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Kerry says ‘all options remain on table’ for Venezuela

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Kerry says ‘all options remain on table’ for Venezuela

US Secretary of State John Kerry says “all options” are on the table against Venezuela days after a US Senate panel approved the imposition of sanctions on the Latin American country.

During his first visit to Mexico as the US secretary of state which was aimed at increasing educational ties between the two countries, Kerry spoke forcefully on Wednesday about the recent political unrest in Venezuela, saying the US is losing patience with the Venezuelan government.

“All options remain on the table at this time with hopes to move this process forward,” Kerry said in Mexico City. “Our hope is that sanctions won’t be necessary.”

Kerry’s remarks came one day after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 13-2 in favor of legislation requiring the Obama administration to ban visas and freeze the assets of Venezuelan officials for alleged human rights violations during anti-government demonstrations. The bill will now go to the full Senate floor for consideration.

Venezuela has been the scene of violent pro- and anti-government demonstrations since early February.

The opposition criticizes the government for the high crime rate and economic hardships in the country, claiming that the policies of the government have led to a shortage of essential goods and a high inflation rate.

The government of President Nicolas Maduro has said the violent protests are part of a US-engineered plot to overthrow the government in the oil-rich Latin American country.

PressTV - Kerry says ‘all options remain on table’ for Venezuela
Kerry says ‘all options remain on table’ for Venezuela

US Secretary of State John Kerry says “all options” are on the table against Venezuela days after a US Senate panel approved the imposition of sanctions on the Latin American country.

During his first visit to Mexico as the US secretary of state which was aimed at increasing educational ties between the two countries, Kerry spoke forcefully on Wednesday about the recent political unrest in Venezuela, saying the US is losing patience with the Venezuelan government.

“All options remain on the table at this time with hopes to move this process forward,” Kerry said in Mexico City. “Our hope is that sanctions won’t be necessary.”

Kerry’s remarks came one day after the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 13-2 in favor of legislation requiring the Obama administration to ban visas and freeze the assets of Venezuelan officials for alleged human rights violations during anti-government demonstrations. The bill will now go to the full Senate floor for consideration.

Venezuela has been the scene of violent pro- and anti-government demonstrations since early February.

The opposition criticizes the government for the high crime rate and economic hardships in the country, claiming that the policies of the government have led to a shortage of essential goods and a high inflation rate.

The government of President Nicolas Maduro has said the violent protests are part of a US-engineered plot to overthrow the government in the oil-rich Latin American country.

PressTV - Kerry says ‘all options remain on table’ for Venezuela
oh my oh my ! ! ! another axis of evil ! ! :coffee:
US has lost it.

It has gone out of control. Invasion after invasions planned. I think LATAM together must put a stop to this as a joint political force.



Total deaths: hundreds of millions.

This is the behaviour of the US.
move all the beautiful women to India ,please i cant see them suffer in case US does something stupid.

Total deaths: hundreds of millions.

This is the behaviour of the US.

And it was advising PM Modi on human rights despite the fact that our supreme court proved him innocent after 12 years of rigorous investigation.

Though I don't hate them as an overall country, but their war machine has gone into out of control mode in the last 10 years.
move all the beautiful women to India ,please i cant see them suffer in case US does something stupid.

Venezuela is oil rich and its ruler hates invasions. Plus it has the most gorgeous girls on the planet.

All the reasons to expect a US invasion.

On a serious note, This will screw up the oil prices because Venezuela is an OPEC nation. Its largest clients are Brazil and US itself. But considering the dangers they have, they cannot hold off a US invasion at all. Despite the oil, they are relatively poor country due to terrible socialist economic planning (a grand version of Cuba actually).

They have strong Russian support but I don't see how they could hold off long enough unless entire South America unites as a single military block to hold off a US invasion.

I really hope that our US$30 billion oil pipeline plan through your country goes through. It will be a diplomatic move and at the same time, if we can pay that to Russians in Rupees/Ruble format, then it will be a powerful game changer.

This whole over-reliance on middle east is like sitting unstrapped on a roller coaster.
The US isn't going to invade Venezuela. There probably will be some meeting of South American countries to figure out what do do about them.

Total deaths: hundreds of millions.

This is the behaviour of the US.

That is not a full list by any means.

The US isn't going to invade Venezuela. There probably will be some meeting of South American countries to figure out what do do about them.

The US doesn't care one bit about other nations and peoples, not even their own people. You are not fooling anyone.

Total deaths: hundreds of millions.

This is the behaviour of the US.

You forgot Japan. Before that they slaughtered Red Indians. This behaviour is historical and deep rooted in their policy to remain sole super power at any cost.
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