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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Dud please dont ask them to leave kashmir...because what I like about pakistanis in general is that they are more concerned about few lac kashmiris and palestinien people rather than taking care of there 180 million fella citizens..
they follow this stupid thing called pan islamic stuff...let them......
Because as an typical indian I wont like pakistan to prosper..but on nuetral ground I would advise them to come out of it as that would be great for the future of Pakistan.


Firstly, let me say that you and your brethren are doing quite a good job on the first highlighted point.
Secondly, an Indian would be the last person who's advice i would consider for Pakistan's "Prosperity and Future"

We have come too far to abandon the Kashmir cause now, we have fought two wars over Kashmir and abandoning it would be a disgrace to all who died and sacrificed for it.

And your "Tibet" solution won't work, remember that according to the UN Kashmir is still "disputed". Save your idea for 70 or so years later.
WB delays funding for IHK project

* Bank links release of money to submission of declaration of disputed status of territory

By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: The World Bank (WB) has stalled its funding for a major project it had cleared in May last year for Indian-held Kashmir (IHK) on the ground that it is located in a disputed territory and requires a declaration to that effect for the funds to be released.

Linking the project with the disputed status of the territory, the WB has slapped a “disclaimer clause” for releasing funds for the $120 million project. The clause requires a commitment from the IHK government that the funding would not be considered a recognition or endorsement of India’s territorial claim on the disputed region.

The IHK government has been requesting Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee to settle the issue to get the funds for its Participatory Watershed Management Project delinked from the disclaimer clause.

IHK Chief Minister Omar Abdullah wrote to the finance minister in June, informing him about how the WB had backed out of its commitment after the project’s appraisal had been drawn up and dates for negotiating aid terms had been proposed.

He followed it up by sending Forest Minister Mian Altaf Ahmad to Mukherjee last Friday, to get the “disclaimer clause” dropped.

The IHK government’s case is that no such clause was insisted upon by the WB in the past when it funded two other watershed projects, one worth Rs 900 million and another worth Rs 1,980 million.

A similar dispute had recently prevented funding for a project by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in Arunachal Pradesh, when the Chinese representatives objected to financing the project in what they claimed to be a disputed territory.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
You sir, have no idea what your talking about. Pakistan can't prosper if India has control over its water and electricity and regularly cuts off river flow. Pakistan can't prosper if India has military control over it. It's really India who should be worried about themselves and their overpopulated country.

And stupid 'pan Islamic stuff'? Please do us all a favor...

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned !!!!!!!!

You are a woman right ?????
Needless disruption for much needed developmental projects in J&K.
WB delays funding for IHK project

Give me some neutral source of this information to even consider this cheap peace of pakistani propaganda.
WB delays funding for IHK project

Give me some neutral source of this information to even consider this cheap peace of pakistani propaganda.

The Pakistani press has not yet sunk to the lows of anti-India propaganda that the Indian media has, with its anti-Pakistan propaganda, lies and distortions intended to malign Pakistan and brainwash Indians, as seen recently.

Row over World Bank's Kashmir clause​

TNN 22 December 2009, 12:03pm

NEW DELHI: Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee has assured a delegation of J&K MPs that the government will oppose a disclaimer clause put up by World Bank in return for a Rs 740 crore loan it has sanctioned for a watershed project in the state. The Bank has asked the state government to give an undertaking that the loan would not be treated as a certificate that the "disputed territory" was an integral part of India.

This is not the first time an international agency has put up conditions to its sanctioned loan, Mukherjee told the delegation. He assured the state government that Centre will sort out the matter immediately, J&K forest minister Altaf Mian told TOI.

A six-member delegation led by the J&K forest minister met Mukherjee at his North Block office on Thursday and told him the Bank had stopped disbursement of a sanctioned loan and raised fresh conditions.

India had encountered similar difficulties earlier this year when China had objected to an Asian Development Bank loan in Arunachal Pradesh seeking to defer the loan as it was a "disputed territory".

However, Altaf Mian said World Bank had funded two projects in J&K, in 1991 and 1999. Though the loan component was much smaller, the multilateral agency had never sought any disclaimer.

No one from the Department of Economic Affairs in the finance ministry, which is dealing with the issue, was ready to speak on the matter. While finance secretary was out of town, the ministry spokesperson said he would get back.

The state government was not even aware of the fresh conditions till a follow up with the Union environment and forest ministry revealed that a demand had been raised by World Bank seeking the disclaimer.

"We have brought this to the FM's notice and he has assured that in shortest time, the Centre will sort this out with the Bank," Mian said.

Row over World Bank's Kashmir clause - India - The Times of India


I don't see why the condition should be opposed - the UNSC resolutions, and the international community, India and Pakistan's acceptance of them is clear and unamabiguous.

I would argue that even if the 'disclaimer' is taken out, the intent has been made clear by the international body - J&K is disputed territory, and not an 'integral part of India'.
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Needless disruption for much needed developmental projects in J&K.

The disruption would be from the Indian side - the WB is willing to disburse the funds provided the GoI clarify that which is self evident to all but those with their heads stuck up their posteriors.
WB defends 'Disclaimer clause' for project in J and K

New Delhi, Dec 21 (PTI) Ignoring objections by the Jammu and Kashmir government, the World Bank today defended as "routine" its controversial "disclaimer" that funding for a project in the "disputed" border state will not be seen as recognition of India's territorial claim on it.

"The World Bank is an apolitical international development organisation. It cannot take a position on border disputes. It is therefore required to add a disclaimer clause for all projects that seek to uplift the lives of poor people in areas disputed by sovereign states," a World Bank spokesperson said in a statement here.

The disclaimer clause states "By supporting the project, the World Bank does not intend to make any judgement on the legal or other status of the territories concerned or to prejudice the final determination of the parties' claims."

"The activation of this clause is routine.

Its delayed not rejected.

Whats the fuss is about?

Like AM said above, it's more the intent and the message than the actual delay. The World very much considers Kashmir disputed territory, despite India's ever-increasing international propaganda efforts, that much has been made clear.
WB defends 'Disclaimer clause' for project in J and K

New Delhi, Dec 21 (PTI) Ignoring objections by the Jammu and Kashmir government, the World Bank today defended as "routine" its controversial "disclaimer" that funding for a project in the "disputed" border state will not be seen as recognition of India's territorial claim on it.

"The World Bank is an apolitical international development organisation. It cannot take a position on border disputes. It is therefore required to add a disclaimer clause for all projects that seek to uplift the lives of poor people in areas disputed by sovereign states," a World Bank spokesperson said in a statement here.

The disclaimer clause states "By supporting the project, the World Bank does not intend to make any judgement on the legal or other status of the territories concerned or to prejudice the final determination of the parties' claims."

"The activation of this clause is routine.


This is really shameful on the part of WB. The Indian diplomatic corps will get out in full force to check any untoward developments. We shall see a reversal or atleast toning down of language in the 'clause' in the days to come. That being said, read the boldfaced parts. They are contradictory!

If the WB is indeed an apolitical organization (which we all know it isnt) why make a hue and cry over political issues? They dont need to meddle in internal affairs of a country.

India has already maintained that J&K is an integral part of Indian Union! Residents of the state enjoy all the rights accorded to them by the constitution of India and they also exercise the right to vote in the Indian General Elections, the mark of citizenship! Show me people from other disputed territories who have the right to vote and are considered citizens!

Disputed status is when an area is under military occupation by a power. J&K is a state of India with a full political apparatus in place and the people enjoy the same rights as rest of the Indians elsewhere as provided by the Indian Constitution.

Oh, btw, EU considers J&K an integral part of India!

ps: With India's growing economic, military and political clout, it remains to be seen if such "apolitical" bodies can afford to antagonize the Indian diplomatic juggernaut! OTOH it might be a test whether India is up to the challenge!
and the world bank's opinion on the "disputed" nature of Kashmir matters why?

It's the Indian government having a hissy fit over the 'disclaimer' - if the WB's opinion does not matter just accept the fnding with the disclaimer and move on.
Like AM said above, it's more the intent and the message than the actual delay. The World very much considers Kashmir disputed territory, despite India's ever-increasing international propaganda efforts, that much has been made clear.

The fact-finding mission of the European Union (EU) Tuesday met chairman of moderate faction of the separatist alliance Hurriyat Conference and chairman of pro-independence group Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) to understand the prevailing situation in the restive region.
The five-member delegation, which is currently on a visit to India-controlled Kashmir, called on Mirwaiz Farooq Mirwaiz and Mohammed Yasin Malik in Srinagar, the summer capital of the region and held meetings with them.
Mirwaiz appraised the delegation about the situation in the region and briefed them about the human rights scenario. He also told the delegation that EU should take steps to play a role in facilitating the composite dialogue between New Delhi and Islamabad.
"The EU delegations have been coming to Kashmir for the past two decades. They support composite dialogue, and resolution of Kashmir issue is in the agenda of the EU Parliament," Mirwaiz said.
Malik informed the delegation that people of Kashmir were committed to non-violent struggle for the resolution of the Kashmir issue.
"I conveyed them last year at least 70 unarmed civilians were killed during peaceful protests and we stuck to the democratic peaceful principles. Now the international community including the EU was duty bound to respond to the peaceful aspirations of the people of Kashmir and take steps for the resolution of Kashmir issue," Malik said.
The EU delegation is headed by Ambassador of Sweden to India Olof Lindgren.

"Kashmir is an integral and important part of India and we (EU)wants a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue through talks between India, Pakistan and Kashmiris," said Lindgren, while talking to the reporters.

The other members of the EU delegation included European Union Ambassador Daniele Smajda; Ambassador of Spain, Lon Dela Riva; Ambassador of Belgium, Jean M. Debouller and Second Secretary of Sweden, Oscar Schlyter.

EU delegations keep on visiting Indian-controlled Kashmir and hold interactions with the local government, Indian army officials and separatists to understand the situation in the region.




I care less if WB want to play safe, will see how things unfold in future. I am sure GOI can get this sorted out.
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