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Kashmir : Muslim cleric held for raping 7-yr-old at madrasa, sekulers are quite now lol

Rapists of 8 year old girl?
So, before conviction the justice is already delivered I see. Care to explain below?

First anomaly -

(1) The Devsthan in Rasana village does not have a basement at all. It has 3 doors and faces the forest.

(2) The chargesheet says that the victim Asifa was kept prisoner in the basement. But the Devsthan has only one room.

Second anomaly -

In fact, the accused Vishal Jangotra was giving an exam at Khatauli in UP’s Muzaffarnagar, which is 500 kilometers from Kathua. The Amar Ujala report also contains a photo of Vishal’s signature in the official attendance book at K K Jain College in Khatauli.

Other Anomalies -

Further, the police had said at first that the victim was first kept in an enclosure in Sanjhi Ram’s house meant for cattle. But Crime Branch went on to say that the child was kept in the Devasthan from Jan 10 to Jan 17. Sanjhi Ram’s daughter Monika says that her brother Vishal was in UP, where he appeared for his exams on Jan 9,11, 12, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 29, 30. The Crime Branch argues that Vishal was actually in Jammu the whole time and his exam was being taken by someone else. The family is demanding that the Crime Branch substantiate this accusation by scrutinizing the handwriting in the attendance sheet and answer books and are demanding a CBI probe into the matter.

Nirbhaya was also one sided, who said I supported those kind of gutter politics on rape victims?
the only good that came out of that whole dastardly act was change in laws for stricter punishment.
I hope Asifa and every girl who is raped get's justice

but the agenda of people need to be exposed and I am doing that.

Such kind of anomalies are present in nearly every case. Even in our case of Zainab people raised various rumors and anomalies. However we were focused in arresting the culprit and sentencing him death. Here in your case you guys are more focused on so called anomalies and also on protecting culprits with your selective whataboutry. In fact this selective whataboutry shows your sympathy with the culprits.

There are strong evidences including DNA present to prove that those b@stards were involved in r@ping an 8 year old child. The locals were so filthy that they even opposed burial of that child in their area.

There is nothing to expose here unless you want to expose your love for rapists like those two BJP ministers.
rape is their national hobby. an integrated part of indian culture
Strange creatures Indians are going gotvha on rape of children in their country
Acually the case of That Muslim Girl being raped by Hindu boy is a fabricated case to start a new wave of clensing remaing Hindus from valley. So many case rape cases happens in India but few are selectively blown for political objectives.
the hindu d o t c o m news cities Delhi fiveyearold-girl-raped-temple-priest-arrested article4160026 dotece

where was the hendoo vedic scums?where was the rally?where was vedic bullshits?where were "way of shit" hendoos?
Didn't fit vedic scum agenda?

entire country was in road for justice.
unlike some vedic scum
Pakistani muslim trolls posting 2 years old news , why am i not surprised
? A child was raped in Jammu , no news media is covering it ob tv.

What happend to the national level media outrage spamming on rapes? Where is rahul Gandhi's crocodile tears now?

I've been on the youtube lurking for a hour to see if any main stream media covered it , literally none

Cleric held for raping 7-yr-old at madrasa

Planted, cooked up news / case to defame Muslims and Asifa's case.

Shame on you pigs.
@ at some retarded pdf Indians, not all:

Look rapes occurs every where, in India its a national hobby, while it happens in US,Europe and Pakistan as well and some day if humans develop a colony on Moon or Mars, rape will occur in those non-earth entities as well. But the way, Hindu extremists in India are defending some obvious rapists, and that too in the name of religion, is truly disgusting, appalling and not good for Indian society in general. Its your own civil harmony in question here or not ?. Condemn the rape, punish the culprit(s) regardless of color,cast,religion.
not here hendoo,this is not indian forum,go to own forum for vedic bullshit.
BTW i don't give a shit to what indian court says.My equation is very simple,10 Asmita will be taken for 1 Asifa
Mamla solved,game on :tup:

according to indian hendoo,7 days before is "present",5 years back doesn't matter



hendoo vedic troll doing as usual back saving 5 moths old,3 moths old trick with out anwering where is the rally of vedic scummers?where is the saffron banner demanding justice

because doesn't fit vedic scum agenda

Calm Down Jhihadi. How many asifa or amfisa you took for your 210000 raped women i9n 1971. Had we had not intervene, this figure would have been 5 times higher. So give your little mind a rest.
Planted, cooked up news / case to defame Muslims and Asifa's case.
So a Muslim family is lying their daughter was raped? So the fir is fake? The muslim witness is fake ?

Shame on you pigs.
@WebMaster @waz @The Eagle
Stop these trolls from insulting users

not here hendoo,this is not indian forum,go to own forum for vedic bullshit.

So Hindus aren't Pakistani ?

6 year old news

No article
because doesn't fit vedic scum agenda

Typical Muslim troll bringing religion into everything
? A child was raped in Jammu , no news media is covering it ob tv.

What happend to the national level media outrage spamming on rapes? Where is rahul Gandhi's crocodile tears now?

I've been on the youtube lurking for a hour to see if any main stream media covered it , literally none

Cleric held for raping 7-yr-old at madrasa


Don't you know the process of selecting news in India??? Who is going to file PIL for victim if the culprit is Muslim...

Such news does not suits tje agenda of Sick'u'lol gang...
Stupid title. How can A muslim raise a voice against crime of other Muslims? Ove half of a million muslims are killed by ummah but whole Ummah is silent. They are totally focused on what is happening to Muslims in India though they do not have a fraction of freedom of indian Muslims. Expecting Muslim to say something about the crime of muslims is in foolishness. So article is stupid.
laughable vedic lolgic.

so called hendoo parasite brags about vedic bull shit and cheer about those who are holding each other at WMD-point in the name of democracy
and their hendoo scum talking about ummah.
BTW they are dropping bomb on us,we will launch them in air with trucks
Guess what,hendoo be like "we hendoo totally despise you,we are with pappa amrukkinky" :rofl:

Well come to PDF. One more added to a long list entertainers. I am sure you will entertain members like many here.

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