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Kuwait Times: Israel is not our enemy

My personal opinion? Hell will freeze over before anyone of you (Israelites or Arabs), learn the meaning of love or respect of one another.
Hopefuly it will not be the case, but only future will tell
You do seem to have a very positive outlook, therefore, what I can do is wish you the best of luck and god speed!
Thanks, I believe that all human kind was the creation of god, and it's should be considered as most valueable creation, we should learn to communicate between each other and face the disasters all around the globe together.
I do too wish u happiness and most importantly good health and may we'll have a brighter future.
so lets put it this way first saudies made peace with israel and then israel set up diplomatic office in UAE and now kuwait says israel is not owr enemy ..... in indian context it means since arab masters who matter the most have made peace with israel there followers (loayal and faithfull muslims of india and sub continent ) will automatically see israel and jews as friends hence the sickular liberals loose one more point to force owr goverment to check ever growing indo israeli friendship and at last netanyahu and modi can meet in a stress free envoirment :)

israel was always jewish land and arabs living is israel live the most free and fair lifes of muslims living in any other muslim nation with respect to equal opportunities to practise islam and avail all the benfits associated with a free and fair democracy other than india .... good going israel now lets check who else is remaining to aknowledge existence of israel ..... my love and respect to israel and jewish people and long live indo israeli friendship
Looks pretty well for Mosque which is being destroyed for 68 years in row:

Israel destroys Umayyad palaces next to Al-Aqsa Mosque – Cii Broadcasting


https://www.rt.com/news/207975-turkey-synangogue-museum-mosque/images (2).jpg
Lol, sharing some video really shows the nature of Israel right? let's talk about arab countries burning Israeli flags, calling them nazis and call of death and destruction for all the Israelies.
Unlike arab world, our arab population inside of Israel is 20%, and as an Israeli I served with Druze arabs , I drove in a bus with arabs, I talked with arabs and I got no hate for those who don't hate me, be it muslim or christian or gay or w/e.
I want to see a jew walking with a kippa in almost any arab capital around the world without being stoned to death in the main square

Don't know about Arab world but it's possible in Iran

pure propaganda without proof . Israel got no interest to destroy the al aqsa mosque unlike what u seem to think

Then where are u gonna construct the Solomon (as) temple? isn't supposed to be underneath of the mosque ?
Disagree .. Israel intends to construct third temple in place of Al.Aqsa mosque ...
Are you so sure about the never part?

It may be that Allah will bring about friendship between you and those whom you hold to be your enemies among them; and Allah is Powerful; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
stop it
You are not expert on Quran And taking it out of context.
Lol, sharing some video really shows the nature of Israel right? let's talk about arab countries burning Israeli flags, calling them nazis and call of death and destruction for all the Israelies.
Unlike arab world, our arab population inside of Israel is 20%, and as an Israeli I served with Druze arabs , I drove in a bus with arabs, I talked with arabs and I got no hate for those who don't hate me, be it muslim or christian or gay or w/e.
I want to see a jew walking with a kippa in almost any arab capital around the world without being stoned to death in the main square
Its words vs action you can claim to love people but could despise them, For my judgement i see how things are on ground and sad to say that a talented nation like Israel have blood on their hand and lots of it. As long as Palestine/Israeli issue will be there trust deficit will exists. I have interacted/worked/trained with some brilliant Israelis sad to see most of them despise Palestinians especially the one in GAZA. Give me a proof about any Muslim country/govt/king/sultan watever now or in past had a policy of JEWS to be stoned to death. You see how you are using and playing with words" stoned to death" just to smear at Muslims. Give me a single statement from any muslim leader who said that even Arafat Israels worst enemy never said that and you come here and lie. But again lying is also an Israeli thing sorry for personally attacking you but i was so offended by the lie "Jews stoned to death". Don,t paint Muslims with something that European did to you not Muslims .

Israel is not our enemy

I am trying to be realistic, objective and reasonable in what I am writing because I know that it will be shocking as well as contradicting with age-old non-negotiable beliefs and taboos. Is Israel an enemy? Is animosity stable or changeable? Is it controlled by and subject to certain situations, circumstances, attitudes and interests?

Arab hostility to Israel started even before establishing Israel, when powerful resourceful Arab countries at that time fought some Jewish militia gangs in Palestine, and yet those gangs managed to defeat the well-armed armies of seven Arab countries. International intervention was then resorted to in order to resolve the dispute over Palestinian territories between Arabs and the Jews. However, the ‘mighty’ Arabs rejected the division project, and thus granted the Jews a second victory. Consequently, the state of Israel was founded and declared and was recognized by the world except for Arab countries and other ones that later on found no alternative other than recognizing it.

Whose enemy is Israel? Is it the enemy of all Arab states? Well, Palestinians have every right to antagonize Israel because they occupied their lands. We do support and assist them in every possible way we can and that it the maximum, and nothing more, Arab countries are expected to do.

After seven whole decades, as Arabs, who is our real enemy today? Do all Arab states have only one enemy or each country or group of countries have an enemy who might most probably be a dear friend of another? The first step towards reform in the Arab world is to alienate the Arab nationalism concepts because facts deny them and those who believe they still exist are delusional.

Take Kuwait, for an example. Is Israel a real enemy of it? Has it ever invaded it? Has it fought it? Has it killed its citizens? The answer to all the above questions is a big fat NO. Why does Kuwait consider Israel as an enemy while it deals with Iraq, that already invaded and occupied it, as a friend, brother and neighbor? I do not wish that Kuwait antagonizes Iraq. On the contrary, it made the right decision because animosity is constantly changeable, particularly in politics where yesterday’s enemy can be today’s friend and today’s friend might become tomorrow’s enemy. This is a real fact.

The bottom line is that Israel is not Arabs’ enemy and Arab countries have to individually get rid of the Arab nation’s complex and make their own individual decisions independently. – Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Anbaa

By Saleh Al-Shayeji

This article was published on 24/11/2015

OIC is use less most are very dear to Israel and Israel is most middle east is pro Israel
they just dont have open embassy in all the places but they do everything
what ever is Israel doing it is not their to blame it is the Us the Muslims to blame
OIC is use less most are very dear to Israel and Israel is most middle east is pro Israel
they just dont have open embassy in all the places but they do everything
what ever is Israel doing it is not their to blame it is the Us the Muslims to blame
There is lack in leadership in muslim world.. No use of OIC.. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Indonesia should form their own alliance to not only fight against terrorist but also should co-operate in economy, technologies and agriculture...

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