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khilafah is now a global call.

HAve u any concept how 1st khilafah came in madia?

Via State Power of Madina, not by any civil war inside Makkah!

Any political party can do coup attempt. Now the question is that will be succeed or not it depends on the position and time.

Killing and plunder is in your lot's blood. One can do political struggle to change a system in an Islamic state but no one is allowed to raise arms against the ruler until he overtly ban one of the Fundamentals of Islam! Put this rule in your thick salafist head so Muslims could live in peace.

Khilafah -e -rasida didn't ended with the Martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hassan R.A. u dnt know the history . it destroyed in 1924.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, The Caliphate will remain after me for thirty years, then it will change into a cruel monarchy. Thus, Mu`awiyah said after thirty years had passed, "I am the first of the kings."
Extracted from the treatise written by Abu Zayd Al-Qayrawany, vol. 1, p. 96).

Now for the rest of your Omayyad 's Abassis and Ottoman kings, a wahabi/deobandi may take them as their caliph but not any Sunni or shia. Your beloved Umayyad's slaughtered Prophet's Grandson and His Family in karbala and the Abbasis persecuted them everywhere on planet earth, ottoman kingdom was an exception in this regard.

Mahadi will come so would u give up ur prayer? Imama mahdi will come with an another agenda, he will come under khilafah state ,

Utterly off topic, He will come to reestablish it and wont be waiting in line to give an oath of Allegiance to some tyrant Bedouin king. Now don't come up with some fabricated traditions like those which declare yazeed layeen as Jannati. Sunni ulemas in Pakistan have debunked these lies many a times, go make some gullible Indian Muslims fool not us.

P.S : the problem with some burger uncles is that while in youth they indulge in all sins and misdeeds , no idea about what Sharea is, now when the hangover put em in whirl pool many of em returns to religion to find some solace , this is the time when gulf funded mullahs come into action in the domestic as well as western cosmopolitans .

They feed you with political takfiri agenda like of the omayyads and abasis which is pretty much visible even in your posts that for attaining a thing we can kill this and that by using Sharea as an excuse

Now when the propaganda reaches at its plateau, you guys want to punish every living soul for your sins.

first stage begins, they are not good muslims, I've to do some thing otherwise Allah will sent me to hell, lets do dawah, but folks aren't paying any heed, oh these kafirs won't learn they are all doing biddah and shirk like their forefathers .

mullah g please show me some T.N.T way to tame these kafirs ,

final stage kick starts, listen my Muslim friend if you are so fed up with these imbeciles then do"Jihad" I know a person which could supply you with arms and training, go to Syria or any land which is in a belligerent mode with the Saudi kings and kill as many kafirs as you wish.

besides ,their women and kids are also halal on you , can also break into their homes if they don't come to fight you, and this story ends with a big boooooooooom .

@The Sandman @Moonlight @2800 @Max @Areesh @~Phoenix~ @B+ Dracula
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Killing Muslim children is terrorism. Even the Ottoman empire did not kill Muslim children.
There is no point in protecting terrorist when they rape and kill
Muslim children.
why ban him??he was foolish enough to bring this subject into a group of blind,deaf and dumb people
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