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Lashkar-e-Toiba's new game plan to foment terror in India - hijack airplanes

Apr 19, 2012
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United Arab Emirates
Zee Media Bureau

Jammu: After carrying out deadly terror attacks in Punjab's Dinanagar and Udhampur, the Pakistan-based dreaded terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) is now planning to hijack airplanes in Jammu and Kashmir to secure the release of more than 20 arrested militants, a report said on Monday.
According to a report published in Mail Today, the Jammu and Kashmir government has tightened security of all vital installations across the state and stepped up vigil along the International Border in view of the latest intelligence inputs on the LeT.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has also reportedly directed the state government to beef up security in and around airports here. The report further said that around 20 dreaded Pakistan-trained militants have been arrested in Jammu and Kashmir recently, and many are still believed to be hiding in the dense forests and in remote areas.

As per the report, the Pakistan-based LeT commanders want their members languishing in the Indian jails to be freed at any cost and have thus ordered their suicide bombers to either hijack planes or launch major terror attacks in the Kashmir Valley.

These terrorists have been given clear orders from their handlers to target Army and police installations, and take civilians hostages so as to put more pressure on the government to release their jailed members.

Report also warned that the LeT suicide bombers may even sneak into Himachal Pradesh and Punjab in wake of the extremely tight security cover put in place by the central and government agencies in J&K.

J&K Deputy Chief Minister Nirmal Kumar Singh has, however, assured that the state government is fully prepared to deal with any threat from the Pakistan-based terrorists.

Although he stopped short of confirming the report on LeT's plans to hijack airplanes, Singh added that there are rumours regarding the same and all precautions are being taken.

Consequently, the security of Jammu, Srinagar and Leh airports have been beefed up.

Lashkar-e-Toiba's new game plan to foment terror in India - hijack airplanes | Zee News
hijack planes to where??? now nowhere on earth is safe heaven for terrorists...... we saw IC814 hijack to kandahar.... now Afghanistan post 9/11 isnt safe for LeT...

Dude, i figured what you'll do.... but that's the reality for the terrorists in J&K. No mercy
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India is in dire need of an issue against Pakistan but all efforts are going back towards its face slapping itself. Ever since China announced economic corridor, India is gone sleepless, peace less and sense less.
Well I say Indians are such a cry babies i say just lets cut the chase, they do it India we do it Pakistan. Tit for Tat. Pakistan have their set of problems for eg Baluchistan let get that state messed up
India is in dire need of an issue against Pakistan but all efforts are going back towards its face slapping itself. Ever since China announced economic corridor, India is gone sleepless, peace less and sense less.

Dude if that's what you think then your last sentance too perfectly fits for pakistan, on kashmir issue since 1947
It's TAYYEBA not "Toiba"

bloody hell their news and tv anchors cant even get that right :laugh:
I am sure pakistan will help in case of any hijack issue if LeT lands the plane in Pakistan airspace. Paksitan will have to do something not to bring bad name to it that openly.
So we can trust pakistan to provide information about any plans like these. After all Nawaz sharrif was saved once by inputs of RAW..
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