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KP CM response to PESCO handover drama of pmln !

Its a trap, instead of giving them control over power generation, distribution and load shedding; they are handing over bill recovery only. They want KP govt to work on it day and night to collect bills and increase recoveries while they will sit in federal govt enjoying this revenue because KP govt will have nil share in that hard earned revenue..
11 points:

Chief Minister Khyber Pukhtunkhwa wrote to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in response to the latter's decision to hand over PESCO to the provincial government of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa. In the letter which endorses Chairman Imran Khan's statement regarding taking over of the Power Sector Assets including PESCO, Chief Minister Khattak presents an eleven-point detailed package on which would be premised the acceptance by the KP government of transfer of control of not just PESCO but all Power Sector Assets located in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa.
The eleven-point package demanded by the PTI-led coalition government seeks to redress past imbalances and inequities as well as reforming the present dilapidated and erratic system premised on an unjust and uneven system of federal investments in the power infrastructure of Khyber Pukhtunkhwa.
The Chief Minister makes the point that while his Province produces the cheapest electricity and a surplus, yet people of the Province suffer in terms of delivery and rates of electricity.
He also draws attention to the failure of the centralised power system to deliver which is why all three elements - Generation, Distribution and Transmission must be given to the Provincial government in the all-encompassing package deal.

CM KP presents 11 points for PESCO’s control > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Insaf News

Its a trap, instead of giving them control over power generation, distribution and load shedding; they are handing over bill recovery only. They want KP govt to work on it day and night to collect bills and increase recoveries while they will sit in federal govt enjoying this revenue because KP govt will have nil share in that hard earned revenue..

exactly !
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