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Kind Request for all the members and the Admin


It is called the natural progression of a discussion---and that is how the discussions and comments end up---the diversity from the original is the most fascinating part of any argument---it tells us as to how we understand something, how we visualize things differently, what our perspective and where our focus is.

It basically is a RORSCHACH TEST but in writing---in rorschachs test it is the inkblot---in our case we want to comment on the writings as we see, observe and analyze them.

So---there is nothing bad---our discussion tell us as to how much we trust or distrust each other---as everything comes down to and revolves around the supermacy of india and the do or die strength of pakistan----this discussion is then serving its real purpose---and that is telling the public what the real sentiments of these two nations are.

So---I say---more power to the people---let the discussion carry its natural course---even though the admins will have to tug and pull back at the reins---but then that is expected.

the problem is that people get more personal rather than writing a constructive post. everything ends up in " pakistan is this and india is that ".
Tendency is to reply back and reply back as soon as possible. I guess all the problem lies in this hurry. If all of us make some intentional effort to not to reply quickly, we can avoid a lot of problems.

Probably that is how the human brain works, we read something that initially we are not expecting to read and perceived it as 'danger'. Adrenaline levels shoot up and the thought process goes into denial mode and rejects the new opinion. As a result of high adrenaline levels, the fight-or-flight response kicks in and we (males) respond with aggression.

The remedy of the situation is of course to relax, to divert attention for some time, come back later and try to analyze what other person is trying to say.

Taking control of anger is an acquired skill and I think that with some practice we can certainly control our overall retaliation tendency.
the problem is that people get more personal rather than writing a constructive post. everything ends up in " pakistan is this and india is that ".


Thankyou for your response---it is coming back to the rorschach inkblot test---you see and write and interpret what you observe and what you want to see----this board is truly a gold mine for a psychologist who is interested in understanding pakistani and indian public relationship.

The discussion will take its natural course---it will deviate from its original course and will ultimately terminate at the core issues of our hearts and souls---pakistan---india---india---pakistan.

We are each others shadow---and no individual is ever known to run away from its shadow. Pakistan and india---our origination has evolved from the same source head---we have lived together for far too long and 60 years is not enough time to forget the memories---for good or for bad---we are inseperable---we have too many things that are common amongst us---we will never be able to run away from each other. Our destenies are intertwined----the sooner we recognize and acknowledge the fact---the better off we would be.
Adrenaline levels shoot up and the thought process goes into denial mode and rejects the new opinion. As a result of high adrenaline levels, the fight-or-flight response kicks in and we (males) respond with aggression.

Adrenaline? Its just an online forum, not a sparing match!:P
Adrenaline? Its just an online forum, not a sparing match!:P

But it becomes a real boxing match many times...BTW not a bad idea, would have been interesting to see some people here put on the gloves and give us a little razzle dazzle!

I guess what qsaark is saying is something my mother tells me all the time...not to make decisions when angry on something...to sleep over it and then decide when emotions stop clogging the brain and the heart....a good piece of advice which i try to follow

No i dont mean to make qsaark sound like a mother, just something i found similar....:lol:
Yeah I know what you mean, I for one take a lot of time posting replies, sometimes because I don't feel like replying right away but at others because things pop up around the house. Either way its a good idea to take everything with a chill, I for one feel I have much work to do on my temperament without losing the potency of my message. Do doubt others are more accomplished in this field than I.

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