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LHC lifts ban on FB


May 12, 2009
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As May 31 was the date given for the duration of ban on Facebook by the LHC and called another hearing on that date, in today's hearing the LHC has ordered the PTA through the MoIT to lift the ban on Facebook with immediate effect.

The courtroom witnessed quite a big scene though. JI, HT and other Islamist activists created a lot of hue and cry (proceedings were disturbed reportedly) and they protested outside the court premises as well. They most definitely are welcome to do so but not inside the court where decorum has to be maintained.

LHC had acted as a court of morality and public opinion rather than a court of law when it initially gave the judgment. Even though the ban has been lifted, a couple of activists are preparing a petition to challenge the legality of the initial ban to negate the wrong precedent the LHC set and the consequences it can have on state censorship.
Chalo Shukr hai - Everything back to normal once again
^^^^Sahi khabar hai kia link bandey sey ziada sacha hota hai.....link par aitbaar hai bndey par nahi??
LHC lifts ban on Facebook

LAHORE: The Lahore High Court (LHC) lifted the ban on social networking website Facebook on Monday.

During today’s proceedings, the court demanded gaurantees that blasphemous content will not be accessible to users in Pakistan. The court observed that the act would be treated as contempt of court if it is repeated again.

Meanwhile, deputy attorney general and PTA representative assured the court it would not happen again.

The court also outlined the government’s responsibility in such cases.

The Lahore High Court banned Facebook on May 19 for hosting a blasphemous drawing contest and asked PTA to submit a written reply.

Menwhile, the next hearing was adjourned till June 15.

The popular social networking website was banned by the Lahore High Court after a controversy over it hosting blasphemous caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Muslims across the world were offended by a Facebook page which declared May 20 a day to caricature Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Despite a growing surge of protests by Muslims, Facebook had opted not to remove the page.

The court had temporarily banned the social networking site Facebook till May 31 across the country. It had issued the order after an Islamic forum of lawyers sought ban on access to the popular social networking site for holding a contest of drawing caricatures on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The controversial page by the name “Draw Muhammad Day” had been created by a Facebook user in response to American cartoonist, Molly Noris’s protest to the decision of US television channel, Comedy Central to to cancel an episode of the popular show “South Park” over its depiction of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

Noris had however disavowed having declared May 20 “Draw Muhammad Day” and had condemned the effort and issued an apology. The page was subsequently removed by the creator.
The ban was nationwide. LHC has jurisdiction only in Punjab (I guess). Who order the nationwide ban?
The ban was nationwide. LHC has jurisdiction only in Punjab (I guess). Who order the nationwide ban?

LHC's appellate jurisdiction is in Punjab but can send orders to the Federal Government (how else would the Federal Ministries repond to petitions). In this case, the legality was murky as the court had gone beyond the letter and spirit of the law. The final authority lay with a Federal body, the PTA.
I thought HT (assuming its Hizb-ut-Tahrir) is banned in Pakistan, is that not the case? then how can they be protesting under its banner?
Now that pakistan govt. has lifted the ban on facebook, what will happen to the clone facebook ( Muslim facebook / Millat Facebook)
Heard about the ban being lifted! I guess millions of Pakistani's will be back online again although I do have friends who managed to log onto FB during the ban was in place! :lol: So much for the ban! :P
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