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LCA Tejas Sports Python & Derby


Oct 4, 2012
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LCA Tejas Sports Python & Derby



India's LCA Tejas twin-seat trainer mock-up on display at Aero India 2013 for the first time shows it alongside a Rafael Python-5 IR short-range air-to-air missile and a Rafael Derby BVRAAM. The latter is a stopgap in the event that the Astra isn't delivered on time, and also for testing requirements. Also on the mockup are the R-73 and the Astra.

Journalist Tamir Eshel over at Defense Update reports, "Assuming the Astra missile currently developed for the aircraft not meet the full flight envelope performance goals, the IAF and Indian Naval Aviation are integrating the Derby and Python 5 missiles on the aircraft, along with Russian R73 that was slated for the aircraft from the beginning, to meet the required full-operational capabilities level for the fighter. These weapons will be needed primarily to meet the Indian Navy requirement for carrier air defense, as the LCA will begin to replace the Sea Harriers that currently carry those missions with these weapons."

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I rate Derby better than ARMRAAM series @sancho @Oscar @gambit

Depends on the type.. which AMRAAM Variant??
For eg.. when it comes to range.. Derby is thoroughly outclassed by the Amraam-C in terms of range and Pk figures are probably similar for both at their engagement envelopes.

However, where the Derby leaves the AMRAAM behind is in its LOAL capability that allows it to be used in dogfights with greater effectiveness. Lets be clear, the AMRAAM can ALSO be used in dogfights similar to the usage of an AIM-9L and its maneuverability is almost similar to the tiny sidewinder. But the minimum range for deploying the AMRAAM-A was 2km...
Yet if you read accounts of AMRAAM deployment in red flag exercises there have been AMRAAM shots as close as 800m being taken so it seems that has been improved as well.

In my view..
as a bvr weapon --> AMRAAM.
as a flexible system --> Derby
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Good to see LCA will be using different options from Russia & Israel.

How ever WE NEED ASTRA to be a big SUCCESS because foreign munitions /BVRs are so dam expensive esp meteore

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