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Kashmir to have trains in 6 months from now


Mar 18, 2006
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NEW DELHI: In the near future, Kashmir will no longer remain cut off from the rest of the country even during the severest winters, thanks to a path-breaking railway line.

In the Valley, the 120-km-long rail line between Qazigund and Baramulla is almost complete and trial runs will begin soon. By December-end, specially designed trains will be chugging in the valley on a broad gauge line.

Srinagar, Badgam, Kakapore and Pampore stations are ready with beautiful wooden carvings done by local artisans. The architecture of the station buildings blends with that in other parts of the Valley.

The Valley train has a specially designed 1,400-horse power engine and an auxiliary engine that will generate heat to keep the engine and its lubricants from freezing. It will also pump hot air into the coaches to keep passengers warm. The railways has also developed its own snow-cutting "cattle guard" for the engine so that the train runs in sub-zero temperatures without any problem.

The main engine has a sleek aerodynamic profile with fibre reinforced plastic. The driver's cabin will be provided with a single glass screen to give a wider view. Along with "cab heating," the driver's screen has an inbuilt de-snowing and de-fogging unit.

The "snow-cutting type cattle guard" has been developed by the Rail Coach Factory, Kapurthala, to clear snow from tracks during winter. "This will enable the train to run even in the absence of snow-cutting machines," a senior Northern Railway official said.

Each coach has a capacity to seat 90 persons. Each coach has a 900-mm wide door to enable easier entry and exit.

They will also have sliding doors like the ones in the Delhi Metro. The coaches have roof-mounted heating units, necessary during the severe winters.

The heating units will keep the temperature at a constant level of 20 degrees Celsius. The windows will be wide, made of unbreakable splinter proof polycarbonate sheet, to provide a "breathtaking panoramic view of the Kashmir valley," the railway official added.

The coaches have been provided with pneumatic suspension for better riding comfort and fitted with executive chair cars with fire resistant grade upholstery and a reclining mechanism. The coaches will have a public information system with display and automatic announcement features just like the Delhi Metro.

Work on other sections in Kashmir is also going on fast. These include the 25-km-long treacherous stretch between Udhampur and Katra, and the 150-km stretch between Katra and Qazigund, which will have the world's highest bridge - 359 metres from the ground. The trains will also pass through an 11-km-long tunnel.

The railway official said: "There is a lot of talk about China building a rail line to Tibet. But no one is appreciating the Indian Railways building a rail line in the world's most difficult mountainous terrain. Compared to this, the line in Tibet, which is a plateau, is a cakewalk."


May prosperity come to Kashmir with this line. Hopefully tourists flock in...
God Job India, I think India should take off the law which makes migration to Kashmir illegal, Assimilate them with Indian Populace like Azad Kashmir.
God Job India, I think India should take off the law which makes migration to Kashmir illegal, Assimilate them with Indian Populace like Azad Kashmir.

All in due time. Right now people going in from outside would only make good target for terrorists.

We're doing the job of finishing off terrorism nicely....give it time. :smokin:
I swear allow me to buy land in Kashmir, i wud luv to.
i would love to travel in the train thou.

but i am not too sure if it is safe..
I was watching a program on the Raj and man is Kashmir beautiful.

I found the program sad in a way because it showed English people water skiing on lakes there.
Probably no chance of that thse days what with security and islamists on Pakistans side of the border.
God Job India, I think India should take off the law which makes migration to Kashmir illegal, Assimilate them with Indian Populace like Azad Kashmir.

How about providing basic security and safety from fake killings and rape by IA first.
I bet Kashmiri's wouldn't mind migrants to come to their land from accross the country if their safety is granted specially from armed forces which are there to 'protect' them. :disagree:
How about providing basic security and safety from fake killings and rape by IA first.
I bet Kashmiri's wouldn't mind migrants to come to their land from accross the country if their safety is granted specially from armed forces which are there to 'protect' them. :disagree:

We are getting there!!!! Fake encounters or Rape's are as bad as it is, there are"some" idiotic IA personnel who do it. But 99% of them are good soldiers, Please propaganda and local idiots trying to get Indian Army compensations!!! Ah!!! we have heard all that,

that being said. I hope the problems get solved fast, and the salary increase for the personnel as well as their rotation and leave sanctions will get all of these "bygones"
...Please propaganda and local idiots trying to get Indian Army compensations!!! Ah!!! we have heard all that...

Ah...something like "Women getting raped to get foreign visa" kind of thing? :cheesy:
hehe, do you know Pakistan Railways was under severe criticism that IR had built a railways network in Indian Kashmir, while PR was still not doing anything in Azad Kashmir. Read it in dawn, PR hastily said that they too are studying plans or something to start the railways network, etc, etc!!
No, not entirely true. :tsk:
Plans have been there for quite some time to link AJK with Pakistan and China via rail link, but this government is the first to actually launch the project.
Btw, its not easy to build an intensive railway network in AJK, we have no valley's like J&K.
This rail link did not mention China, Neo. It only said linking Azad Kashmir with the rest of Pakistan, and that was after serious allegations flew that PR is doing nothing while IR has done such a major thing.

Only then did you see PR announce that it was conducting a feasibility report or whatever. Please dont bother crediting this to the Musharraf regime as though they had done this before India, before public pressure!
PR may have replied to media and mentioned this feasibility report but GoP sees a railway link with Pakistan and China as part of the energy and trade corridor which currently is being discussed.
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