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Khalilzad briefed India’s foreign minister on peace efforts in Afghanistan

Aug 29, 2018
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Khalilzad briefed India’s foreign minister on peace efforts in Afghanistan
By Khaama Press / in Afghanistan / on Tuesday, 07 May 2019 10:51 AM

The U.S. Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad briefed the Indian foreign minister Sushma Swaraj on peace efforts in Afghanistan.

A spokesman for the External Affairs Ministry of India Raveesh Kumar said Ambassador Khalilzad met Minister Swaraj on Monday to brief her on ongoing peace efforts in Afghanistan.

“Both discussed role of all regional stakeholders in bringing peace and development in Afghanistan. India will work with key partners in days ahead,” Kumar said a short statement posted on Twitter.

Ambassador Khalilzad arrived in New Delhi in the midst of the ongoing talks with the Taliban group representatives in Doha.

The sixth round of talks between U.S. and Taliban representatives kicked in Doha on 1st of May.

A western diplomat had earlier told Reuters that the U.S. delegation will focus on a declaration of a ceasefire to pave the way to an end to the fighting.

However, the sources had said the Taliban group will focus on firstly the withdrawal of U.S. forces from the country.

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