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Khaleda calls for boycotting AL


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Khaleda calls for boycotting AL

Khaleda calls for boycotting AL | Politics | bdnews24.com

Sun, Nov 11th, 2012 5:06 pm BdST

Cox's Bazaar, Nov 11 (bdnews24.com)—BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia on Sunday urged all to 'isolate' ruling Awami League stating that people of no religion were safe under the current government.

She made the call speaking at a rally in Ukhia High School ground in Cox's Bazaar after visiting monasteries damaged by the communal attack there in September.

"The government has taken the country backward through its corruption and plunder. No people of any religion are safe now as long as they are there. They looted and torched centuries-old Buddhist monasteries".

The BNP chief urged all to unite and build the country anew sidelining Awami League.

BNP leaders from all over the district and several religious representatives joined the public meeting arranged by local BNP.

Khaleda visited Ramu on Saturday, more than a month after religious extremists attacked, torched and looted homes, shops and places of worship of the minority Buddhists on Sept 29. She reached Ukhia on Sunday to visit damaged Buddhist monasteries.

Agriculture Minister Matia Chowdhury had berated the BNP chief on Oct 24 for not visiting Ramu to be at the side of the victims.

Stop double-dealing: PM to Khaleda

Stop double-dealing: PM to Khaleda | Politics | bdnews24.com

Sun, Nov 11th, 2012 4:26 pm BdST

Dhaka, Nov 11 (bdnews24.com)—Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Sunday asked BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia who is touring Buddhist settlements in Cox's Bazaar to stop playing games with the people, accusing her of inflicting wounds and then appearing with the cure.

"I will tell the BNP leader 'You hunt with the hound and run with the hare'. Stop this game," Hasina commented.

"We will not allow you to play with the lives of the people of Bengal," she warned speaking at a programme marking the 40th anniversary of Juba League, the youth front of her party, at Bangabandhu International Convention Centre.

She asserted that democracy in Bangladesh will be safeguarded and continue uninterrupted.

The Prime Minister's comments came in a sharp response to the remarks the opposition chief made in Ramu on Saturday.

She termed Sept 29 attacks on the Buddhist Viharas and settlements in Ramu 'planned' and ridiculed Khaleda for visiting the scene more than a month into the incident.

"The opposition leader has gone there (Ramu). We have to see how many days have passed since the incident (communal riot in Ramu)," said Hasina.

"She went to China, she toured India. Then she has gone to Ramu. Now she is telling us what to do."

She baited her arch political rival asking whether Ramu was in Bangladesh or far away.

Islamist zealots attacked Buddhist monasteries and residential areas at Cox's Bazaar's Ramu, Ukhia and Teknaf, and Patia in Chittagong on Sep 29 and 30 alleging a Buddhist youth posted a photograph on his Facebook profile to denigrate Islam.

On Oct 8, Hasina questioned the role of local BNP MP Lutfor Rahman Kazal after visiting the scene of violence.

A month later, Khaleda at a public rally in Ramu alleged the government did not want a fair probe into the incident fearing embarrassing truth will come out.

"I want to make it clear the ruling party was involved with the attacks that took place in Ramu. Making excuses will not help the government. Arrest the offenders and punish them," Khaleda said.

Responding to such allegations, Hasina said her Awami League was doing politics for the people and "we don't need to be taught what to do for the people".

She discussed the efforts including allocation of money for repairing the affected Buddhist places of worship and deployment of army for ensuring security to the victims of the hate attacks.

Hasina in a bitter tone pointed out that Khaleda did not speak about sharing of Teesta waters and Tipaimukh dam during her visit to India.

She recollected Khaleda's India tour in 1991 as Prime Minister and said she did not speak about sharing of Ganga river water on that occasion either.

She also said it was during the BNP regime that terrorism surfaced and Awami League was successful in 'eliminating' terrorism. "We have to make sure that such it is maintained."

Presided over by Juba League President Omar Faroque Chowdhury, the rally was also addressed by AL's Advisory Council Member Amir Hossain Amu, Presidium member Sheikh Fazlul Karim Selim, its Joint General Secretary and State Minister for Local Government Jahangir Kabir Nanak and President of Arthonity Samity Abul Barkat.

The programme began with the Prime Minister hoisting national flag as national anthem was sung. Faroque hoisted the party flag.

The Prime Minister visited stalls set up on the venue premises, where an exhibition of photographs from the book 'Statesman Sheikh Hasina' was also organised. She launched the Android and Apple applications for the book.

Drawing attention of the participants to the programme's theme 'empowerment of the people', Hasina said, "Empowerment of people will be ensured as long as their right to vote is ensured. It is the people who will decide who will stay in power."

The Prime Minister thought the people will not vote if accountability was not ensured.

Emphasising balanced development, she said, "It is not acceptable if rich people continue to get richer, while the poor will become poorer. The development will be balanced. There will be no difference as rich and poor."

Hasina said it was not acceptable if only the rich became richer and the poor became poorer; development should be equal.

She also urged Juba League leaders and activists to help stop abuse of drugs.

A number of people were also accorded reception at the programme for their contributions in different arenas.

Shakib Al Hasan was awarded a medal for contributions in cricket, Musa Ibrahim for conquering Mount Everest, Ruhul Amin Sajib for founding 'Mangaldeep' and 'Eye Search' applications for visually impaired people and Engineer Mahmud Hassan Shohag for inventing Electronic Voting Machine.

Nishat Majumder's father on behalf of Nishat accepted medal for being the first Bangladeshi woman to scale the Everest and Dr Manjurul Alam accepted medal on behalf of Prof Maksudul Alam, who decoded jute genome.

The other Bangladeshi woman conqueror of Everest, Wasifa Nazrin was also awarded a medal.

1. As election day gets nearer the anti-regime policies and behaviour of both the BNP and Jamat, who have both been comparatively quiet (excluding Jamat's recent action against the police) will intensify.

It will be made clear to the regime of the corrupt Hasina Wajid that she cannot illegitimately stay in power.

2. There are thus two possible scenarios.

a: Eventually there will be elections and as per normal Bangladeshis will vote out the incumbent government and vote in the opposition, in this case Awami League out and BNP in.

b: The situation will be as per 2007-8 and there will be total anarchy and another military take over.

If it is b, then a military take over means in real geo-political terms, America runs the show in Bangladesh (any military coup will require approval from the powerful Americans) and the Americans have made it clear they detest Hasina and will not accept Tariq Zia in power. In such a scenario a national interim administration headed by Muhammad Yunus may come in to power.

i: All political parties may be temporarily banned including the Awami League, BNP, Jamat which may include the physical occupation of all of their headquarters and offices and confiscation for use by the national government and the confiscation of all their financial resources and bank accounts.

ii: Trials for politicians from both of the major parties and perhaps a permanent end to both the Awami League and BNP and permanent imprisonment or exile of both Hasina and Khaleda.

In 1980 in Turkey there was a military coup which banned all political parties including the party that Mustafa Kemal himself founded, the CHP, and the Bangladeshi military and their superiors in Washington may have to pursue a less draconian but similar path.
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