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Ladakh: No 'Deal' was Struck with China


Feb 21, 2013
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With the 20-day stand-off with China near the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh finally over after intense negotiations via diplomatic channels, government sources today said that China was told to be ready for the consequences and no deal was struck with it.

Sources say India put intense pressure on China and said "we are willing to let the relationship (between the two countries) sink."

The Chinese were told that New Delhi might cancel Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid's visit to Beijing beginning May 9. Mr Khurshid himself had said that he couldn't "predict with certainty" whether he would be travelling to Beijing for his scheduled visit. The visit of Chinese Premier Le Keqiang to New Delhi, slated for May 20, was also under threat.

"Am glad behind the scenes tough negotiations worked with China rather than public bluster," RPN Singh, Minister of State in the Home Ministry, tweeted this morning.

Yesterday, China and India simultaneously withdrew their troops from the face-off point at Daulat Beg Oldie to positions held prior to April 15, the "status quo" that India had pushed for and China had not agreed to in three previous flag meetings.

Sources said India's troop pullback only refers to the tents put up right opposite to the Chinese troops' post on April 15.

Meanwhile, China said that the issue at the border has been resolved with larger bilateral interests in mind.

The deadlock had begun on April 15 when Chinese troops set up camp 19 km inside Indian territory in the Depsang Valley near the LAC, the de facto border. Soon after, India set up its own post just 500 metres away.

No deal struck with China on border dispute, say Government sources | NDTV.com
i already had mentioned that.... Read my thread in which i explained everything. It was stupid move by china which made them humiliated front of world. India ones again did it. First made italy panic and now made china bow down. India not a tiny nation. Even a super power cant make a move on india. America did it best and now same america wants india to be partners (they got their wish now. Thanks to idiotic move by china).... india is stable power with alot influence around world. Italians learned it hard way when they admited taking on india would be costly and deadly.... Congratulation india you made them runaway without firing bullets at those chinese cheerleaders with sniffer puppy dogs with them....
There is no reason for chest thumping.

International diplomacy is a serious business and 95 % of what happens is not visible or heard of.

The bottom line is that peace & tranquility prevails again . Both nations must do what it takes to resolve issues. Maybe this becomes the catalyst to take things to the next level during the impending visits by Indian FM & Chinese PM.
very good news. we returned to status-quo without compromising our interests

Sources say India put intense pressure on China and said "we are willing to let the relationship (between the two countries) sink."

The Chinese were told that New Delhi might cancel Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid's visit to Beijing beginning May 9. Mr Khurshid himself had said that he couldn't "predict with certainty" whether he would be travelling to Beijing for his scheduled visit. The visit of Chinese Premier Le Keqiang to New Delhi, slated for May 20, was also under threat.

I believe GOI did something else too, to pressurize China, which isn't disclosed yet

And this is most important part of article>

Sources said India's troop pullback only refers to the tents put up right opposite to the Chinese troops' post on April 15.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian-defence/250579-ladakh-no-deal-struck-china.html#ixzz2SVzcspKp
Unconfirmed rumors.... one thing is certain..... this episode is not over yet ;)
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Follow my wall in facebook Galacticfederation33@gmail.com
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Another feather in the hat of Indian diplomacy.

Seriously, we are world beaters in atleast this one fraction of national prowess.

Nobody else can get the world's second largest military and economy to back down like a kicked dog, all without firing a single bullet.

Jai Hind!
Unconfirmed rumors.... one thing is certain..... this episode is not over yet ;)

And every BS you posted is confirmed from where ?? Your backside ???:woot:
Where is your so called armour ??? You keep it in your *** ???
Get a life troll and stop playing with your little armed division ;) if you know what I mean :rofl:
Unconfirmed rumors.... one thing is certain..... this episode is not over yet ;)
I always wondered how dumb can people get? You my friend, need to grow up. Your childishness is reflected in the responses you spew out at monotonously regular intervals. This, or is it a case of acute mental distress because of the straitjacket you guys have been forced to live in by your CCP? :cuckoo:
Do this type thread still alive?? So small thing bring so many threads, may be India and China frontier army only come together and play card

Tell that to your Armour war moron !!!
That idiot is posting it in every other thread. And MODs are enjoying that. So it will continue till next few days. ;)
Jus goes to show these were the actions of rougue military commanders and once civilian leadership in Beijing got their act together the issue was resolved quickly.

Both sides have been quiet on the resolution and this suggests they are trying to downplay whatever mistakes have been made on both sides. Both sides clearly want to put this issue behind them and move foreward in warming relations between them.
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