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Kalyani’s MArG Ultra-Light Howitzer might just beat M-777 in its own Game


Sep 20, 2014
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Kalyani Group will for the first time will be showcasing at DefExpo2020 it’s latest Artillery Systems called Mountain Artillery Gun (MArG) Extended Range Ultra-Light Howitzer with 155 mm / 52 caliber long-range ULH in towed version. New MArG will be up-gunned from its 155 mm / 39 caliber sibling which also be on display. MArG comes in two variants – Steel and Titanium. The steel version weighs about 6.8 tons and the Titanium version weighs less than 5 tons.

On the recommendation of then, Indian Army Chief Bipin Rawat who now is Chief of Defence Staff, Kalyani Group also has developed a Truck-mounted all steal MArG 155 mm / 39 caliber ULH which also will be displayed for the first time at the DefExpo2020.

According to Defence analysts, Ranesh Rajan close to idrw.org, 52 caliber barrel on Ultra-Light Howitzer will mean it can extract the same performance of Heavier Artillery System Dhanush at Higher altitude. Excalibur shells when fired from a 155/39 caliber gun like M-777 or MArG have lesser range but if fired from a MArG Extended Range ULH with 155 mm / 52 caliber will be able to hit range close to 50km.

MArG can be towed and can travel on cross-country terrain at speed up to 60 km/h and 24 km/h respectively. It can be transported by existing railway or current tactical air transport. idrw.org was first to report that the gun has cleared all internal trials of the company and will be offered to the Indian Army for user trials.

MArG 155/39 caliber gun can fire at 24.7 km range and with assisted ammunition, it can go 30Kms. MArG Extended Range will just up its game against BAe developed M-777 Ultralight Howitzer which is still being inducted into the Indian Army.
That's some sexy looking gun developed by kalyani ,
specifications look great , specially with the light weight option of titanium.
private sector has tremendously coped up beyond our expectations, and quickly recovered itself after the lousy UPA(congress party ) rule.:dirol:
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