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Karzai calls India an 'all-weather friend' as he argues for closer cooperation in confronting terror

My advice to India, the Indians, and every sane person on the planet is stay the hell out of Karazi's drama! This guy is a schizophrenic slashing psycho.

He is a friend of yours? That you portray that you know him so well?
You played gulli-danda or kancha with him?
Pakistanis should realize that India has made usefull and popular contributions in afghanistan.; so it is impossible to keep India out of the Afghan equation.
Now pakistan needs to make sure that India in Afghanistan does not use it's presence in Afghanistan to pursue Anti-Pakistan Strategy.
India and Pakistan should start billateral talks dialouge on Intelligence and development matters in Afghanistan in order to allay mutual suspicion and ensure pacefull co existence.
sounds Far fetched but this is what the two countries should aim for
Pakistanis should realize that India has made usefull and popular contributions in afghanistan.; so it is impossible to keep India out of the Afghan equation.
Now pakistan needs to make sure that India in Afghanistan does not use it's presence in Afghanistan to pursue Anti-Pakistan Strategy.
India and Pakistan should start billateral talks dialouge on Intelligence and development matters in Afghanistan in order to allay mutual suspicion and ensure pacefull co existence.
sounds Far fetched but this is what the two countries should aim for

While we're at it might I add to the list: fostering the brotherhood of man, finding a cure for cancer and solving world huger by the end of 2014
Pakistanis should realize that India has made usefull and popular contributions in afghanistan.; so it is impossible to keep India out of the Afghan equation.
Now pakistan needs to make sure that India in Afghanistan does not use it's presence in Afghanistan to pursue Anti-Pakistan Strategy.
India and Pakistan should start billateral talks dialouge on Intelligence and development matters in Afghanistan in order to allay mutual suspicion and ensure pacefull co existence.
sounds Far fetched but this is what the two countries should aim for

And Afghans' should understand we sheltered them from 1989 onward...
Lets get something clear my confused friend.

1. Pakistanis and Indians are from the same race, if they are smelly, so are you.

2. Afghans are not a Quam, look the definition of a Quam up, before bragging about your low IQ.

3. It is known history that you guys has always been conquered from the west, latest until 1862, Durrani Empire.

4. If you have so much gairat, then why are US drones bombing the shit out of you, while your mighty air force, are hiding at their bases.

5. Many Pakistani high skilled workers, works in Afghanistan, should we deport them back, so they will be unemployed in your society?

Answer the question rather than asking 5 questions!!!

Why don't you good-for nothing Afghans get the hell out of Pakistan and take all your criminal activities along with you? I bet if you bhgharats leave 90% of the Pakistan's crime will be reduced, so you parasites are actually a burden on Pakistan

jis thaali may khana usi may chade

Well, Indians look out! As soon as you become his "friend" he will start dumping loads of verbal "crap" on your head.

I'd never thought I'd thank you, but you're on point about the bald afghani
Listen Afghan, look into your own collar first before discussing Pakistan:
The money committed by the US to Afghanistan for reconstruction alone is $100 Billion(2002-2014), this dwarfs the total aid given to Pakistan since 1948 which stands at $61.7 Billion.




The fact remains, however, that if the CRS and OMB figures for FY2001-FY2013 that
follow are totaled for all direct spending on the war, they reach $641.7 billion, of
which $198.2 billion – or over 30% – will be spent in FY2012 and FY2013. This is an
incredible amount of money to have spent with so few controls, so few plans, so
little auditing, and almost no credible measures of effectiveness.
Source: http://csis.org/files/publication/120515_US_Spending_Afghan_War_SIGAR.pdf

And then, in that same report, the GAO cited several embarrassing miscarriages:

  • For $130,000, Afghan contractors built a large shower/bathroom facility “without holes in the walls or floors for plumbing and drains.” What’s more, the walls were constructed of “crumbling cinder blocks.” The report blamed insufficient oversight. That was most certainly true. But in addition, UNICEF statistics show that seventy percent of Afghans have no access to a toilet and may in fact never have seen one. How could they know what’s involved in installing them?
  • Defense Department personnel told the GAO about “a dining facility in Afghanistan that was built without a kitchen,” once again because of absent oversight.
  • A guard tower “at a forward operating base was poorly constructed and unsafe to occupy. The staircase was unstable and not strong enough” to climb. As usual, the problem wasn’t discovered until the tower was finished. “It had to be torn down.”
  • “In another instance, an entire compound of five buildings was built in the wrong location.” It was supposed to be located within the military base’s security walls, but the contractors inexplicably built the compound just outside—for $2.4 million. No one noticed until the project was completed. “The buildings could not be used.”
Money Pit: The Monstrous Failure of US Aid to Afghanistan | World Affairs Journal
U.S. risks setback to oversight of Afghan reconstruction, agency says - Los Angeles Times
BBC News - Millions wasted in Afghan reconstruction projects, finds report



Total aid Pakistan has received since 1948:
The data is compiled by Wren Elhai of the Center for Global Development in Washington, DC. The database reveals that since 1948 the US assistance to Pakistan has largely been for civilian purposes. Of the $61.7 billion in total assistance (in constant 2009 dollars) provided to Pakistan between 1948 and 2010, $40.4 billion were provided for economic assistance and $21.3 billion in military assistance. The economic assistance to Pakistan peaked in the early 60s when in excess of $2 billion annually were provided to Pakistan.


-Source: Guardian


-Source: Pakistan Economic Survey: 2010-11.

* The 2010-11 figures are estimated from 8 months of data.
The nature of development aid business is such that large sums of donated money in fact return to the donor country in the form of contractual payments to consultants and manufacturers.

B-2 had not bombed $hit out of islamabad, lahore or karachi like they did to Afghanistan.

Bad analogy. :tsk:
And Afghans' should understand we sheltered them from 1989 onward...
And that was a Big Mistake on our part that we allowed them to stay anywhere in Pakistan without keeping any check on them.... Lets be honest here, couple of years back, Majority of Pakistani's had a soft corner for Afghans, but that attitude of Pakistani's towards Afghans have long gone... Now majority of us want them to leave Pakistan...
And that was a Big Mistake on our part that we allowed them to stay anywhere in Pakistan without keeping any check on them.... Lets be honest here, couple of years back, Majority of Pakistani's had a soft corner for Afghans, but that attitude of Pakistani's towards Afghans have long gone... Now majority of us want them to leave Pakistan...

why isn't the GOP taking any action to deport these parasites when most Pakistanis want them out?

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