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Kid scholars - Blown away by the wisdom of 10 years old


Dec 15, 2009
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A shocker! Kids are perhaps born with "a deep default knowledge". I had a conversation with my 10 years old son this morning, and I am blown away by the depth of his thinking. Here are some points for your delight. For the ease of reading, I have replaced his long sentences with simple words.

What is meaning of life:
Life means many a things, but the first one is that it's a test from Allah.

What is one of the hardest thing for humans?
It's hard to be a Muslim because you’re persuaded not to be one, and you yourself want to eat things prohibited in Islam. Also when non-Muslims say “La Ilaha Illah..” they do not know what it means, and even when you tell them, they still don't get what it means.

What is the best source of food for humanity?
I would not recommend vegan as you’ll put burden plants, and plants provide life to many other living things. We should eat animals who produce kids and their kids produce kids so there is a circle of life. Cycle of life continues to run and you eat as well.

What have humans done extremely well?
We have polluted the oceans extremely well.

What is the best way to meet energy needs of the planet?
Solar. It saves consuming other planet resources and gives free energy. Use it to warm houses.

How can we save planet earth?
Find alternate home building materials. You’re cutting too many trees.

What is the best business on the planet?
He first asked me I was asking about money to which I said yes. Then he said: The best business is the one in which you enjoy working with people, you like them and they like you. Together you generate ideas to help others. (This is the wisdom of billionaires who do not develop the business but people who build the businesses. Read "Good to Great" to get a glimpse of this wisdom).

Is there life outside planet earth?
Yes, but earth has a lot more life than elsewhere.

Which plants can sustain on Mars?
Any plants you put on Mars will be uprooted because of wind-storms. You need incubators to keep them alive.


There is a big power in small. We saw how Tesla Motors used small batteries to create energy breakthrough. Groups of small LED lights works better than large bulbs. We can do the same with little humans. Little humans have deep understanding and ideas to solve complex problems.

I suggest we all try that. Ask your kids solution to some of the biggest problems there are. You will be amazed how little scholars have deep insights and they know what you've now forgotten.
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