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assasinations have been carried out in NWA by pro-goverment agents in the past, namely, on those who have exposed the Pakistani apparatus in the past. Since Khawaja was the only one out of the 3 who constantly kept checks on the state and made vocal protests, the first line of enquiry and obvious one is that he was murdered because of his dissent.

Good article on a brave journalist who suffered a similar fate.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan probes journalist death
to pressurize pakistan for operation in NWA

link dots

see the vedio of Khalid Khawaja's last confession.
Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan
why Pak army Ambushed in NWA and who did it and who claimed

the JI rally blast

then this new arrest in New York Bomber and intelligence leaks from different agencies of US

connet dots and understand the game

BTW read this link
USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sir, I visited the links as you advised but still to able to comprehend what you are driving at. Please elaborate. Thank You.
Sir, I visited the links as you advised but still to able to comprehend what you are driving at. Please elaborate. Thank You.

I responded to same post. what my understanding is that Pakistan is being "convinced" to expand the operation into whole Waziristan
whether or not

1. the present military resources are available or not
2. the financial cost can be covered or not
3. the misery of the civilians of the area can be addressed or not

its more like druming the animal to a place where there is no escape route.

countries routinely do that to each other. I will leave it to you to see how Russia was pushed into WW2 and that USS Liberty incident.

meaning what? go and attack where we want you to and do it now not when you see it fit.

by the way we seem to missing the points I raised earlier in the post
why only Mr Khawaja deserved to die?
why Col Imam and the British journalists spared their lives?

that is something that is more troubling
I responded to same post. what my understanding is that Pakistan is being "convinced" to expand the operation into whole Waziristan
whether or not

1. the present military resources are available or not
2. the financial cost can be covered or not
3. the misery of the civilians of the area can be addressed or not

its more like druming the animal to a place where there is no escape route.

countries routinely do that to each other. I will leave it to you to see how Russia was pushed into WW2 and that USS Liberty incident.

meaning what? go and attack where we want you to and do it now not when you see it fit.

by the way we seem to missing the points I raised earlier in the post
why only Mr Khawaja deserved to die?
why Col Imam and the British journalists spared their lives?

that is something that is more troubling

Look at this news report which tells many things what is happening in NWA

MIRANSHAH (SANA): The Taliban in North Waziristan on Sunday issued pamphlet warning that they would launch a fierce battle if the military launched operation.

This announcement was made on behalf of the Taliban in a pamphlet issued in parts of North Waziristan tribal region.
The pamphlet says that the Taliban are of the view that the government has violated an agreement reached between the local government and the Taliban adding that the government has extended the network of its spies and that troops could not be removed from the Janikhle and Baqakhel areas.
The pamphlet said that the Afghan President Hamid Karzai will be approached through a local Jirga to give shelter to people migrating from North Waziristan in case the military forces launch an operation.
Taliban in NWA threaten to initiate attacks if army launches operation
I responded to same post. what my understanding is that Pakistan is being "convinced" to expand the operation into whole Waziristan
whether or not

1. the present military resources are available or not
2. the financial cost can be covered or not
3. the misery of the civilians of the area can be addressed or not

its more like druming the animal to a place where there is no escape route.

countries routinely do that to each other. I will leave it to you to see how Russia was pushed into WW2 and that USS Liberty incident.

meaning what? go and attack where we want you to and do it now not when you see it fit.

by the way we seem to missing the points I raised earlier in the post
why only Mr Khawaja deserved to die?
why Col Imam and the British journalists spared their lives?

that is something that is more troubling

Thanks Bro.
But the terrorists for sure do not want the Pakistani army to go to NW. US and the world surely does. So why would the terrorists kill Khwaja? From what I read, he was pro-Taliban. And even if he was pro Army, then that only makes a case for the Pakistani army to go in to NW!

Even if we consider that CIA wants to create a situation that Pakistani army goes in to NW, how did they control a group that killed Khwaja bang in the middle of Haqqani territory and that too so publicly? That too when this Asian Tiger outfit is considered to be from splinters of Mehsud / Punjabi Taliban groups.

And then they released the other two including Col. Imam who was a compatriot (and I will assume with similar thinking as) Khwaja and they let them go freely without any of their demands being met by Pakistan army.

The question is what do the militants gain by doing it.

The only thing that I can imagine is that Khwaja was also fronting for the CIA and Pakistan army got on to him and did not like that. May be Khwaja was trying to go after Haqqani and hence he was eliminated by the pro - ISI terrorists to ensure that there is no one crossing the line.

The fact that there was an attack on one of the commanders after his last visit (something about the vehicle being targeted) could have exposed to Pakistan army that this guy is fronting for the CIA too and Pakistani army did not want anyone going around them.

Cosidering that Aziz (? - the leader of Lal Masjid group) was present at the funeral of Khwaja could also strenghten the fact that he was on that mission working against the Pakistani army?

Probably all of the above is wrong. That is why I said that this one beats me totally and if someone is able to provide a perspective, that will be sincerely appreicated.
Thanks Bro.
But the terrorists for sure do not want the Pakistani army to go to NW. US and the world surely does. So why would the terrorists kill Khwaja? From what I read, he was pro-Taliban. And even if he was pro Army, then that only makes a case for the Pakistani army to go in to NW!

Even if we consider that CIA wants to create a situation that Pakistani army goes in to NW, how did they control a group that killed Khwaja bang in the middle of Haqqani territory and that too so publicly? That too when this Asian Tiger outfit is considered to be from splinters of Mehsud / Punjabi Taliban groups.

And then they released the other two including Col. Imam who was a compatriot (and I will assume with similar thinking as) Khwaja and they let them go freely without any of their demands being met by Pakistan army.

The question is what do the militants gain by doing it.

The only thing that I can imagine is that Khwaja was also fronting for the CIA and Pakistan army got on to him and did not like that. May be Khwaja was trying to go after Haqqani and hence he was eliminated by the pro - ISI terrorists to ensure that there is no one crossing the line.

The fact that there was an attack on one of the commanders after his last visit (something about the vehicle being targeted) could have exposed to Pakistan army that this guy is fronting for the CIA too and Pakistani army did not want anyone going around them.

Cosidering that Aziz (? - the leader of Lal Masjid group) was present at the funeral of Khwaja could also strenghten the fact that he was on that mission working against the Pakistani army?

Probably all of the above is wrong. That is why I said that this one beats me totally and if someone is able to provide a perspective, that will be sincerely appreicated.

In NWA only Haqqnies and Gul Bahader are not main commanders.
There is Mollana Sadiq Nour Ally of TTP, then Abo Alkasha Al Iraqi has fifdom around Mir Ali area.
NWA is a laberenth where you have different Militant groups some financed by Secret agenices from CIA to RAW, From Russian agencies to Arab intelligence agencies. You can also see the Iranian agencies working in the agency.
Look at this news report which tells many things what is happening in NWA

MIRANSHAH (SANA): The Taliban in North Waziristan on Sunday issued pamphlet warning that they would launch a fierce battle if the military launched operation.

This announcement was made on behalf of the Taliban in a pamphlet issued in parts of North Waziristan tribal region.
The pamphlet says that the Taliban are of the view that the government has violated an agreement reached between the local government and the Taliban adding that the government has extended the network of its spies and that troops could not be removed from the Janikhle and Baqakhel areas.
The pamphlet said that the Afghan President Hamid Karzai will be approached through a local Jirga to give shelter to people migrating from North Waziristan in case the military forces launch an operation.

Taliban in NWA threaten to initiate attacks if army launches operation

So even if the above is true, does that mean that Haqqani is now pro Karzai and is ready to fight against the Pakistani army rather than the NATO. Now that is very far fetched because the ideology has been completey opposite and will break up his share of the terrorist factions.

Edit: And also on top, they killed only Khwaja and let the other two go. Col. Imam from what I understand is even more ideologically to Taliban than Khwaja. So if there is a foriegn agency behind this, why did they let Col. Imam and the other journalist fellow go? Won't that harm the group that is funded by the foreign agency (if that is the case)?
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So even if the above is true, does that mean that Haqqani is now pro Karzai and is ready to fight against the Pakistani army rather than the NATO. Now that is very far fetched because the ideology has been completey opposite and will break up his share of the terrorist factions.

Edit: And also on top, they killed only Khwaja and let the other two go. Col. Imam from what I understand is even more ideologically to Taliban than Khwaja. So if there is a foriegn agency behind this, why did they let Col. Imam and the other journalist fellow go? Won't that harm the group that is funded by the foreign agency (if that is the case)?

Haqqanies are Afghans, they have base in Afghanistan . they are fighting against ISAF and ANA etc.
its TTP which fights Pakistan where as Al Qaeda only wants distruction both in Pakistan and Afghanistan thats why its ally of both.
The impression I get is that the Phamphlits were from TTP. because after failing in Instigating Pashtuns on their redical ideology they are most likely to exploit pashtun nationalism.
Btw they have traditionally followed pattern of Indian propoganda against Pakistan. and you can search and see vedios proving my point

I am still as much at sea as when we started this. But thanks anyway.

More complex then the chicken and egg mystery.....

I am still as much at sea as when we started this. But thanks anyway.

More complex then the chicken and egg mystery.....

yes its all confusing

but one thing is clear

both Pakistan and Afghanistan are victims of GREAT GAME which started after the end of second world war

oh central asia, your oil and gas reserves have brought lots of misery and distruction for all the region and its approches
yes its all confusing

but one thing is clear

both Pakistan and Afghanistan are victims of GREAT GAME

Even then Pakistan is running the Haqqani and the Gul Bahadur network against Afganistan and protecting it for later deepness in strategy?

I think that the only thing that is clear right now is "nobody knows what is happening" and the longer this continues regretfully only Pakistan will suffer. Also Afganistan anyway, but then Pakistan has more to lose today....

Edit: and finally also most probably India too....
Even then Pakistan is running the Haqqani and the Gul Bahadur network against Afganistan and protecting it for later deepness in strategy?

I think that the only thing that is clear right now is "nobody knows what is happening" and the longer this continues regretfully only Pakistan will suffer. Also Afganistan anyway, but then Pakistan has more to lose today....

what a un sensible argument

do you know it was the same network which mediated between hakimullah and Wali ur Rehman and saved TTP from breaking

why we dont go in NWA?
because we cannot afford it at present. our large bulk of forces in engaged in counter terror operations. we are already streached. without bringing full peace and clearing the other agencies in which we are all ready fighting how can we open a new theater.
In passion and anti Pakistan feelings we forget the ground realities.

secondly Haqqanies have base in Afghanistan. its up to ANA and ISAF to clear their bases. but what we see is that they have closed bases in Nouristan and kunar giveing bases to TTP militants to re group against Pakistan. Resurgence of voilence of TTP in Bajor, Mohmandr and SWAT/ Malakand Bunair and Dir are result of these withdraws.

and most Importantly tell me one thing CAN ANY TREE GROW WITHOUT SEED?
if not then try to find the seeds of terrorism? ask question why there is terrorism in region
then you will find the economic conditions and sense of injustice is the main cause. Redical ideology or forgn hand can worsen conditions to some extent but can not create conditions.

I am still as much at sea as when we started this. But thanks anyway.

More complex then the chicken and egg mystery.....

cant agree more

but lets agree on one thing. in this whole episode which resulted in the death of a terrorist sympathiser & Architect of religious fanaticism in Pakistan, and the mysterious release of the other 2 hostages, there are more players in the game not just Pakistani state and Islamist terrorists. It hurts the more I think of it haha

elements within ISI (still sympathetic to Taliban)
GoP itself
Hardcore/ dissident groups within TTP
Foreign elements like RAW, CIA, Sudis, Persians & Afghans?
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