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Kazakhstan President Tokayev Speaks Chinese on TV

The way you reply, the language you use shows that you prefere to insult the other instead continuing a civilized discussion.
-What gives you the right to determine the level of "smartness" of others?
-I am talking about forcing the people for so called "re-education" you defend with economic development and railways etc.
-Quote "smelly egg", "your brain is dead", "bulshtt" is this the level that the modern Chinese education helped you to reach?
-You are breaking down all the respect and admiration I have for the Chinese culture and civilization.
I hope not all the Chinese are like you.
Uyghurs have anything fuking to do with you? You have the time, why don't you care more about persons around you?
I have not so many interests talking bullt with you. You believe what you believe, you doubt what you doubt. Does another poster @bejingwalker not post hundreds of videos, reports, photos about Xinjiang and massive Uyghurs life's and situation. You just don't care what we politely explained, do you think I will still keep patient and polite to treat you? Do you think I don't know what ideas in your minds. You fucking meddle things have no relation, if you don't feel tired I feel boring to continue.
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Uyghurs have anything fuking to do with you? You have the time, why don't you care more about persons around you?
I have not so many interests talking bullt with you. You believe what you believe, you doubt what you doubt. Does another poster @bejingwalker not post hundreds of videos, reports, photos about Xinjiang and massive Uyghurs life's and situation. You just don't care what we politely explained, do you think I will still keep patient and polite to treat you? Do you think I don't know what ideas in your minds. You fucking meddle things have no relation, if you don't feel tired I feel boring to continue.
Then do not reply to my postings.
I have noting to discuss with a person who is not able to discuss in a civilized manner and swear but also try to "re-educate " others with force.
P.S. You can use your ability to "read minds of others" in a better way somewhere else.
Then do not reply to my postings.
I have noting to discuss with a person who is not able to discuss in a civilized manner and swear but also try to "re-educate " others with force.
P.S. You can use your ability to "read minds of others" in a better way somewhere else.
Then you firstly make sure who are forced to re-educated. Tell us who are in the educationI organazitions. I have been in this forum for years. Say straight forward some Muslims have a comprehensive logic dead zone. They are full of sympathy but can hardly rationally research a thing.
If you support laziness, effortless, unskillful, it just represent backward. I support the guys get a re-education, find a job and live a normal life.
I know some deeply Muslim believers take Islam as everything and only thing in their daily life. We don't care. As long as they don't impact others life and eat public tax. Does anyone shit on USE or Saudi millionaires? As long as they want, they can pray in mosque 10 times 365 days, they are rich even don't work. But most Muslims don't have this condition. You muslim guys have very long tongues and can't always understand the nationality. China is not rich, we can't feed the deep Islam believers. They have to do works besides religion.
It is not your business---if people want to be (how you say) "effortless", "unskillful" and "backward" it is their business...Nearby Muslim Kazakhstan is way richer and prosperous compared to Han ruled Xinjiang

You should learn to respect other Civilizations...Muslims of Xinjiang are not obliged to be bat eating, pork eating soulless atheist praying to Mao Zedong and CCP like you yourselve.

If we Muslims have a "long tongue" and you don't want to (how you say) "feed deep Islam believers" then get the F out from Xinjiang back to your Han core from where you came from
It is not your business---if people want to be (how you say) "effortless", "unskillful" and "backward" it is their business...Nearby Muslim Kazakhstan is way richer and prosperous compared to Han ruled Xinjiang

You should learn to respect other Civilizations...Muslims of Xinjiang are not obliged to be bat eating, pork eating soulless atheist praying to Mao Zedong and CCP like you yourselve.

If we Muslims have a "long tongue" and you don't want to (how you say) "feed deep Islam believers" then get the F out from Xinjiang back to your Han core from where you came from
After Islam spread and conquer the whole world, you decide whatever you want, okay? Spread, spread, make all your ambitions come true.
Obviously not? I was just asking cuz thats the general sentiment I see.
So you believe all Uyghurs are in re-educated organization?
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It is not your business---if people want to be (how you say) "effortless", "unskillful" and "backward" it is their business...Nearby Muslim Kazakhstan is way richer and prosperous compared to Han ruled Xinjiang
Xinjiang‘s GDP is bigger than Kazakhstan, per capita wise kazakhstan is indeed still higher than Xinjiang due to it vast resources and less population, but the difference is not very big as you claimed, ’ $9,812. vs $8484, Kazakhstan's per capita GDP is lower than China's but still higher than Xinjiang, but Xinjiang's growth is much faster than Kazakhstan, it'll overtake per capita wise too very soon.
Having a little bit higher of per capita GDP doesn't mean this region is more developed, XInjiang in general is still more developed than Kazakhstan in almost all categories, and is undisputed economic center in central Asia.
I do not know how you come to the conclusion that I am a pious person.
My comment has nothing to do with religion.
China is the most populous and very powerful country economically as well as militarily with great history of civilization, but its way of handling the Uighur minority shows insecurity and gives huge opportunity to its adversaries to use it against China.
You may "re-educate" all these people and create a monotype population like producing robots in a factory according to pre-determined standards.
Choosing this way will one day force you like Australians in a shameful position and it will be a black mark in Chinese history.
hi could you do yourself & i a favour by travelling & recording xinjiang & uyghurs conditions then post them over here?
Xinjiang‘s GDP is bigger than Kazakhstan, per capita wise kazakhstan is indeed still higher than Xinjiang due to it vast resources and less population, but the difference is not very big as you claimed, ’ $9,812. vs $8484, Kazakhstan's per capita GDP is lower than China's but still higher than Xinjiang, but Xinjiang's growth is much faster than Kazakhstan, it'll overtake per capita wise too very soon.
Having a little bit higher of per capita GDP doesn't mean this region is more developed, XInjiang in general is still more developed than Kazakhstan in almost all categories, and is undisputed economic center in central Asia.
Nominal GDP is NOT good for comparing standard of living.

Because China is a heavy exporting economy, its currency (yuan) is more appreciated and thus nominal GDP is bigger.

If you want to compare standard of living --look at GDP PPP per capita:




Kazakhstan is rich in natural resources, but so is Xinjiang

And the truth is that most of the development in Xinjiang is done by CCP for ethnic Han colonizers and not indigeneous majority
There is nothing wrong with re-educating terrorist/seperatist minded people. We should learn from ruthless Chinese.

Pakistan needs them for Baloch
Turkey needs them for Kurds
Nominal GDP is NOT good for comparing standard of living.

Because China is a heavy exporting economy, its currency (yuan) is more appreciated and thus nominal GDP is bigger.

If you want to compare standard of living --look at GDP PPP per capita:




Kazakhstan is rich in natural resources, but so is Xinjiang

And the truth is that most of the development in Xinjiang is done by CCP for ethnic Han colonizers and not indigeneous majority
In China we don't go for PPP, otherwise China would have been the world top economy for many years already but we don't feel it that way. Do you believe that China is the world biggest economy by a massive margin so far yourself? China buys and sells products around the world so nominal GDP means more for the world biggest trading nation like China.
Xinjiang's overall development in education, medicare, science, public infrastructure, finance... are all leading the bunch in central Asia. Kazakhstan may have some strength but overall is behind Xinjiang in almost all categories. and Kazahkstan only has around one third of Russians and even Kazakhs are not ver religious, they drink like a fish.
In China we don't go for PPP, otherwise China would have been the world top economy for many years already but we don't feel it that way. Do you believe that China is the world biggest economy by a massive margin so far yourself? China buys and sells products around the world so nominal GDP means more for the world biggest trading nation like China.
Xinjiang's overall development in education, medicare, science, public infrastructure, finance... are all leading the bunch in central Asia. Kazakhstan may have some strength but overall is behind Xinjiang in almost all categories. and Kazahkstan only has around one third of Russians and even Kazakhs are not ver religious, they drink like a fish.
When estimating the total amount of goods and services produced----in total size---CHina is the BIGGEST economy in the world---you produce more industrial goods, steel, electricity and cars than any nation in the world----yet the biggest economy---- but for 1,4bln people average income is smaller---that why you dont feel it that way

Your currency is undervalued and that is why nominal GDP is smaller compared to PPP (undervalued currency gives advantage for boosting exports)
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