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Kuwait Times: Israel is not our enemy

-It's good ''currently'' the Zonists have no interest in destroying Al-Aqsa? Is this what you're saying? What about the future?
-Where do you intend to build the third temple?
-Good none taken and neither do Pakistanis of Zionists.
-We are no threat. Agreed! ZOP has a conscript army and the whole population in military in one way or another, it's a Military garrison state. Your leader Netanyahu spoke the truth and that is more correct in wanting to be a world power. That time is not far when you will show your military might and I do believe you are a superpower in waiting. There can be no other way for your coming Mashiakh!
-So when he comes what will become of the Muslims?

*as for the future, no one knows what it will bring, I'll be insane to claim I know the future, for all I know, al aqsa is safe.
* I don't intend to build a third temple, and I don't know any national plans to build one.
*as for a superpower, I believe Israel is too small to be a superpower, it can advance in certain fields and be modern sure, but not a superpower. I'm not a religious extremist who'd want a war against other nations either.
*if the mashiakh will come, u're welcome to ask him, I don't know his plans
Pakistanis are just being cautious of Jewish track record of transgressions and disobedience with Allah

This right here blows your "we don't hate Jews, we hate Zionists" BS out of the water.

Islam's actual issue is that it resents Jewish sovereignty.

-It's good ''currently'' the Zonists have no interest in destroying Al-Aqsa? Is this what you're saying? What about the future?

There is no "currently". It is what we believe. Period.

Islam habitually resorts to invention when facts do not justify hatred.

-Where do you intend to build the third temple?

As has been said, we don't. That is why Jews are not permitted on the Temple Mount. How can you build something on a spot you are forbidden to build on?

-We are no threat. Agreed! ZOP has a conscript army and the whole population in military in one way or another, it's a Military garrison state. Your leader Netanyahu spoke the truth and that is more correct in wanting to be a world power. That time is not far when you will show your military might and I do believe you are a superpower in waiting. There can be no other way for your coming Mashiakh!

we do.jpg

This is again one of the most alien aspects of Jewish culture to Muslims. Jews rejoice in victories not for destroying an opponent (part of the Jewish Seder is actually mourning the Egyptians who had to die so Israel could live) but for preserving life.

This is also why the Jewish people are invincible. Those who fight to preserve life will always prevail over those who fight to extinguish it (which was arguably the central theme of that clip I linked but sadly got no observations on from Muslims, was hoping to get their take on it).

-So when he comes what will become of the Muslims?

According to halakha, I will tell you EXACTLY what will happen to the Muslims when the Moshiach shows up:

- Those Muslims who lived according to the Noahide Law, continue to abide by it in the World To Come and recognize Allah as the same as the G-d who made and kept his promises to Israel will enjoy a perfect life with perfect justice and freedom from war, want and death - even those who fought the Jews honorably but later apologized and made peace with the Jews

- Those who did not (and also unrighteous Jews) will be denied a place in this world and shall be destroyed by G-d himself and not mankind

Does that sound like a good deal? A fair deal? Yes? No?
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This right here blows your "we don't hate Jews, we hate Zionists" BS out of the water.

Islam's actual issue is that it resents Jewish sovereignty.

Sir, I don't care what you think and what's in your twisted head. I mentioned the Jews of the past and compared them in context to the Zionists of today. The Jews of the past, their actions and deeds are with Allah and the matter is settled. We are talking about the people of today; Zionists. I don't need to go into who hates who, we both know the answer to that. The clue is it's not us.

Why shouldn't we be wary of the Zionists? Give Shalom to these people who at least try to follow the ''Torah''. True Torah Jews | Against Zionism

Islam habitually resorts to invention when facts do not justify hatred.

Again we look at the comment you posts about things being in place. I've already read about crates readied for the building of the ''third temple''. I think you know about them and I don't believe you need me to put up links. When we hear Zionist groups and the 4th blood moon that has happened and the shemitah years to create bogus events, we take note. Your fanatical Prime Minister Natanyahu was seen with a Rabbi who was telling him to work harder for the mashiach. So please don't preach to us who hates who.

As has been said, we don't. That is why Jews are not permitted on the Temple Mount. How can you build something on a spot you are forbidden to build on?

Sir are permitted in the lands that you occupy now as per Torah?

Does that sound like a good deal? A fair deal? Yes? No?

Interesting you're asking everyone who is a Non-Jew to convert or die. For your information Prophet Noah as'salaam laws don't apply to you, Christians and neither to us once the final messenger came Prophe Muhammed as'salthu was'salaam, all previous revelations and laws became superceded with new ones, Al-Quran the final testament.

Leaving the above aside, what do the rabbaniyeen say how to recognize the mashiach? Scriptures mention there will be imposters so how will you recognize him physically and otherwise?

I'm more interested in you educating me about the coming of the Mashiach. Yes, his coming is foretold. What do you know? Please reference some knowledgeable rabaniyoon!
Your fanatical Prime Minister Natanyahu was seen with a Rabbi who was telling him to work harder for the mashiach. So please don't preach to us who hates who.

Do you know what tikkun olam is? Yes or no.

I've already read about crates readied for the building of the ''third temple''.

Are you more worried about our crates of candlesticks and tapestries than about nuclear weapons?

Sir are permitted in the lands that you occupy now as per Torah?

Temple Mount =/= Israel

Jews believe the geopolitical state of Israel will be obsolete in the Messianic era. Actually, all states and nations will be obsolete in the Messianic era. "The lion shall lay down with the lamb". Is that bad?

This right here blows your "we don't hate Jews, we hate Zionists" BS out of the water.

Islam's actual issue is that it resents Jewish sovereignty.

The Jews of the past, their actions and deeds are with Allah and the matter is settled....

For your information Prophet Noah as'salaam laws don't apply to you, Christians and neither to us once the final messenger came Prophe Muhammed as'salthu was'salaam, all previous revelations and laws became superceded with new ones, Al-Quran the final testament.

Claim validated.

Leaving the above aside, what do the rabbaniyeen say how to recognize the mashiach? Scriptures mention there will be imposters so how will you recognize him physically and otherwise? I'm more interested in you educating me about the coming of the Mashiach. Yes, his coming is foretold. What do you know? Please reference some knowledgeable rabaniyoon!

He will complete his mission.
Kuwaiti news paper editor is drunk when our Holly book QURAN says jews can never be your friends than nothing above it anymore for us to follow
Kuwaiti news paper editor is drunk when our Holly book QURAN says jews can never be your friends than nothing above it anymore for us to follow
That verse says "Christians and Jews". Do you suggest to cut diplomatic relationships with all Christian countries?
Do you know what tikkun olam is? Yes or no.

Are you more worried about our crates of candlesticks and tapestries than about nuclear weapons?

Temple Mount =/= Israel

Jews believe the geopolitical state of Israel will be obsolete in the Messianic era. Actually, all states and nations will be obsolete in the Messianic era. "The lion shall lay down with the lamb". Is that bad?

Claim validated.

He will complete his mission.
My friend all the claims above are all true as per scriptures but actions of Israel totally against them. (It is similar to the fact that actions of Daesh are against Islamic scriptures).

Issue is not a common a practicing jew or a rabbai issue is Zionism,,, well to sum it up it all because of Protocols of Elders of Zion... Have a look at these documents they are totally to destroy the world,,, and look at the current and the world during which they were revealed... Today's world is working exactly in accordance with these documents ... So any sane man having above average intelligence can easily conclude that current world is a direct result of these documents which is full of oppression ...

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
well to sum it up it all because of Protocols of Elders of Zion.

So any sane man having above average intelligence...

...would recognize that the fact he cites a fraudulent document rejected by all Jews everywhere, yet isn't aware of the existence or meaning of a concept central to Judaism and taught to Jews everywhere - that is to say, he believes something obviously false yet is ignorant of something obviously true - would indicate he is ignorant and brainwashed by Islam.

My friend

I think we've established what's wrong with Islam and the Israeli-Arab/Muslim relationship right here.
...would recognize that the fact he cites a fraudulent document rejected by all Jews everywhere, yet isn't aware of the existence or meaning of a concept central to Judaism and taught to Jews everywhere - that is to say, he believes something obviously false yet is ignorant of something obviously true - would indicate he is ignorant and brainwashed by Islam.
Please refer to my earlier statement "Issue is not a common a practicing jew or a rabbai issue is Zionism"... We don't have issues with jews,,, issue is with the controlling elite of the world,,, Issue is with the overall Capital structure of the world being controlled by jews elite,,, who are controls US Federal Reserves? Who Control Petrol Dollar Trade? Who has established a system as a result of which all of the world wealth is being transfer to USA (Federal Reserves of USA are in control of zionist) ... Who are the most wealthiest persons of the world belongs?

THe problem with Muslims is that some Muslims are able to understand what is really happening around the world,,, and all of these links back to those Elites which are ruler of USA and Israel,,,
We don't have issues with jews

So basically, you don't have a problem with Jews as long as they agree to be powerless slaves of your cult and bow to your false god. Got it.

Issue is with the overall Capital structure of the world being controlled by jews elite,,, who are controls US Federal Reserves? Who Control Petrol Dollar Trade? Who has established a system as a result of which all of the world wealth is being transfer to USA (Federal Reserves of USA are in control of zionist) ... Who are the most wealthiest persons of the world belongs?

Let's take a leap of imagination (and then some) and say this is all true.

So what?

Nothing you say is an accusation of actual evil. If Islam had the power, you wouldn't think it unfair. Your gripe is that Jews have money and power (or you think they do) and this offends you because you think only Islam should have the power. If some individual or community that isn't Islamic has money or power, you cry victim.

Now let me point out something else curious here. You say "all the world's wealth is being transferred to the US" by the Jews. Here's the fallacy. The US is like 2% Jewish. It's a good enough place to live that even Muslims are lining up to get in. So if you want to say that the Jews are in control in the US, and the US is a wealthy and powerful country, then doesn't that mean the Jews are good and loyal citizens it's great to have around because they'll make your country rich and strong? And what does that mean about Muslims to live in the West? Doesn't that make them traitors that have sold out to the Jews by virtue of being on the take of wealth "transferred" to the Jewish West? Finally, if you want to say the American Jews are stealing the whole wide world, how do you explain the fact that life is also better in the European Union than in the Islamic world?

What is "happening around the world" is Muslims like you convincing themselves to believe in lies spread by your evil cult and to blame everyone but themselves and their culture for the reasons they are LOSERS. Once you get over your Islamic psychosis and understand that we Jews are more threatened by you being losers than being successful, and take responsibility for your own SELF-INFLICTED problems, success for the Ummah will become a possibility.
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Kuwaiti news paper editor is drunk when our Holly book QURAN says jews can never be your friends than nothing above it anymore for us to follow

That's the Saudi version of the Quran. The original did not mention Christian and Jews in that manner.
Actually its Arabian mass and the democracy are the real enemy of Kingdom.
Who said its Israel?

That verse says "Christians and Jews". Do you suggest to cut diplomatic relationships with all Christian countries?

That verses came due to back stabbing by some Jews and Christians. And the verse stand correct after 1400 years. Do, Jew and Christian really think Muslim can be friend? Nahhh
Do you know what tikkun olam is? Yes or no.

Enlighten me, but no spin please.

Are you more worried about our crates of candlesticks and tapestries than about nuclear weapons?

Why are you mentioning your nukes?

Temple Mount =/= Israel

So, that means...according to you the rest of the land is occupied. Right?

Jews believe the geopolitical state of Israel will be obsolete in the Messianic era. Actually, all states and nations will be obsolete in the Messianic era. "The lion shall lay down with the lamb". Is that bad?

Interesting! Does that mean one world order, one state, one law? What happens to those who refuse to join?

He will complete his mission

Please don't dodge the question, I'm genuinely interested. How will you recognize him?
So basically, you don't have a problem with Jews as long as they agree to be powerless slaves of your cult and bow to your false god. Got it.
It seems like you don't have any knowledge of Islam,,, the good you are claiming fake is same as of yours, we always claim Mosses (AS) as one of the mightiest prophet of Allah and same is Muhammad (SAW)... the difference is Muhammad (SAW) is the last one from the chain.... so claiming that Muslims God is fake it means you are condemning your own God...

Now saying that Muslims and Jews Gods are same then why do we condemn Jews teachings? We never condemn Jews teaching and as Muslims we have to respect them but our belief (which is also accepted be Jews based on historical events) is that Judiasm is not exactly them same as preached by Mosses (e.g. different version of Old testament, burning of alot of version of old and new testament at the time of Constantine, missing 10 commandments). So first stand the background of muslim claims and history...

Now just think for a moment and consider as mosses was Prophet of God (as per jews) and there were other prophets as well (as per jews) then why do you bluntly says that Muhammad (SAW) is fake without really studying the his original teaching (Now please don't refer Daesh and other Political elements and said that these are Muslim teachings) ... And suppose if Muhammad (SAW) is prophet of same God as of Mosses and then what will be your standing at the time when you will be in front of God after death ... You don't have to answer this to me ,,, but answer this to yourself,, and if you are satisfied that there is no need to know the reality then its your decision ... Close of this part of topic here ...

Now lets come to other part why Muslims hate jews in particular and Christains in general ?

1. Muslims don't hate jews and Christains its thier government and establishment to which Muslims hate and we do same with our own governments example are multiple uprising in middle east.

2. Muslims are unstable and are a source of unstable world ... thats what you are claiming and my response was it is a result of actions of zionists (i.e. government of UAS and Israel)...

What is understanding of a sensible muslim is that USA is manipulating with world population in large particularly Muslims to keep a control over world and to maintain control over spectacular resources of Muslim countries... Now all the current wave of terrorism started from Afghanistan war against Soviet Union... Afghanistan had a communist government towards Russian block when USA with the help of Pakistan government started to use Muslims emotion and brain washed them to start Jihad against Russia ... so USA prepared Al-Qaeeda,,, after establishment of a true Islamic government USA attacked Afghanistan without giving any material proof destroying the whole country which was start of this terrorism... (now you will not accept that 9/11 was nothing to do with Afghanistan but a conspiracy to destroy true muslim state)...
Take Iraq,,, home to ISIS ,,, was a very wealthy and stable country but destroyed by USA on the basis of weapons of mass destruction which were never found ...
Take Libya,,, Libya was a very peaceful country untill rebels killed him with USA provided weapons ...
Syria has a legitimate government but USA is not allowing it to run government and financing terrorist openly while saying we are funding moderate terrorist...

So Muslims hate USA as USA is manipulating whole middle east as per their lust of resources ...

Now the second part is what Israel's government has to do with all this ????

The 5 most powerful and rich families:

- ROthschild - Alleged to own and control US Federal Reserves ...
- Rockfeller - organised of builder-berg conference
- Morgan Family
-DuPont Family...

All of these families are jewish and are so huge that USA government is nothing in front of them and careful analysis shows that infact USA government works on the directions of these families... they were the highest beneficiaries of world war 1 and 2...

Conclusion = We don't hate Jew or Christians but we hate the world leaders which are manipulating Muslims for acquiring resources which equally includes Muslim leaders...

Why Muslims don't work on thier unity to become a better Human because world powers not allowing us to do so ... countless examples don't have time to explain all...
it had said by changaiz khan that a person who will perfidious of his own nation how will he faithful to the enemy nation? we ( muslims ) have always face to meer sadiques and meer jafars in the past age. it is not a new news for the muslims of today.
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