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Kudankulam: Protesters say Centre submitted ‘misleading’ report to SC


Jun 24, 2012
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CHENNAI: The People's Federation Against Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project on Friday said that the Centre had submitted a 'misleading report' to the Supreme Court before announcing its decision to go ahead with power generation at the plant.

Addressing reporters here on behalf of the federation, MDMK chief Vaiko, Manithaneya Makkal Katchi legislative leader in the assembly MH Jawahirullah and few other leaders said that the plant should not be commissioned without safety features in place.

"The Centre's hasty action in issuing order for first approach criticality after submitting a misleading report to the Supreme Court's registry raises several pertinent questions," the leaders said.

They pointed out that the apex court in its order dated May 6 had categorically stated that 15 conditions should be met and a report should be submitted on the same before commissioning the plant.

The federation would hold a demonstration in Chennai on August 5 protesting against the commissioning of power plant.

The leaders also demanded that the central and state governments should take steps to withdraw cases against the anti-nuclear power plant protesters.

"No step has been taken to withdraw the cases against the protesters as advised by the apex court. The Tamil Nadu government and the officials of Tirunelveli district have not taken any step to conduct the mandatory disaster management exercise for people living in the radius of 16km of the proposed nuclear plant," they said.

It was unprecedented that the protesting people had been slapped with over two lakh cases by the state, they added.

Link - Kudankulam: Protesters say Centre submitted ‘misleading’ report to SC - The Times of India
Screw these foreign NGO-backed groups.

As soon as the plant established itself and get about doing its job- these voices will be silenced- hopefully for good.
Plant working very well ..Getting non stop Power Supply from our Government and there is no problem in KKNP
I have supported the initial protests, but after the re check and fitness certificates I don't think further protests are justified.
Screw these foreign NGO-backed groups.

As soon as the plant established itself and get about doing its job- these voices will be silenced- hopefully for good.

Look at the silver lining. Vigorous opposition makes the implementers careful leading to a safer plant!
Only way the these idiots got screwed, cut the electricty connection of their house.:hitwall::pissed:
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