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Kuwait emir begins landmark visit to Iran

Al Bhatti

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United Arab Emirates
May 31, 2014

Kuwait emir begins landmark visit to Iran

High hopes trip will ease strained ties, break regional deadlocks

Kuwait’s Emir Shaikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah flies to Iran on Sunday on a two-day visit amid high expectations the trip would smooth over strained relations between the two shores of the Arabian Gulf.

Kuwaiti media speculated that the visit by the emir whose country chairs the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Arab League Summit would be a breakthrough in several deadlocked issues, mainly in Iraq, Syria and the Gulf region, and would help address violence and acts of terrorism.

Iran’s ambassador to Kuwait Ali Riza on Saturday told Kuwait News Agency (Kuna) that the visit would be historic in the relations between the two countries.

“The visit comes in the midst of delicate developments and complex changes in the eventful region that resulted in the political turmoil in some countries,” the ambassador said. “Iran is keen on enhancing mutual trust and political relations with neighbouring countries, especially Kuwait,” he said, quoted by Kuna.

The emir’s visit will herald a new era of cooperation and will have an impact on the present and future of the entire region he added.

“It will contribute to address several issues in the region amidst hope we will have a brighter future for the region filled with compassion, fraternity and co-existence,” he said.

Kuwait’si Ambassador in Tehran Majdi Al Dhafiri said the emir’s visit to Iran was “vital in tackling issues connected with the region.”

“Iran is an important country in the region and Kuwait’s relation with Iran is based on mutual respect and cooperation,” Dhafiri said, quoted by Kuna.

However, away from diplomatic statements, Kuwaitis want to see concrete results for the “critically significant” visit.

“Since this visit is crucial, do not let it fail because of Iran’s diplomacy, known for its double standards: Tough line in Qum and softer approach in Tehran,” Dhafer Mohammad Al Ajmi, CEO of the Gulf Monitoring Group, an independent Kuwait-based research centre, said. “The visit by Shaikh Sabah accompanied by an important delegation, including ministers of foreign oil and finance, trade and industry and the announcement of the intention to sign agreements and memoranda relating to air transport, tourism and sport and two agreements in the field of work, should prompt Tehran to respond in the best manner,” he said in an editorial he wrote ahead if the visit.

Al Dhafiri said that bilateral relations have been difficult, due mainly to the Gulf dimension of Kuwait.

“Kuwait is member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to which Iran has wanted to export its revolution. Kuwait is part of the Gulf over which Iran wants to spread its hegemony. Kuwait is also member of the Gulf into whose domestic affairs Iran wants to interfere, either through spy rings or through incitement. Now, Shaikh Sabah wants to start a new page in the relations, refusing the claim that it is useless to extend a hand to Tehran,” he said.

According to the Kuwaiti analysts, the emir’s visit is in response to the recent positive developments in the region that should provide new opportunities for peace and stability.

“The premise on which relations should be built is that there are no disputes that should result in severing ties with Iran. The political change at the top and the emergence of a new president who is more moderate than his predecessor have sent positive signals and created a more optimistic mood. The visit is also taking place after the 5+1 accord about Iran’s nuclear programme and at a time when Saudi Arabia said that it looked forward to relations with Iran based on mutual respect.”

Al Dhafiri added that US President Barack Obama’s “unsteady policies” have pushed Kuwait to move forward towards reconciliation with Iran in order to avoid “reconciliations imposed by the West.”

“The visit could help address the issues between Iran and Saudi Arabia as well as between Iran and Bahrain and Iran and the UAE,” he said.

Kuwait emir begins landmark visit to Iran | GulfNews.com

June 1, 2014


Kuwaiti Emir Shaikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah is welcomed by Iran President Hassan Rouhani on arrival in Tehran yesterday on a landmark visit aimed at improving relations.

Kuwait and Iran: a fluctuating history
Cautious optimism, uncertainty persist in Arabian Gulf relations

As Kuwait’s Emir Shaikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah makes his first visit to Iran since he became Emir in 2006 and holds his first meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, cautious optimism and persisting uncertainty are the themes of the day.
Officials from the two countries have been expressing optimism about a new page between the two neighbouring countries that will in turn help ease strains across the two shores of the Arabian Gulf, especially with Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Relations between Kuwait and Iran have been through highs and lows for decades, driven mainly by national interests.

Kuwait sees Iran as a political heavyweight with strategic importance while Tehran sees Kuwait as a reliable ally with a critical geo-strategic location between Saudi Arabia Iran and Iraq.

Kuwait and Iran have had a long history of commercial exchanges between the ports dotting both countries.

In 1961, when Kuwait became independent, Iran recognised the new state in the same year and opened an embassy in Kuwait City in January 1962.

In 1973, Iran sided with Kuwait in its standoff with Iraq and expressed its readiness to send a military force to Kuwait. Iran’s prime minister stated that his country would not tolerate any attempt to alter the geo-political situation of the region.

However, the situation changed in 1979 after the Iranian Revolution toppled the regime in Tehran.

Kuwait was suspicious and was openly cautious about the developments even though it was one of the first countries to recognise the new regime.

In fact, its foreign minister at the time was the first Gulf official to visit Tehran following the revolution, according to Ashraf Mohammad Kishk, a Bahrain-based analyst.

Tension began to set in between Kuwait and Tehran when the Iran-Iraq war broke out in September 1980.

Kuwait insisted on a neutral stance and asked both countries to end the war. The crown prince said that his country was ready to mediate and reach a settlement that would be satisfactory to both capitals.

However, as the war dragged on and Kuwait was targeted by missiles and attacks that ominously threatened its security and stability, Kuwait City understood that Iran could win the war, which would be a clear threat.

Kuwait announced its political, moral and material support to Iraq, resulting in renewed tension between Kuwait and Iran.

That situation however changed in August 1990 when Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait.

Iran rejected the invasion and stressed that it would never accept that Iraq take over Kuwait even if Arab countries failed to deal with the situation decisively.

Iran called for a complete withdrawal of the Iraqi troops and emphasised its support to all economic sanctions against Iraq to force it out of Kuwait.

Exchanges of official visits intensified after Mohammad Khatami, often considered as among the most moderate leaders, became president in 1997.

In November 1997, Iran’s foreign minister made a visit to Kuwait to help reinforce Tehran’s relations with the Gulf countries.

In 2002, Iran’s defence minister visited Kuwait and called for closer cooperation to confront any country that would attempt to repeat the attack on another country in the region, referring to Iraq’s behaviour with Iran in 1980 and Kuwait in 1990.

In 2002, Kuwait’s Parliament Speaker visited Iran and called for a secure and stable regional order that would help ease concerns about the future.

In 2003, Kuwait’s foreign minister visited Iran where he signed three economic agreements and laid the ground for closer cooperation.

However, despite official statements about the “resounding success” of the visit, concrete results have not really followed.

One decade later, with the growing tension in the region now plagued by increasing levels of sectarianism and religious militarism, there is hope in the region that the high-level contacts between Kuwait City and Tehran would usher in a new era of stability and security.

Kuwait and Iran: a fluctuating history | GulfNews.com
I wonder how good relation between Iran and Kuwait can reduce the tension on both side of Arabian gulf as nor Iran neither Kuwait have any border with that body of water.
A very wise move , it is clear USA & EUROP want conflict between arab and iran ( sunni sheia) , so we should reply them with such manner
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