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KERRY goes to israel to report "SYRIA DEAL" to his JEWISH MASTERS in ISRAEL



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Sep 15, 2013
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Kerry is to arrive in Israel to inform Benjamin Netanyahu about a recent deal that stopped Washington’s military strike against Syria.

Kerry will meet Netanyahu briefly on Sunday one day after sealing a deal with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Syria's chemical weapons program in Geneva.

"The purpose of the visit is to have an in-depth discussion with the prime minister on the final status negotiations between the Israelis and Palestinians," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

"They will also focus on developments in Syria," she added.

The spokeswoman also said the top US diplomat will travel to Paris on Sunday to meet with the British, French, and Saudi Arabian foreign ministers on Monday.

Israeli media outlet Debkafile reported on Sunday that “Israel is deeply concerned by a sense that the Obama administration has sold out the Syrian rebels and saved [Syrian President] Bashar Assad in a deal with Moscow.”

On Saturday, Kerry and Lavrov reached an agreement on a framework for Syria to verify it is eliminating all its chemical weapons.

They also raised the specter of a potential resolution at the United Nations Security Council to authorize both sanctions and the use of military force if the Syrian government fails to comply.

Under the agreement, the government of President Assad must destroy its stockpile of chemical weapons by mid-2014.

The United States accuses the Syrian government of launching a deadly chemical weapons attack in August. Damascus denied the allegation.

In an interview on Sunday, Lavrov once again refused the allegation of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government, saying the August 21st attack was “fabricated.”
Mods close this article i already transfered this article where it belonged 2 middle east section. By mistake i posted this article in arab defence section. thanks
:omghaha: Sounded like as if the Syrian conflict would serve the interests of Israel. In reality, it jeopardizes the entire region, something they don't wish.
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