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Kerry talks with Syrian diplomat, as U.S. military makes plans for speedy

As I told you before, there is nothing of interest in Iraq, just stop your fancy imagination in the shed.

Your mullahs, on the other hand, are the ones who took full responsibilty for the ongoing slaughter of the Syrian people.

Sure, some how-much your regime trying to provoke them to start a civil war in Iraq by killing shiite daily with all means of ways but look they still holding there nerves and the shiite tightly preventing them from unholy war between muslims those our mullahs saving the suny people life's while we can make another Rwanda in the middle east see the difference between us its so huge like the difference between the cave man and civil one.
Syrian ambassador in Bulgaria:

If we have to fight, we will. Will answer back as we can. In my country currently reigns terrorism. There are countries that support this terrorism. Pour billions of dollars for regular government. In any war we will win because we are on the side of right and good.

That said, in the morning of TV7 Syrian ambassador Bashar al-Safi. "The government of Bashar al-Assad has used chemical weapons. We urge all those who claim the opposite, to prove it. Contrary. We have video evidence and the rebels terrorists have used such a weapon," said Safina.

Syria is not an easy prey and will not allow interference in our internal affairs. Syria is peace . Other countries want war. In this case, we defend ourselves . In a war could burn the whole Middle East, " the ambassador was adamant . "The terrorists who are fighting in Syria are targeting civilian persons and objects . They pounded on the bread of men. Hoped to raise the people to revolt against the government, but without success. Tried to destroy and military sites , but again without success. our military power is still strong . idea when I could possibly attack us . logic says that you must first decide the Security Council of the UN. any action without UN approval , will be defined as interference in the affairs of Syria . again I want to reiterate that Syria has always been for peace and understanding. Others want to ignite a war. Bulgaria is not among those states. Bulgaria has always claimed that it supports peaceful solution to the problem , "said the ambassador . " The Syrian opposition is divided into several wings. They fight among themselves . Some of these people want to impose radical Islam in Syria. Such people can not hold democratic governance in the country , said Safin . Syria now in a real democracy. Than 20 parties have signed up to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections. With such opposition can talk , "said Safina .

Well if there is a menace regime it's alsaud for sure actually the gcc regimes at all are.

We all know rulers from Najd and their supports are menace to the Muslim Nations...complete fitnah but worry not they will have it is promised Insha'Allah.

It is time to rock 'n roll! :yay:

It is wonderful that your are :yay:

Does that mean The Saudi King is going to be deploying his mighty House of Saud Military or is he planning to pay the American government for the cost to fire missiles at Assad and deploy me to fight on his behalf?
Deploying you? Eeh, no thanks.

In both resolution we tried to pass through the UN, KSA stated that it will deploy boots on the grounds if the resolution is being passed.

Thəorətic Muslim;4706810 said:
It is wonderful that your are :yay:

Does that mean The Saudi King is going to be deploying his mighty House of Saud Military or is he planning to pay the American government for the cost to fire missiles at Assad and deploy me to fight on his behalf?
I have followed the Syrian conflict fairly closely, and while I did sympathize with the opposition initially, I think they have degenerated too far now. They should have reached an alternative outcome instead.

I think Russia, Iran, the U.S., Israel...all these parties should stay out of Syria and allow the Syrian people to decide their own future.
Your take is pragmatic, but there is no hope to end this conflict peacefully.
I have followed the Syrian conflict fairly closely, and while I did sympathize with the opposition initially, I think they have degenerated too far now. They should have reached an alternative outcome instead.

I think Russia, Iran, the U.S., Israel...all these parties should stay out of Syria and allow the Syrian people to decide their own future.
I have followed the Syrian conflict fairly closely, and while I did sympathize with the opposition initially, I think they have degenerated too far now. They should have reached an alternative outcome instead.

I think Russia, Iran, the U.S., Israel...all these parties should stay out of Syria and allow the Syrian people to decide their own future.
Much of the opposition has been hijacked by fundies, and I am very uncomfortable with this...But,.eventually something must be said. Yes...we were wrong to turn a blind eye to Saddam's use against Iran, and ignoring Rwanda. But everyone here seems to think the way to atone for these oversights is to ignore it forever. Was it wrong to ignore these cases? Then we should learn to act. If it wasn't....then stop whining when it happens....(one point being....if it is correct to ignore it now.....stop b!tching that we ignored it in the past)
It is based on principle, nothing more. But the US is going to take an action soon, maybe, Assad did cross the line, for real.
Much of the opposition has been hijacked by fundies, and I am very uncomfortable with this...But,.eventually something must be said. Yes...we were wrong to turn a blind eye to Saddam's use against Iran, and ignoring Rwanda. But everyone here seems to think the way to atone for these oversights is to ignore it forever. Was it wrong to ignore these cases? Then we should learn to act. If it wasn't....then stop whining when it happens....
It is based on principle, nothing more. But the US is going to take an action soon, maybe, Assad did cross the line, for real.

Well, what I don't fully understand is why the West needs to get involved so. If your people truly disapprove of Assad's leadership, and if many Arabs prefer a new Syrian leader, why doesn't, for instance, the Arab League try to resolve the issue themselves instead of turning to America or Europe? Syria is part of the Arab world, after all, is it not?
The Arab people would stick to gather instead of letting US divide and conquer
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