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Kashmir, The Way Forward : Shaykh Imran Hosein

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There were a lot of oppressive Muslim rulers and dynasties throughout islamic history. Go educate yourself.

Any of those Muslim Rulers or Dynasties taken young Orthodox Christians boys from their families, forced them to become Muslim and use them as Sultan's private army? Any of those Muslim Rulers or Dynasties convert the Hagia Sofia (equivalent to Kaabah of Orthodox Christians) and change it into a Masjid? We were meant to live in peace with Christians, not run them down to the ground. Is this how Muslims repay the Christians for their kindness when King Abyssinia gave refuge to Muslims who were being persecuted by the quraish?

Don't give such half-assed bullshit. There isn't anything worth defending other than our beloved Prophet Muhamad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. So I call it like I have read it, researched and educated myself with it ... Muslims don't follow the Ottomans, Mughals or any one else for that matter. We are Ummis of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. Anyone claiming to be some benevolent saviors of Islam while butchering Orthodox Christians, recognizing Israel as a state, having their fighter jets upgraded by Israel military industry .... please me the bullshit will ya!!!

But he is no prophet. He can be right and wrong as well. Ahe is certaonly wrong about Hindus and hagia sophia ...

So he is saying hindus are right and worships when clearly they dont

No he is not a Prophet (Astaghfirullah) and he never claims absoluteness over his analysis. He always states that he can be wrong and declares that if he is, then kindly correct him. Bring proof, prove that Hagia Sofia wasn't converted into a Masjid. Prove that Orthodox Church were oppressive toward Muslims.
Pure entertainment
Any of those Muslim Rulers or Dynasties taken young Orthodox Christians boys from their families, forced them to become Muslim and use them as Sultan's private army?

Oppression is in different forms. One converts the other beheads. Both are oppressions
Don't give such half-assed bullshit.
Is this how milkshake imran Hosein followers speak? Such islamic etiquettes.
Oppression is in different forms. One converts the other beheads. Both are oppressions

And who may this beheader Muslim leader be? If I may ask!
zm of Mughals or Ottomans comes to bare. It is not so much about Islam that you all are boiling your blood over, it is your
I couldn't care less about Ottamans or Moghals. Both were pathetic and burn in hell. I only worry about one subject Mullahs.

And who may this beheader Muslim leader be? If I may ask!
Crusaders or the The Fatimid Caliph, Al Hakim of Cairo, known as the "mad Caliph"[6] destroyed the ancient and magnificent Constantinian-Era Church of the Holy Sepulcher in 1009, as well as most other Christian churches and shrines in the Holy Land.
Is this how milkshake imran Hosein followers speak? Such islamic etiquettes.

The way I speak? Really? Coming from someone who doesn't have the decency to just address the person by his name. Are you that childish, that you're compelled to call him milkshake? Come off your high horse, bud, it's a bit embarrassing now.
Any of those Muslim Rulers or Dynasties taken young Orthodox Christians boys from their families, forced them to become Muslim and use them as Sultan's private army? Any of those Muslim Rulers or Dynasties convert the Hagia Sofia (equivalent to Kaabah of Orthodox Christians) and change it into a Masjid? We were meant to live in peace with Christians, not run them down to the ground. Is this how Muslims repay the Christians for their kindness when King Abyssinia gave refuge to Muslims who were being persecuted by the quraish?

Don't give such half-assed bullshit. There isn't anything worth defending other than our beloved Prophet Muhamad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. So I call it like I have read it, researched and educated myself with it ... Muslims don't follow the Ottomans, Mughals or any one else for that matter. We are Ummis of Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. Anyone claiming to be some benevolent saviors of Islam while butchering Orthodox Christians, recognizing Israel as a state, having their fighter jets upgraded by Israel military industry .... please me the bullshit will ya!!!
The jihad against the orthodox Christians(Byzantine empire) was initiated by none other than the Holy Prophet SAW himself after they attacked Arabia.

Tabuk - Mutah - Yarmuk - Alexandria - Constantinople

Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari RA's grave is in Constantinople, do I need to remind you who he was?

And it is now too easy to see that this guy is on Russian payroll. Ignoring what Orthodox Christians have been doing in Bosnia and elsewhere.

This guy also wants us to bow down infront of Modi yet you blindly follow him. I am aghast.
beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. And my Prophet Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam was NOT arrogant, NOR was there any hatred in His heart for Orthodox Christians. That is the bottomline!

Who cares about orthodox Christians or anybody else... I only worry about present day one subject Mullahs who think everything in end times prophesies is exclusively about today's times.

Ten years ago milk sheikh Hossein was singing praises of the Afghan Taliban... Now he has changed his prophesies tunes...

milkshake? Come off your high horse, bud, it's a bit embarrassing now.
He is unbalanced ... Like a milkshake.. it isn't a vulgar word like "b#!!$&-+"

Milk shake Imran Hosein has endorsed the murder and massacre of Sunnis in Syria by Assad and Putin... He is desperate for fulfilment of his own delusional prophesies.

He hates Pakistan and is pro-India . He is anti-sunni and pro-iran+Russia.
Crusaders or the The Fatimid Caliph, Al Hakim of Cairo, known as the "mad Caliph"[6] destroyed the ancient and magnificent Constantinian-Era Church of the Holy Sepulcher in 1009, as well as most other Christian churches and shrines in the Holy Land.

My research of Islamic History, I have understood one thing. That the respect and decorum shown to other faiths (Jews & Christians) was only in the Rashidun period. I know this because I came upon a contradiction, namely the "Ashtiname Muhammad" (Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam) which mentions that covenant between our beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam and the Orthodox Christian Church. I was perplexed by this document and wanted to know what and why would Muslims go against the covenant of our beloved Prophet (Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam) and fight against the Byzantine Empire. My research led me to conclude that only the Khalafa-e-Rashidun were the ones who adhered to the respecting and honoring the Orthodox Christians, even in the liberation of Jerusalem, Hazrat Umar's humility is unmatched and unrivalled, that it impressed the Orthodox Patriarch.

So it wouldn't be so hard to believe that the Fatmid Khliafa could've done what you're claiming. Everything went down hill after the Rashidun Reign.
I couldn't care less about Ottamans or Moghals. Both were pathetic and burn in hell.
History of Mughal empire is being taught in American high school. Ottomans and Mughal empire are the pride of Muslim history. Only people who despise Muslim empires are the generation of slave converts.

Beware of One Subject Mullahs.
Best way to describe him. He lives in an ideal world of La La land.

Air-condition room ki hawa kuch zada lag gai hy. He needs to go out in dawa (Tablig) or some other humanitarian work and get in touch with reality.
My research of Islamic History, I have understood one thing. That the respect and decorum shown to other faiths (Jews & Christians) was only in the Rashidun period. I know this because I came upon a contradiction, namely the "Ashtiname Muhammad" (Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam) which mentions that covenant between our beloved Prophet Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam and the Orthodox Christian Church. I was perplexed by this document and wanted to know what and why would Muslims go against the covenant of our beloved Prophet (Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam) and fight against the Byzantine Empire. My research led me to conclude that only the Khalafa-e-Rashidun were the ones who adhered to the respecting and honoring the Orthodox Christians, even in the liberation of Jerusalem, Hazrat Umar's humility is unmatched and unrivalled, that it impressed the Orthodox Patriarch.

So it wouldn't be so hard to believe that the Fatmid Khliafa could've done what you're claiming. Everything went down hill after the Rashidun Reign.

My comments are not about you or your research. It is about the folly of One Subject Mullahs who in their desperation skew scripture to suit their forecasts and predictions.
I used to watch him back in the day but he sowed hate amongst followers in terms of Ottomans. His followers i came across had proper hate attitude towards them. Riding the high good Muslim horses.

Sowing this discord amongst Muslims put me off this guy.
Beware of One Subject Mullahs.

That's all I'm going to say.

I just did.

Beware of One Subject Mullahs.

lol he's not "one subject" whatever that made up term means. He discusses various issues and like I said, he may be wrong on some but that doesn't make him a bad guy.
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