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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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They are "non-state" actors, not "stateless" actors. "non-state" simply means they are ordinary citizens, not supported by the government.

Thank you for the crash course in pakistan-ese.

There are various forms of support my friend, that do not have to be direct help, funding, training, arming.

Looking the other way to whats happening right under your own nose on your own land by your own people, when you as a responsible nation should crack down on such people and their hostile and irresponsible activities, is also support my friend, and no country in the world can or will be allowed to get away with such a BS stand.

Its like letting out a loud smelly fart at a high brow cocktail party, and telling the shocked and disgusted people around that it was your arse-hole at fault.

Cheers, Doc
Bro, please be careful and don't fall into the trap of bringing religion into all this.

Whoever these attackers were -- LeT, common criminals, Indian soldiers -- they deserved what they got. The family was brave and deserve 100% respect.
I was just pointing towards a gentleman's act of using an Islamic term in generalizing manner which is obviously not acceptable, number 1.

number 2, let me put it this way, if they were freedom fighters then my opinion will be different, and its quite logical, one man's hero is other's demon.
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Thank you for the crash course in pakistan-ese.

No, I believe it is england-ese; also known as English.

I was simply correcting the posters assertion that "non-state" actors means they are not Pakistani citizens.

The question of how much support they receive is a separate debate and should probably not derail this thread.
So you doubt her identity?

Does she need a identity proof from you? No

I'm only pointing out the obvoius and gosh she does not need an identity proof from me when whole of Indian media is giving her a concocted identity
Multi-dimensional truth: Just too many
sides to Rajouri's bravery saga

Truth has generally three sides, your side, my side and the
ultimate truth, which lies in between the two! Yet in the militancy- infested
state of J&K, this adage does not fit the bill anyway. Here the “truth” always
has many sides and still that never comes out which one may call “the ultimate
truth.” Reason, here the infamous trinity of Media, Army and Police (MAP) blurs
the facts so deeply that the “ultimate truth” becomes an “innocent casualty”.
So no wonder the famous story of “Blind men and the elephant” has been
replicated in the case of Rajouri killing also, which has put a sleepy hamlet
Thannamandi of the border district under constant media glare since Sunday. And it is this constant glare, which has given the story too many angles which may confound any sane person. Hence goes the journey to discover “too many sides” to one truth.
KASHMIR TIMES: gave credit to the siblings Aijaz, 20 and Rukhsana, 22 for
killing the terrorist in the story which appeared on Tuesday. The story was
based on the inputs provided by SHO Thannamandi Mohammed Ashraf (quoted also).
No identification of terrorist was given because there was no official
confirmation on this account, neither by the police handout nor by army handout
issued to the media on Monday. Number of terrorists was given three as mentioned
by SHO Thannamandi. No reason was specified behind the incident.
DAILY EXCELSIOR: Siblings were given the credit in the story based on inputs
provided by the police sources. Reason behind the incident though was not
specified yet there was a hint in the para.”After questioning the two brothers,
the militants ...started beating up Noor Ahmed , his wife Rashida Begum and
Vakalat Hussain ..describing them as agents of security forces.” In this story
however Aijaz was elder, 20 year old and Rukhsana was younger, 17 year old.
Identity of the slain militant was established as Osama - a dreaded Jaish
commander, quoting SSP Rajouri Shafqat Watali.
PIONEER: Here siblings were described as the protagonists quoting SHO
Thannamandi Ashraf. No reason behind the incident was given and the identity of
the militant too was not established. TRIBUNE: Siblings Rukhsana, 20 along with
her brother Ajaz, 18 axed a militant to death. The number of terrorists was
three. No reason was specified.
Quoting locals, the story added: “The girl killed one of the militants with an
axe and injured the others, who later fled. The third militant, who was unarmed,
carried his injured partner on his back and left the body behind. The father and
uncle of Rukhsana also managed to snatch the AK rifles from the militants. (Not
Rukhsana, Ajaz or their mother as most of the stories reported).
“Immediately after the incident, intercepts by the security forces revealed that
the slain militant was named Osama and was a commander with theLeT outfit.” “We are investigating the matter. If what the locals are claiming is right, we will
recommend the girl for a bravery award,” said Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of police, Rajouri-Poonch range, SD Singh Jamwal.
INTERESTINGLY THE DAILY NEXT DAY REPORTED: Fortyeight hours after the 20-year- old girl from Shahdra Sharief village in Rajouri axed a militant to death and forced two others to flee without their weapons late on Sunday night, the
government is yet to announce an award for her because the identity of the
militant could not be established. “The police said it was still not established
whether they were militants from across the border or not.
The weapons, including AK 56 and AK 47, left behind strongly suggest that they
were militants but it is yet to be established,” said SSP. Shafqat Ali Watali,
in contrast to news reports that have identified the one killed as Uzafa Shah, a
Lashkar-e-Taiba area commander.
INDIAN EXPRESS (THE HIMALAYAN MAIL): Here Kashmir girl axed to death an armed Lashkar-e-Taiba commander..along with her 18-year old rother..snatched guns and opened fire on two other militants. .The police identified the dead militant as Uzafa Shah, a Pak national, operating in Rajouri-Poonch for the last 4 years, only Laskhkar commander in the area who had survived.
Rajouri SSP Shafqat Watali was quoted in the report. According to DIG SDS
Jamwal, the family retaliated when the militants made an attempt to molest 20-
year old. THE HINDU: “A family put up resistance and killed a top-ranking
Lashkar-e-Taiba militant who, along with two others, intruded into its house in
Rajouri and attacked the occupants on Sunday night. The three militants knocked at the door of Noor Ahmad at Shahdara Sharief around 9.30 p.m., but the family, according to Senior Superintendent of Police Shafqat Ali Watali, did not open the door.
However, Ahmad’s son Aijaz and daughter Rukhsana mustered courage and hit back with lathis and axes. At this, two militants fled, one of them injured, but the
top ranking militant, identified as Abu Osama by the police, could not escape
the family’s wrath. He was first hit with axes and then fired upon with his own
Watali said Abu Osama was a Pakistani national and had been operating in the
area for the last 4 years.” Here new angle was: “Noor Ahmad told journalists in
Rajouri that the militants were enquiring his daughter about a case of alleged
rape by two local civilians. The case was two months-old and, according to the
police, dismissed by court after the girl herself admitted that no one had raped
Waqalat Hussain, who was injured when the intruders fired a few shots, said the
gunmen were also enquiring about the character of Noor’s daughter and they
repeatedly asked, “Why did you first approach police and then withdraw the
This angle was later worked out in detail by “HIMALAYAN MAIL” on Wednesday.
HINDUSTAN TIMES: The newspaper reported, “Rukhsana,18, shot the divisional
commander of Lashkare- Taiba militant outfit at her house late on Sunday to save
her honour and family. Rukhsana first hit the terrorist with an axe and after he
hit the floor, she picked up his gum and shot him. She had no training in
handling firearms. Osama is active in Rajouri-Poonch area for the past 10
The report adds: “The police is tightlipped over the motive of the militants for
being there at that point of time but sources in the area said militants entered
homes at late hours mostly with the intention of grabbing women for sex.” “When Noor (father of Rukhsana) opened the door to let Waqalat (uncle) in, two armed terrorists entered his room where Rukhsana was asleep. The terrorists first accused Noor of being a police informer and started beating his wife and him..” “Ajaz hit him on the head with an axe before grabbing his rifle ...Rukhsana jumped out from under the bed, hit him with an axe, snatched his rifle and fired at him. Other two had fled at this point.
Two months ago, two people had kidnapped Rukhsana. She was traced the same day, but there was no sign of the accused. SSP S Watali said it was unclear whether or not the terrorists had links with the kidnapping accused.” ASIAN AGE: Here a village woman and her family killed a militant and injured and drove away the other in the frontier district of Rajouri late on Sunday night.
“Police officials in Srinagar said that the militants barged into the house of
one Noor Hussein in Upper Kalsi Shadra Sharief, a remote village of Rajouri, and
opened fire at the inmates injuring one of the family members Wakalat Hussein.
The other family members, including a young woman Rashida Begum, overpowered the gunmen and snatched their AK assault rifles and then launched a counter-attack using an axe and lathis. One of the intruding militants was killed on the spot whereas his injured accomplice fled from the house. Later, the family handed the weapons over to the police.”
“However, independent sources said that the militants group comprised three who wanted to stay at Noor Hussein’s house for the night. When the family refused to oblige them the gunmen started abusing and beating them. On this, one of the family members caught hold of an axe and other took up sticks to retaliate. On seeing two of his accomplice felling and the other in a pool of blood, the third gunman opened fire while fleeing injuring the houseowner’s brother Wakalat Hussein.”
TIMES OF INDIA: reported, “A humble Muslim woman in a remote Jammu village slew a dreaded Lashkar terrorist single-handedly. Exhibiting astonishing, raw
courage, Rashida Begum took on the two terrorists who had barged into her home late Sunday night in Thanna Mandi village in Rajouri district.
The woman, in her early forties, grabbed an axe and swung it wildly, killing one
of the armed terrorists and injuring the other.
A Rajouri-based police officer said the two terrorists of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the
Pakistan-based group that carried out the 26/11 Mumbai attacks, had entered Noor Ahmad’s home around 9 PM with the intention of holding the family hostage. Police said the two also wanted information on some local targets that Noor and his family members refused to provide. Angered by the resistance, the two began beating them up, threatening to eliminate the family, when Noor’s wife, Rashida, took them by surprise, pouncing on one of them from behind. She brought down an axe in powerful blows, killing the terrorist on the spot.
She then charged at his partner who, nonplussed, was trying to gather his wits.
Rashida and the rest of the family members soon overpowered him and snatched his weapon. However, the terrorist escaped under the cover of darkness, but not before receiving sharp cuts in the face-off with the furious housewife. Rajouri’s additional superintendent of police Shabir Ahmed said investigations were on to establish to identity of the duo but the slain terrorist was believed to be Osama, a Pakistan-based LeT commander, wanted in many cases of extortion and terror related activities.”
IRONY REFLECTS IN WHAT IT’S ELECTRONIC CHANNEL (QUOTING AGENCIES) REPORTS SAME DAY. TIMES NOW: “As the country bid farewell to goddess Durga, the demon-slayer, on Dashami and witnessed the evil king Ravana being vanquished on Dussehra, a humble Muslim woman in a remote Jammu village slew a dreaded Lashkar terrorist single-handedly.
“.. 21-year-old Rukhsana ... three terrorists barged…..overpowered the men and
even shot dead one. Courageous Rukhsana and her family overpowered three
terrorists, as the 21-yr-old grabbed the terrorist’s gun, and shot him dead.
Rukhsana’s mother Rashida Begum said, “My son managed to grab the terrorists gun after hitting him with an axe. Another terrorist tried to attack me but my
daughter grabbed his gun.”

Welcome to Kashmir Times
Rukhsana's family afraid of retaliation, says can't go home
Thu, Oct 1 05:48 AM

Three days after 20-year-old Rukhsana killed a militant, she and her younger brother Aijaz Ahmed left for Delhi under police protection on the invitation of a television news channel. Rukhsana's family, however, refused to go home in Upper Shahdra Sharief, about 30 km from Rajouri.

"Apprehending retaliation by militants, the family does not want to go home, especially until the standing maize crop in the area is harvested," said SSP, Rajouri, Shafqat Watali.

After Rukhsana axed to death a Lashkar commander and injured his accomplice, a police picket was set up at their house. Besides, three police and para military pickets already exist near their house. "Under the present situation, we have few options. Either the family agrees to stay in the village and we provide them round the clock protection, or we arrange for their stay at a place of their choice. However, Rukhsana's family is not interested in moving out of Rajouri district," said Watali.

Rukhsana's father Noor Hussain and uncle Waqalat Hussain were injured in the militant attack and are undergoing treatment at the government hospital in Rajouri.

While some of the family members are staying in a special room arranged by the police in the hospital, the others are putting up at Shahdra Sharief police post. During the day, they go to their houses under police protection to give fodder and water to their cattle and return to the police post before sunset.

"Our houses are located at an isolated place. Next time in case of militants strike, we may not be lucky," said Rukhsana's mother Rashida Begum, adding that para military personnel from a nearby picket reached there next morning. "After finding none of us at home, they reached the police post looking for the weapons snatched by us from the militants," she said.
A member of India's governing Congress party in Indian-administered Kashmir has condemned moves by China to issue separate visas for Kashmiri people.

He said the decision by China to issue hand-written visas on loose sheets of paper was "not acceptable".

China has given no explanation for its move, but many in Srinagar say it is because Beijing sees Kashmir as disputed territory.

The divided region is claimed in its entirety by both India and Pakistan.

'Not valid'

So far only about 100 people have been affected by the new procedures.

The move - introduced in May - follows recent reports in the Indian media that Chinese troops have made incursions into the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir in the Ladakh region.

The new requirements may affect only a handful of students and businessmen who travel from Indian-administered Kashmir to China, but the diplomatic implications of the Chinese move could result in a serious deterioration of relations between Beijing and Delhi.

One of those affected is Aejaz Hussain, a Srinagar businessman who regularly travels to China.

When he last went two months ago he was issued with a hand-written Chinese visa on a loose sheet of paper stapled to his passport. But Indian immigration authorities told him it was not valid. He missed his flight as a result and complained to the Chinese embassy in Delhi.

"They told me they were using the loose visa only for people from Kashmir. They said it was their government's decision," he said.

Acting on the advice of embassy officials, he asked the immigration authorities at Delhi international airport to explain in writing why the visa was invalid.

"I told them to arrest me if I had a fake visa."

Eventually Indian officials allowed him to fly.

"But I had to go through hell before they let me," Mr Hussain said.


Not everybody has been so fortunate. Shuja Altaf was prevented from travelling last month after being told by Indian immigration that Chinese "loose visas" were not being accepted.

"The officer told me that by issuing such visas, China was refusing to recognise Kashmir as part of India," Mr Altaf said.

He said that he saw at least four students from Kashmir who were also prevented from boarding their flight.

Now a prominent leader of India's governing Congress party from Kashmir, Saifuddin Soz, has spoken out over the issue.

"It is wrong, it is not acceptable to us," he said. "Kashmir is an inseparable part of India and China cannot question that position."

However, a senior separatist leader and former chairman of the All Party Hurriyat conference, Molvi Abbas Ansari, said that China's decision reflects its recognition of Kashmir as disputed territory.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Row over China Kashmir visa move

This is a great move by the Chinese govt. to show support to the Kashmiri people and Chinese perspective on Kashmir.

Frustration spilling from you guys who cant accept and digest a news agains terrotists. Where is you sense of honor for the Kashmiries when they fight militents?

what india call militents in kashmir????
its all the freedom fighter that india called them militents.

now why a woman killed a freedom fighter.

wake up
what india call militents in kashmir????
its all the freedom fighter that india called them militents.

now why a woman killed a freedom fighter.

wake up

She did kill the man because she didn't think he was freedom fighter.

And that's what matters.
now you sound like kashmirs support indias.

Tell you very interesting theory.

Fear is used to deter genuine voters from coming to polling booth and its been used for long back.

But its impossible, and unheard, to create fear and bring millions of people to polling booth , never happens that way.

ohh no.. hell is just got frozen, you believe this, have a plebiscite in occupied valley according to the UN resolution and you'll have your ansawer, those "few" people are actually "quite a few" which will ultimately make you sad for the "few" you are talking about, your army is not on picnic in the valley (famous Mush's saying)

well i can only say kindly review the number of audience present in public demonstrations held by APHC over the years and people's response to their calls, don't be an ostrich, it hurts heads and eyes both.

You know how many voted in Kashmir to chose central government of India.

Again, Fear can keep people away from poll but not force them to come to vote. No not millions.

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