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Large parts of China relax coronavirus curbs, many places report zero new cases


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Large parts of China relax coronavirus curbs, many places report zero new cases

Thomson Reuters
February 24, 2020 12:15 am

BEIJING (Reuters) - Urged to restore economic activity by President Xi Jinping, large parts of China relaxed curbs on transport and movement of people on Monday as reported new cases of the coronavirus outside the worst-hit province fell to the lowest in a month.

Figures released by the national health authority on Monday showed 24 out of China's 31 provinces and regions - including Beijing, Shanghai and populous provinces such as Henan and Anhui - reported zero cases of new infections on Feb. 23, the best showing since it began publishing nationwide figures on Jan. 20.

There were just 11 new cases in six other provincial-level jurisdictions, while in Hubei province, the epicenter of the epidemic, the number of new cases fell to 398 from 630 a day earlier.

On Sunday, President Xi hailed the positive trend, and urged businesses to resume work and safeguard jobs. He also told low-risk provinces to restore economic activity and output, while high-risk regions focused on controlling the epidemic.

Yunnan, Guangdong, Shanxi and Guizhou on Monday lowered their coronavirus emergency response measures from the most serious level, joining the provinces of Gansu and Liaoning in relaxing restrictions on traffic and movement of people.

The coronavirus has infected nearly 77,000 people and killed more than 2,500 in China in one of the most serious public health crises in decades. The pathogen has also spread to other countries such as South Korea, Italy and Iran.

Whether or not China can defeat the epidemic is "a major test of (Communist) Party organizations, party members and cadres of all levels," Xi said, warning officials to avoid complacency.

Hubei remains virtually cut off from the outside world, although the provincial capital of Wuhan, ground zero of the outbreak, said on Monday it will allow people in good health to leave the city for essential reasons.

In the rest of China, factories, businesses and construction sites have already gradually restarted.

Large state-owned enterprises have been told to spearhead a recovery in industry while policymakers roll out measures to support struggling small and medium-sized companies.

China's gross domestic product may slow in the first quarter, possibly easing to 3% growth or even lower, from 6% in the previous quarter - which was already the weakest pace in nearly 30 years, economists estimated.

"The risk is that, with the emphasis on the economy and a differentiation of regions based on the number of new infection cases, the quality of new infection data reported by local governments could be compromised again," Nomura wrote in a research note.

"Cover-ups could lead to slack preventions..." it said.

Beijing, which has reported two straight days of zero new infections, is not letting down its guard.

People not wearing masks in public places will be warned, and office buildings must set upper limits on daily human traffic, municipal authorities said on Monday.

U.S. hypermarket chain Costco received a verbal warning from authorities in Shanghai after a large crowd flocked to its newly opened store in the city.

At a coffee shop on Friday in the central Futian financial district in Shenzhen, most tables were full, though staff were seen telling patrons to pull their masks back up between sips, and telling them not to dwell over their drinks too long.

"You should stay here for only 10 to 15 minutes, sorry," a customer was told.

Six Chinese Provinces Lower Coronavirus Emergency Response Level - Authorities

Mon 24th February 2020 | 08:50 AM

Six Chinese provinces have lowered their coronavirus emergency response measures from the highest level, local health authorities reported.

On January 24, China implemented the highest response level to public health emergency from a four-tier system across the country.

According to the statements, the provinces of Guangdong and Shanxi were lowered from the highest level I to level II. Meanwhile, the provinces of Liaoning, Guizhou, Yunnan and Gansu lowered their response levels to level III.

On Sunday, authorities in 21 regions of China reported that on February 22, not a single new case of infection with a new coronavirus was recorded on their territory.
China allows non-residents to leave Wuhan

Monday 24 February 2020 - 10:21am

- Chinese authorities are allowing non-residents to leave the quarantined city of Wuhan if they show no symptoms and never had contact with Coronavirus patients.


COVID-19 epicentre Wuhan revokes announcement about easing lockdown
I selfishly support an extended lockdown of Wuhan, I know that's a big scrifice the country is asking Wuhan to make, but it helps the country tremendously to wipe out this hideous virus, now the rest of China is seeing the light at the end of tunnel, let's not mess it up.

I think allowing non-residents to leave in a staggered approach and self-quarantine afterwards for 14 days isn't unreasonable.

But well, an extended lockdown of Wuhan is still safer for the rest of China and there's also nothing wrong with it. Probably an order from the central government.

My family's car is still not allowed to drive into Xi'an though.

I miss my pet dog, it has been in my apartment in Xi'an for almost a month and a half...
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If they actually seal Wuhan at early Jan the rest of the country will be better off. Two weeks has allowed many Wuhan people to leave and go to other parts of China.
If they actually seal Wuhan at early Jan the rest of the country will be better off. Two weeks has allowed many Wuhan people to leave and go to other parts of China.
It's easy to talk after the milk is spill. Nobody knows how contagious coronavirus is. Let's not talk about what shall be done earlier but instead focus on what it can be done for the future or coming days.
It's easy to talk after the milk is spill. Nobody knows how contagious coronavirus is. Let's not talk about what shall be done earlier but instead focus on what it can be done for the future or coming days.
It's common sense to seal everything up if there is an outbreak of SARs like virus in Wuhan, Xi Jinping would need to leave in 2022 or have his power reduce for committing such a blunder.
Applauding China's rapid reaction to this outbreak. Were it not for the quick, efficient responses and drastic measures the situation certainly would have been worse. Best of luck to other countries who are battling with the outbreak too.
5 new cases were confirmed ouside Hubei province in China yesterday, a new record low, 26 out of China's 31 provinces registered zero new cases. New deaths dropped to 52 from 150 two days ago.

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Ancient Chinese proverb.
In the most bitterness of winter, spring can't be far off.
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