hopes to sell 4 attack submarines of the type" Skurbini Scorpene", And 4 Multi-mission frigates of the type " Frame FREMM "They did not wish spokeswoman Eurocopter Comment on the news of the Russian deal
After the purchase of eight Aircraft MIG -31 Syria buys Aircraft Modern-type mig-29m2, which sources say it is similar to the aircraft MiG -35 In addition, it will develop an additional 20 MiG-29s at their disposal to the category of smt and also will buy 75 aircraft from the Yak -130 (Yak-130
Join Morocco To List Issued by the Research Service of the U.S. Congress, which includes the ten largest customers Weapons U.S. During the last three years.
The Research Service of the U.S. Congress in a new report Morocco Ranked tenth in the List States that have purchased American weapons from 2005 to 2008 the value of deals worth $ 2.5 billion, to enter the list of CUSTOMER Ten To the USA after being absent from 2001 to 2004.
The Morocco Signed last year an agreement with the U.S. Air Force on a deal to provide Royal Moroccan Air Force techniques Db-110 special night vision helicopters and a rollback "Block 52", in addition to 24 fighter jets from the "F-16" systems with multiple attack.
And provide modern air systems acquired Morocco , Fighter aircraft pilots to capture images at night using technology and sound Iketrobesrip be analyzed immediately, the system used by the British Royal Air Force and naval defense of Japan, which represents the latest technology in the air war.
And Saudi Arabia is the same report as the largest buyer Weapons U.S. During the period from 2005 to 2008 and concluded deals worth $ 11.2 billion, followed by United Arab Emirates worth ten billion dollars.
These amounts reflect the value of "defense equipment and defense services," the U.S. sold from January 2005 to December 31, 2008 as part of Foreign Military Sales Program, which covers transactions entered into by the U.S. government with other governments.
The report, "U.S. arms sales", published recently that Australia was third, a list of Research Service for Congress as purchased equipment valued at $ 6.4 billion and Egypt, which bought $ 5.2 billion, followed by Pakistan, which bought $ 4.5 billion and then Iraq worth $ 3.5 billion.
The report added that the rest of the top ten countries during that period, namely South Korea, $ 3.1 billion and Japan with three billion dollars, Israel $ 2.7 billion, Morocco $ 2.5 billion.

The report was based on data compiled by the Defense Security Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of Defense (Pentagon) and the sponsors of such transactions.
The report, which was announced during the summit Reuters aviation and defense that during any previous period since 2001 until 2004, Egypt is the largest buyer of $ 5.2 billion and Saudi Arabia $ 4.1 billion and four billion dollars in Poland and Israel $ 3.2 billion and South Korea $ 2.9 billion.
He was among the top ten buyers also Japan $ 2.1 billion, Britain $ 1.9 billion and Kuwait $ 1.7 billion and Greece $ 1.4 billion and Italy $ 1.2 billion during the period from 2001 to 2004.
The report prepared by Richard Grimmett, an expert full-time service arms trade research that in 2008 alone, the Emirates was the largest buyer of United States with total arms sales of $ 8.9 billion. Comes in second place in Saudi Arabia $ 7.8 billion, and Morocco $ 2.4 billion and two billion dollars Iraq and Egypt $ 1.3 billion.
The report showed that among the list also includes last year's $ 1.3 billion in Taiwan and South Korea $ 1.2 billion, India and Israel billion dollars billion dollars, and Canada $ 820 million.

Source: Arab Forum for defense and armaments
Newspaper "Maariv" Israel that Egypt is planning to buy missiles Russia Advanced
Type "S 400" capable of shooting down ballistic missiles and fire at aircraft
"F-35" of America, which Israel wants to obtain from the U.S.
And almost
Israel and the United States to end the deal for the purchase of aircraft "F-35" after
Had reached the Israeli Ministries of Defense and the U.S. on the understandings on several
Demands for the introduction of some of the techniques by the Israeli.
The newspaper said that in the
The light of that Egypt attaches great importance these days having a missile system Russia Of the model "as
400 "capable of infecting new Israeli aircraft.
The missile
"Ace -400 Unable to locate and destroy targets from a distance of 400 km Peregrine
And cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, including a range of up to 3,500 km with
Speed of 3 miles per second, as well as being able to detect aircraft phantom. And the system is
S -400 more sophisticated air defense systems to date
According to a report
"Maariv" newspaper of Germany - did not mention its name - the system "as 400" is capable of
Down ballistic missiles fired from Iran, which exist between them and Egypt
The paper quoted Israeli security sources as saying, that the development of
Tehran's ballistic missiles is a matter of interest in European countries and their counterparts in the Middle
East, which feared a confrontation with Tehran.
It added, quoting reports
Foreign media, that the Iranians intend to implement during the coming period experience
The ballistic missile IBM 25 produced by North Korea, which
Can reach targets in the extent of 3,000 km, adding that the estimated
That if successful it was announced that the Iranian missile ready for action.
"Maariv" newspaper reported, quoting German, said there was concern in Egypt, which
Being in Tehran, and the security establishment in Egypt, interested in Russian air defense
Production of type "S-300" and "Ace 400" capable of shooting down ballistic missiles.
Development System "as -400" in the late nineties and was officially proclaimed by the forces
Russian Air Force in January 1999, and preliminary tests were conducted at the Kapustin Yar
Successfully in the city of Astrakhan in the February 12, 1999.
He was subsequently scheduling system
To be published in 2001 to serve in the Russian army, however, in the same year and faced
Project some of the obstacles of the unknown led to delay deployment of the system, and in 2003
It became clear that the system is ready for deployment and the entry of the service, except that two major
Russian military officers expressed their concern that the system "as 400" was tested
Use of techniques interceptor old-fashioned "S-300 B" and that he is not ready
Production at the present time.
In February 2004, announced the completion of the project
In April the same year, was successfully intercept a ballistic missile by missile
(Financial Times): stick and carrot, Washington and Moscow to Saudi Arabia .. A weakening of Iran
RIYADH Seek For the purchase of System LS 400 Advanced

London - UPI - the Financial Times reported yesterday that Saudi Arabia Seek Currently seeking a pledge from Moscow not to deliver a shipment sophisticated surface to air missiles to Iran, the largest exchange for a deal negotiated by the RIYADH For the purchase of Russia's weapons developed.
The newspaper quoted diplomatic sources familiar with the negotiations between the RIYADH And Moscow that the value of the Saudi deal, proposed up to two billion dollars, and can be up to seven billion dollars, including a system is the most advanced of its kind in air defense systems, a Russian S-400 missiles, which simulates the U.S. missile defense system (Patriot).
The newspaper added that Russia is under pressure from the United States and a number of countries in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia and Israel, not to offer to sell Iran the previous generation of the missile defense system (S-300) as part of a deal announced by Tehran in 2007, when the president visited the U.S. Barack Obama Moscow last July, sought to obtain assurances from Russian officials not to complete the deal.
She pointed out that Iran's possession of the Russian regime, which was estimated to be worth between 750 million to one billion dollars, give them an advanced air defense capability and a strong deterrent against any attack aimed at destroying its nuclear facilities, which Western governments believe that Tehran is using to produce a nuclear bomb.
And attributed to Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technology in Moscow, a specialist in the arms industry as saying &#171;the Saudi deal, with Russia an incentive to kill the deal, Iran, and U.S. pressure on Moscow, which is the stick, and the purchase of weapons of Saudi Arabia which is the huge carrot, not to recognize the missile defense system to Tehran &#187;.
Pukhov said &#171;We all know that the Saudis are buying arms bribes of major powers for support, but in the case of Russia abstained from the sale of a missile defense system to Iran, it could hurt its reputation in the world arms markets&#187;.
The Financial Times that Western observers in Saudi Arabia confirmed that &#171;Iran is among the strategic reasons behind the quest Saudi Arabia For the purchase of Missile defense system, Russian S-400, because it will make progress on Iran and Syria, which seek For the purchase of The previous generation of the system S-300 &#187;.
The newspaper quoted a Western observer as saying &#171;that the S-400 would give the Saudis the opportunity to tilt the balance of strategic defense to their advantage .. The conclusion of this deal with Russia would RIYADH Send a letter to Western arms companies that have alternative sources &#187;.
seems like everyone in middleeast interested in buying S 400 latest sam system everyone to counnter air threats from israel
After more than ten years in the offing, the Royal Saudi Air Force have received the first of their 72 Eurofighter Typhoons that are on order. John Higgins was at BAe Warton to report on the handover ceremony and delivery for GAR. In September 2007 after nearly a decade of negotiations, it was announced that BAE Systems had a signed agreement for the purchase of 72 Eurofighter Typhoon jets from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, initially thought to be worth in the region of &#163; 4.43bn. The agreement, dubbed the "Al-Salam Project" (Arabic for peace) follows plans first outlined in 2005 to establish a partnership between the Saudi and British governments to modernise the Royal Saudi Armed Forces. The contract for 72 Eurofighter Typhoons fighter jets represents one of the largest military export contracts ever won by a British company with add-ons of weapons, supplies and maintenance contracts expected to push the true figure of the contract to nearer the &#163; 20bn mark over the next 20 years. The Serious Fraud Office's (SFO) investigation into the "Al-Salam" deal resulted in the Saudi government threatening to walk away from the Typhoon deal and opt to buy the Rafale from the French instead. In Dec 2006 the SFO investigation was dropped after pressure from the British government, citing concerns over National Security and the negative impact on relations between the two countries. After a few months of negotiations between the Saudi and British governments the Al-Salam deal was finally signed in September 2007. The roll out ceremony represents another significant stage in the progress of the Al-Salaam Project. To meet the Saudi delivery timescales, the first 24 aircraft that are being assembled, flight tested and delivered from BAe's Warton plant in the UK are being taken from the latest block 8 standard (Tranche 2) production series of aircraft originally destined for the Royal Air Force. The project continues to gather momentum with flight tests being an almost daily occurrence. On the sweltering hot morning of Tuesday 23rd June 2009 the first two Eurofighter Typhoons departed the BAe Systems Warton airfield near Preston in Lancashire on delivery to RSAF's No. 10 Squadron, based at Taif AB, who will be the first RSAF unit to operate the Typhoon.

Rumours continue that the Saudi government may purchase further Typhoon jets as they continue to modernise their Air Force, with an additional order for 24 jets (which it is thought could be increased to 60 aircraft) expected in the future. The Saudis are also said to be in to buy F 16
Supplied the Iraqi armed forces more Vehicles Armored Light Iraqi ILAV Making BAE Systems (BAE Systems) .
Has been given the leadership of tanks and vehicles in the U.S. Army
(TACOM) Company BAE Systems A contract worth $ 59 million to produce 109 light armored vehicles ILAV Of the second generation for the benefit of the Iraqi armed forces, in addition to 10 sets of equipment roller mine Mine Roller Kits.
The company will build these Vehicles Updated from the second generation to be delivered to the Ministries of Defense and Interior. Will be the first delivery in March / May 2010, and ends with delivery in October 2010.
Built vehicle ILAV Four-wheel vehicle according to the design Cougar , The theorem in the field, which contains the body in the form of V To convert the force of the blast away from passengers. Has received the U.S. Armed Forces vehicles are also ILAV Training as compounds are also used by the Yemeni armed forces.
Second-generation vehicle ILAV Improved and enhanced version of the original vehicle that Iraq obtained by contract unspecified amount and time of delivery in 2006.
Mark Scenioreli Vice President and General Manager of the Department of Vehicles New regulations in amphibian company BAE Systems Says in this regard: "These vehicles are able to withstand, and enjoy dynamic and lightness of movement and maneuver, and will help to transfer of functions from U.S. forces to Iraqi forces, and promote the U.S. effort to support Iraqi military forces. We are happy to provide such Vehicles Which have been designed specifically to meet the needs of the Iraqi military forces. "
BAE Systems is , Pferaha the U.S., the first contractor in charge of this decade, assisted by American companies Force Protection And Spartan Chassis . It will manufacture and production of vehicles ILAV Three different patterns, any vehicle ILAV Basic recruited as a vehicle, and the other has the arm to examine the assets on the road and evacuated, and a third form for the disposal of improvised explosive devices. It should be noted that BAE Systems May have delivered 607 vehicles ILAV To date.
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