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LCA Competes With India's Current and Future Foreign-Made Aircraft


Aug 27, 2013
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India’s indigenously-developed Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas is capable of competing with the Indian Air Force’s current and future fighter aircraft, according to the Director General of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), Avinash Chander.

The ‘4plus generation’ LCA designated as ‘Tejas’, is set to be inducted into the Air Force next month after achieving its first Initial Operational Clearance (IOC) later this month. It has undergone 2,400 sorties and weapons firing as well as many other tests to meet the requirements of the IAF.

In an exclusive interview with Defenseworld.net, Avinash Chander who is also the Scientific Advisor to the India Defense Minister said, though the aircraft took two decades to reach IOC stage, “At the end of it, we’ve got an aircraft that is competing in capabilities with the best that we have and what we plan to acquire in the future.

That is our indigenous strength. As we design and develop, we continuously keep on upgrading and modernizing even if there are delays”.

According to Chander, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), which will manufacture the aircraft in batches, will roll out the first aircraft during the first half of 2014.

He also explained that the first steps in moving forward with the LCA program are starting production, the training process and induction plans that are yet to be activated.

With its Final Operation Clearance tests coming up, the Tejas will have to undergo mid-air refueling and weapons trials which “are more related to the operations rather than the performance.”

The DRDO is simultaneously pursuing the upgraded Mark II version of the aircraft as well as the naval version which will be inducted for use on aircraft carriers like the INS Vikramaditya. “The LCA has a well-defined program ahead. The DRDO is working on the next generation advanced medium combat aircraft (AMCA) and that it will be the next logical follow up to the LCA.”, he added.

Tejas was first sanctioned in 1993 at the cost of $90 million, due to various delays and cost over runs the LCA eventually cost India some $4 billion in development.

“Now 20 years down the line, we’ve got a 4+ generation aircraft. I consider it to be a good timeframe for a country which has not built an aircraft for the last 40-odd years,” Chander added.
I look forward to MK2. MK2 is going to be a real lethal plane. We have to build it as capable as Gripen NG or even more. It will be highly agile and will pull 9 G with over 26* AOA and carry over 5.5 tons of load. It will weigh less than 6 tons.
...getting the thing 'moving' is the most difficult part...once the thnigs get moving, momentum builds up, things start moving to their place and .Mk2 shall appear from no where , in no time...
aka starting the stationery bicycle..
Good Luck to Tejas.
thing is LCA is still the lightest,smallest & reasonabally good fighter in its class and for the role its been concieved @ point air defence & limited CAS

cause in agressive & SEAD, DEAD or interseceptor roles it will have to live in shadows of big boys like M2K , Mig 29 , Su 30 MKI/super Sukoi , Rafale & FGFA

its like last line of air defence for Indian air space

its cheap , it has very small RCS and will have a very potent ASEA and BVRs to complement it

4 billion $s for development & 35 million $s per plane is not at all bad deal

good Job DRDO, HAL & NAL:toast_sign:
The aircrafts that LCA can be compared with are TAI F/A-50, JF-17 and the SAAB Gripen. And I think the SAAB wins hands Down.

Thanks for giving a LCA comparison instead of comparing with a LCA MKII wish list.
The aircrafts that LCA can be compared with are TAI F/A-50, JF-17 and the SAAB Gripen. And I think the SAAB wins hands Down.

Of course Saab GRIPEN will win it is made by a great company with yrs. of history of making fighter planes ;Tejas is just our 2nd attempt after Hal Marut and it will improve much after the program goes on but what is more important is the knowledge and technical know-how it brings to us because before tejas it was all TOT and not much was being learned by that

Hal and DRDO have learnt a lot from it and who knows. maybe they might make a world beater in AMCA
I look forward to MK2. MK2 is going to be a real lethal plane. We have to build it as capable as Gripen NG or even more.

We already know that that is not possible, because of the limited changes to the hardpoint layout. The Gripen NG has removed the gears to another position, which opened more space for centerline hardpoints. That gives it far more weapon carrying capability, than LCA MK2 can have, by sticking to the same 7 weaponstations that will already limit MK1s performance. Technically it will be similar to the NG, but performance wise will remain behind again.
4+ generation? I doubt it. Until it gets AESA, DSI, IRST like J-10B or JF-17 Block 2, it cannot be classed as 4+ gen.

LCA cockpit


J-10B / JF-17 Block 2 cockpit, which has wide angle holographic HUD

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4+ generation? I doubt it. Until it gets AESA, DSI, IRST like J-10B or JF-17 Block 2, it cannot be classed as 4+ gen.

LCA cockpit


J-10B / JF-17 Block 2 cockpit, which has wide angle holographic HUD

Not necessarily required. IRST is difficult to accommodate in such a small aircraft and DSI has it's flaws in high angles of attack as the intake starves the engine of air. A wide angle HUD is good but it is in works from the Samtel company. Might be seen in the later batches.
In LCA mk-1 only lack in the Avionics.

Today war is become more mordern and hence AESA, etc are required I think 360 degree coverage of the AESA like FGFA with multiple Radar and if possible DAS like F-35 would be better? what the say?


I think may we do not made 100% better but something more good.china not take time in making advance but keep concentration in building better. hope your idea wilkl reach to drdo.
We already know that that is not possible, because of the limited changes to the hardpoint layout. The Gripen NG has removed the gears to another position, which opened more space for centerline hardpoints. That gives it far more weapon carrying capability, than LCA MK2 can have, by sticking to the same 7 weaponstations that will already limit MK1s performance. Technically it will be similar to the NG, but performance wise will remain behind again.

Isn't the landing gear shifting planned in MK2?
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