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Ladakh stand-off: Chinese troops start withdrawing from Chumar

NEW DELHI: After a fortnight of incursions, Chinese troops on Friday started withdrawing from India's Chumar area in Ladakh following talks between the two armies.

The pullback by around 750 PLA troops began after the issue was resolved at the third flag meeting between the two sides, Army sources said here. After a meeting with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in New York, external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj announced that the two countries have resolved the stand-off at the Ladakh border and withdrawal of troops will on Friday and be completed by September 30.

Swaraj said that the two sides have also decided on a timeline for the withdrawal of troops.

As per the understanding between the two sides at a brigadier-level flag meeting, it is learnt that the Indian side agreed to dismantle its observation posts in the area while the Chinese agreed to stop the construction of a road there.

This exercise appeared to be a rerun of last year's Depsang Plains stand-off where the Chinese had demanded the dismantling of Indian positions in Chumar in return for withdrawing its troops from the Indian territory and succeeded in getting their demands accepted before leaving.

Ladakh stand-off: Chinese troops start withdrawing from Chumar - The Times of India

When Modi met Xi Jinping, Modi boasted about India's shupa-powa. Modi boasted the elephant will show the dragon its muscle. Modi boasted about how battle hardened Indian army is from insurgency in Kashmir and how they have better supply lines in Chumar. Xi Jinping almost laughed out loud but finally just politely smiled and nodded.

As soon as Xi Jinping returned, PLA pounced on Indian army with mechanized divisions. We beat them back at Demchok. We were ready to rain down rocket artillery fire and mop up with armored vehicles and helicopters.

Indians were lucky Xi Jinping said, "Let them live once they dismantle the Chumar observation post. We humiliated them enough. Now they know they are a lower nation compared to China. If they forget then we spank them again."

You communist tyrants are great man from days of Mao who had great victory through culutural revolution to your PLA outstanding victory in Tinamen Square PlA feat is great

One shot fired by this commie nation anywhere in asia all the economy will go to gas!!!!!!!

Americans wanted a communist slum for manufacturing and they found one

these jokers "communist-capitalist" :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: hypocrates

The communist fear this word
"screw you we're not paying"? :usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag::usflag:

then souper power is in bigger soup :rofl::rofl::rofl:

there is base misunderstanding about the debt
the usa did not go cap in hand to beg money
Treasury notes were issued and china said they are a great investment
if china didn't buy them someone else would
all Sovereign debt can not enforced
there isn't an issue with the debt and china, china cant exercise any influence over the usa because of it
they just happened to want the debt instruments more than anyone else

they sold you paper paper paper called dollar dollar dollar shit shit shit moron
You went and bought it you wanted dollar they did not beg for it
Its your funeral not theirs
they converted you into a environmental mess

you sold your resources they sold you shit paper paper paper dollar after dollar dollar after dollar

Source: Chinese army asks for flag meeting with Indian Army | Page 4
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The China is the stronk. PLA the stronkest of all. Hail eleven jingpin n stronk Chins
Defines perfectly Indians on PDF. :)
No.. That is defined by a Pakistani LOLing on an issue between India and China.

Indians on defence.pk is more like folks going to a circus to have fun
Oh Is it?

Than why PDF has Indian defense forum and south Asian affairs forum etc?

Even Bharat Ratsh!t forum and other bharati forums have seperate threads and forums related to Pakistan but at least I never went there. Anyways you guys are obsessed with Pakistan and this forum. You can't stop yourself. I understand.

No.. That is defined by a Pakistani LOLing on an issue between India and China.

That's what a bharati thinks because of poor comprehension and intellect skills.

Indians on defence.pk is more like folks going to a circus to have fun

More like clowns going to a circus to showcase their talent.
Even Bharat Ratsh!t forum and other bharati forums have seperate threads and forums related to Pakistan but at least I never went there. Anyways you guys are obsessed with Pakistan and this forum. You can't stop yourself. I understand.

You are a famous troll of PDF. We post here because this is an open forum having special space for India related discussion. If you do not want Indian to post here, tell Administrators to ban the forum for Indias.
Why chinese are not building the road in the area which they claimed to be their own?? What happened to the war cry of chinese president? :lol:
NEW DELHI: After a fortnight of incursions, Chinese troops on Friday started withdrawing from India's Chumar area in Ladakh following talks between the two armies.

The pullback by around 750 PLA troops began after the issue was resolved at the third flag meeting between the two sides, Army sources said here. After a meeting with her Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in New York, external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj announced that the two countries have resolved the stand-off at the Ladakh border and withdrawal of troops will on Friday and be completed by September 30.

Swaraj said that the two sides have also decided on a timeline for the withdrawal of troops.

As per the understanding between the two sides at a brigadier-level flag meeting, it is learnt that the Indian side agreed to dismantle its observation posts in the area while the Chinese agreed to stop the construction of a road there.

This exercise appeared to be a rerun of last year's Depsang Plains stand-off where the Chinese had demanded the dismantling of Indian positions in Chumar in return for withdrawing its troops from the Indian territory and succeeded in getting their demands accepted before leaving.

Ladakh stand-off: Chinese troops start withdrawing from Chumar - The Times of India

When Modi met Xi Jinping, Modi boasted about India's shupa-powa. Modi boasted the elephant will show the dragon its muscle. Modi boasted about how battle hardened Indian army is from insurgency in Kashmir and how they have better supply lines in Chumar. Xi Jinping almost laughed out loud but finally just politely smiled and nodded.

As soon as Xi Jinping returned, PLA pounced on Indian army with mechanized divisions. We beat them back at Demchok. We were ready to rain down rocket artillery fire and mop up with armored vehicles and helicopters.

Indians were lucky Xi Jinping said, "Let them live once they dismantle the Chumar observation post. We humiliated them enough. Now they know they are a lower nation compared to China. If they forget then we spank them again."
For some people like you (who just want to gain attention by writing some silly headings on P.D.F), god hasn't made a place on earth. So, please act like sensible humans and don't act like exo-terrestrial.
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