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kashmir problem

rayan lion


New Recruit

May 26, 2014
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United Arab Emirates
The problem of the beautiful city kashmir is the L.o.c between india and pakistan as we all know that in 1965 war between India and pakistan , kashmir people help pakistani army not the Indian army but india think that kashmit should be with their country
Why is it that every newbie from Pakistan seem to open a thread on Kashmir? its as if they are trying to establish their identity!!!!

This one does not even make sense :lol:
Why is it that every newbie from Pakistan seem to open a thread on Kashmir? its as if they are trying to establish their identity!!!!

This one does not even make sense :lol:

Wannabes :lol:
The problem of the beautiful city kashmir is the L.o.c between india and pakistan as we all know that in 1965 war between India and pakistan , kashmir people help pakistani army not the Indian army but india think that kashmit should be with their country

1. Kashmir is not a city.
2.At least get the name of the place right.
3. It's 2014 now, not 1965. Stay in the present.
Theres no need for drama dude

this issue is as silly justin bieber rapping
The problem of the beautiful city kashmir is the L.o.c between india and pakistan as we all know that in 1965 war between India and pakistan , kashmir people help pakistani army not the Indian army but india think that kashmit should be with their country

You are misinformed. You ought to learn real history, not the one they taught you at your local madrassah.

In 1965, Pakistani army sent SSG commandos into Kashmir (operation grandslam) in the expectation that Kashmiris would all welcome them with flowers. What actually happened is that Kashmiris alerted Kashmiri policemen, and led the SSG fellows to the local police stations, and those mard-e-momin commandos spent a few years in Indian jails, eating Indian governmental food. Grandslam ended in a grand mess, and Kashmir remained with India, and Pakistanis ended up desperately defending Lahore.

Jab tak suraj chand rahega,
Kashmir Hindustan rahega!
You are misinformed. You ought to learn real history, not the one they taught you at your local madrassah.

In 1965, Pakistani army sent SSG commandos into Kashmir (operation grandslam) in the expectation that Kashmiris would all welcome them with flowers. What actually happened is that Kashmiris alerted Kashmiri policemen, and led the SSG fellows to the local police stations, and those mard-e-momin commandos spent a few years in Indian jails, eating Indian governmental food. Grandslam ended in a grand mess, and Kashmir remained with India, and Pakistanis ended up desperately defending Lahore.

Jab tak suraj chand rahega,
Kashmir Hindustan rahega!
man.. never reply to newbe post when he could be banned any moment.
wait for 100 posts at least before replying unless he/she is really good.

why do I feel this could be the vishal rawat dude... the guy is everywhere..
What actually happened is that Kashmiris alerted Kashmiri policemen, and led the SSG fellows to the local police stations.

absolute bullshit. i've tried looking for neutral sources for this. any foreign correspondence outside of Indo-Pak, and came out with nothing. when a claim is not corroborated in war to a healthy extent by opposing or atleast neutral viewpoints, its safe to assume it is part of state propaganda. i know its useless to tell you this, because you and i will believe our respective state narratives, but this fact should be out there.

Jab tak suraj chand rahega,
Kashmir Hindustan rahega!

time will tell. if you are so confident, hold an unconditional referendum guaranteed by major world powers that we also do the same. fair and impartial. but, what's that you don't need to? which means you admit that its against the will of the people. and your 'rahega' dream also is the same, with or without consent of the most important stakeholder- the Kashmiris themselves.
man.. never reply to newbe post when he could be banned any moment.
wait for 100 posts at least before replying unless he/she is really good.

why do I feel this could be the vishal rawat dude... the guy is everywhere..

LOL what can I say, I just stumbled across this thread, and I was in a naughty mood, and I felt like responding to the greenhorn. And BTW many Pakistanis do ludicrously believe that nonsense.

But I disagree with you that he will be banned - did you see his flag and his allegiance?;)

Regarding this Vishal Rawat guy - are you sure he is all over the forum? Because from what I can see, it's always a fellow named 'mumbai monitor' who accuses the OPs of being Vish. I don't know what's going on there, but I have a feeling that there is more to it that meets the eye.
LOL what can I say, I just stumbled across this thread, and I was in a naughty mood, and I felt like responding to the greenhorn. And BTW many Pakistanis do ludicrously believe that nonsense.

But I disagree with you that he will be banned - did you see his flag and his allegiance?;)

Regarding this Vishal Rawat guy - are you sure he is all over the forum? Because from what I can see, it's always a fellow named 'mumbai monitor' who accuses the OPs of being Vish. I don't know what's going on there, but I have a feeling that there is more to it that meets the eye.
well, I tend to believe the mumbai mirror guy, especially when somebody writes incredibly weird one or two line posts. like say 'Modi was raped by dolphins in childhood'. or 'mumbai stock market crashed to zero today.' :lol:
absolute bullshit. i've tried looking for neutral sources for this. any foreign correspondence outside of Indo-Pak, and came out with nothing. when a claim is not corroborated in war to a healthy extent by opposing or atleast neutral viewpoints, its safe to assume it is part of state propaganda. i know its useless to tell you this, because you and i will believe our respective state narratives, but this fact should be out there.

The last sentence is true, that everybody likes to believe their own state's narratives. Well then, what is your state narrative on that? What happened to the mard-e-momin commandos who parachuted into Kashmir, expecting popular support? Did operation grandslam succeed as your leadership expected, or did it end in a grand mess as I said it did? Let's hear your narrative about that ill conceived operation.

time will tell. if you are so confident, hold an unconditional referendum guaranteed by major world powers that we also do the same. fair and impartial. but, what's that you don't need to? which means you admit that its against the will of the people. and your 'rahega' dream also is the same, with or without consent of the most important stakeholder- the Kashmiris themselves.

Let's be clear about one thing - no nation state would ever hold a referendum on the territory that it has a sovereign right over, because the act of a referendum itself would send a message that it is not sovereign territory. Kashmir legally acceded to India in 1948, and since then, we have considered it (with every justification) to be our territory, just as much as Trivandrum or Rajastan or Mysore is.

Not to mention the fact that Pakistan is in violation of the terms of referendum, having occupied Kashmir illegally, and allowed non Kashmiris to settle there over the years. The UN resolution states, as a precondition for referendum, that Pak should withdraw al its soldiers from Pak occupied Kashmir. Do that, and then we shall think about a referendum.

well, I tend to believe the mumbai mirror guy, especially when somebody writes incredibly weird one or two line posts. like say 'Modi was raped by dolphins in childhood'. or 'mumbai stock market crashed to zero today.' :lol:
I agree that such posts have zero credibility. But notice two things:

1) In all such threads, it's 'Mumbai monitor' who accuses the OP of being Vishal Rawat.
2) 'Mumbai monitor' 's only posts on this forum so far have been about accusing spammers of being Vishal Rawat.

Put these two together, and you will understand why I am deeply suspicious of Mr Mumbai monitor.
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The last sentence is true, that everybody likes to believe their own state's narratives. Well then, what is your state narrative on that? What happened to the mard-e-momin commandos who parachuted into Kashmir, expecting popular support? Did operation grandslam succeed as your leadership expected, or did it end in a grand mess as I said it did? Let's hear your narrative about that ill conceived operation.

my views on it are more holistic, and part of a continuum of bad leadership by ayub khan starting from his cozying up to the west and rejection of strategic cooperation with China. but yes, the operation could not achieve the success we'd sought, but for purely technical, logistics and military planning related reasons. Kashmiris were never willing to accept Indian occupation, the rebellions of 1947-8 should have given you enough of a hint regards to that.

Let's be clear about one thing - no nation state would ever hold a referendum on the territory that it has a sovereign right over, because the act of a referendum itself would send a message that it is not sovereign territory. Kashmir legally acceded to India in 1948, and since then, we have considered it (with every justification) to be our territory, just as much as Trivandrum or Rajastan or Mysore is.

Not to mention the fact that Pakistan is in violation of the terms of referendum, having occupied Kashmir illegally, and allowed non Kashmiris to settle there over the years. The UN resolution states, as a precondition for referendum, that Pak should withdraw al its soldiers from Pak occupied Kashmir. Do that, and then we shall think about a referendum.

sovereign territory is only such if accepted by others, on a legitimate basis, whether that be the region or ideally the world community at large. in this case, neither of them recognize your sovereignty, as kashmir still remains a disputed territory pending resolution according to international law. unilateral declarations of sovereignty mean squat unfortunately.

Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan are self governing territories protected by Pakistan from Indian aggression. my fellow compatriots give me flak for this, but my position is that the entirety of the princely state should be let under UN control for the referendum. ofcourse neither would agree to this, for the same reason we would not withdraw our troops unilaterally and let Indian soldiers occupy further territory. mutual withdrawal is a fair compromise, but your leadership has never shown even an inkling of a sign to accomodate or discuss such ideas.

but its okay, as the famous saying goes. you have the watch, we have the time. wrong will remain wrong, and kashmir will eventually attain freedom, that is the trajectory of history since colonialism unfortunately for the Indian establishment.
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