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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Again people...what is the need to justify the killings of "freedom" fighters to some external elements.?

We do what we deem is necessary to protect our motherland..What is there to be apologetic about that ?
Again people...what is the need to justify the killings of "freedom" fighters to some external elements.?

We do what we deem is necessary to protect our motherland..What is there to be apologetic about that ?

lol apologetic my ***. We'll cold-heartedly kill all kashmiris if we had to than lose an inch of our territory.
VOA | Kashmir's Young Generation Expresses Frustration With Stalemate | News | English

President Obama's decision to leave Kashmir as a bilateral India-Pakistan matter will come as a disappointment to those who hoped for a more robust U.S. role in mediating the conflict. That includes many young Kashmiris, mostly Muslims, in Indian-controlled Kashmir who see themselves trapped in a status quo stacked against them. Our correspondent has more from Srinagar, in the valley of Kashmir.

These are the faces of insurgency in India's Jammu and Kashmir state.

These men - all in their 20s - want their identity protected for fear of prosecution by India. They call for "azadi," or freedom from India. They join other young Kashmiris, mostly Muslim, who hurl stones at Indian security forces.

So-called "stonepelting" protests like this have spiked since June, when a Kashmiri young person was killed by a tear gas canister fired by police. More than a hundred Kashmiris have been killed since then.

t's the most recent chapter in a 63-year old dispute over this region, claimed by both India and Pakistan. Militants in Indian Kashmir say they abandoned violence more than ten years ago, and the basic character of the separatist struggle is peaceful.

The stonepelters say they want to demonstrate peacefully but India uses excessive force to suppress them.

One of them shows wounds. He says he was shot twice.

"The police slowly took aim and shot me - like I was a target," he said.

Indian army and police enjoy legal immunity under emergency laws that apply to Indian-controlled Kashmir.

Police chief Shiv Murari Sahai says his officers try to use minimal force but are forced to shoot protesters who instigate violence.

"I don't think any law in any part of the world accepts the kind of violence that is happening here as a peaceful demonstration," said Sahai.

Sahai echoes India's long-held assertion that the unrest is incited by a small minority in the predominantly Muslim valley.

"This is basically a fringe element - a lumpen element, which is of no productive use," he said. "And they have been very happily recruited by the militant organizations and the separatist organizations to create an environment in Kashmir to show as though things were completely out of control, which is not anywhere near reality."

But many people tell a different story - of widespread frustration with India behaving like an occupying force.

This Australian woman and her Kashmiri husband moved to Srinagar so their children could learn Kashmir's traditions. But they say excessive curfews make normal life impossible.

"Sometimes it's been extremely tight curfew, there's been barbed wire along the road," she said. "You're not even allowed to move to the street to get, you know, bread, milk, all the necessary things. We actually aren't sending our kids to school, because we still feel it's extremely violent."

Usmaan Ahmad works for the U.S.-based organization, Mercy Corps. He says Kashmir is experiencing a "youth bulge" of unemployment and insecurity.

"This is a generation that's grown up entirely in conflict," said Ahmad. "They don't have any yardstick or measure to compare what average young people anywhere else in the world would call normal or healthy - and I think that has led to some very unhealthy outcomes."

(This is actually pretty much the way it is, indians want to turn a blind eye to Kashmir hoping that the problem will just go away by itself...whereas its a whole different story when it comes to a reality check in kashmir)

Some young Kashmiris are channeling their anger.

MC Kash is a rapper who distributes music over the Internet. He says he wants to tell the world about abuses in this region.

"The struggle my people have lived - it has of course broken my heart," he said. "It has made me think that if I don't speak for them, I'm not a Kashmiri."

Still, many young stonepelters feel it is too late to do anything productive with their lives.

"We can't do any jobs or work, there are so many files on us in police stations," said one.

As frustration grows, many fear young protesters may decide to put down their stones and pick up guns.
We have NOT YET interfered.

Ramayan khatam hui aur yeh puch rahi hai....Ram ki Sita kaun?

Oh no....3 wars over Kashmir, 26/11, LET, JEM and a host of other proxies later you have the audacity to say this?

Seeing the result of the above...my suggestion is to hold the interference....it usually doesnt turn out too well for you guys...LOL!

The Pakistani flags in IoK are in itself an evidence.

What Kashmiris want if you want to know just hold an independent plebiscite under International bodies/orgs and let the Kashmiris decide.

If the Kashmiri decide to join India then we will send you congrats and sweet and accept it.

If they want to be independent we will welcome it as well.

If they want to join Pakistan we will welcome it as well

So the point is....

Kashmiris have NOT asked for your help...since raising a flag is nowhere in international nomenclature considered a sign of armed aggression into a terrirtory....so save the stupid flag example...

So plebiscite or not....Kashmiris have NOT asked for your help...so where do you even come about legitimizing your invasion?

You should be criticised because we still have some principles, India does not have any viz a viz Kashmir

More than happy to face your criticism, hell we have some in Indian doing the same.......
just stop sending your proxies this way......
Oh please dont tell me an Indian sitting in India can give the verdict that who they are.

Just hold a plebiscite if you think that India has the support of majority.

But Indian fear to lose and fear to face defeat for their claim is refraining you from holding plebiscite otherwise you would have done it.

Kashmiris need their country back from Indian occupation and thats what matters whether its with Pakistani flags in their hand or without Pakistani flags thats not an issue.

ok so now the flag isnt an issue ? few posts before it was. :D

anyways....as I said earlier, your demand of plebiscite does not hold any value....should have thought before acting.....and please dont tell me a pakistani fanboy poster sitting in pakistan can tell what should be done for Indian land...lol gimme a break.

:lol: democracy ??? with weapons and killings ?

yeah democracy....feel it....feels better than many religious republics with guns and killings ;)
lol apologetic my ***. We'll cold-heartedly kill all kashmiris if we had to than lose an inch of our territory.

surely you have the right to kill everyone if anyone comes to take Indian territory BUT since Kashmiris are not talking about taking bharat aka india hence you are the murderers in IoK.

You are killing innocent Kashmiris cold-heartedly that too in their own country.

Shame shame
surely you have the right to kill everyone if anyone comes to take Indian territory BUT since Kashmiris are not talking about taking bharat aka india hence you are the murderers in IoK.

You are killing innocent Kashmiris cold-heartedly that too in their own country.

Shame shame

Yes shame on us murderers...happy?


Kashmir ab bhi hamara hee rahega. :lol:


---------- Post added at 01:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 AM ----------

Post your comments again because you are not that important that i should take pain to go back many pages

Neither are you :P
Ok bharatiyas you can continue with your diatribe. i am off to sleep.

with a message: Kashmiris bravo for your sacrifices against the invaders. You have right to free your country from occupation of bharat.
surely you have the right to kill everyone if anyone comes to take Indian territory BUT since Kashmiris are not talking about taking bharat aka india hence you are the murderers in IoK.

You are killing innocent Kashmiris cold-heartedly that too in their own country.

Shame shame

Ok Jana...Shame shame puppy shame on us...Happy..What next ??

BTW Kashmir is still with India..It takes more than your shame shame to take Kashmir away.
Ok bharatiyas you can continue with your diatribe. i am off to sleep.

with a message: Kashmiris bravo for your sacrifices against the invaders. You have right to free your country from occupation of bharat.

Jo aayega, goli khayega!

Now good night :wave:
Bravo to brave Kashmiri people, indian soldiers deployed to - illegally occupy their country are viable targets. They should follow the example of some Israeli soldiers who refused to be deployed in Palestinian territory.

The audacity and brave nature of the fighters is an inspiration, indian intellectuals like Araduti Roy have seen the writing on the wall, I would urge Kashmiri fighters to link themselves with Naxalites and others fighting for freedom :)
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