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Juzzak Airport in Saindak Operational!

Where is the airport???... It's just a runway airstrip???
Exactly, same question came to my mind. I have seen US military build better (short term operations ) runways for C-5s in Afghan deserts.
Where is the airport???... It's just a runway airstrip???
Exactly, same question came to my mind. I have seen US military build better (short term operations ) runways for C-5s in Afghan deserts.
you guys want them to build an entire air port for what is barely any population? Do you see how bad of an idea that is with regards to cost effectiveness? Plus it isn’t fully complete yet, just operational. The building and such will probably come.
It’s meant to reduce the travel time to and from Karachi for a small amount of people. And it will do that just fine.
This is how small airports function, they just need a runway for The aircraft to land and depart from, nobody is going to be landing here to actually go somewhere. Plus these airstrips around the country are of strategic value in the case of a war, they can be quickly turned into small operational air bases.

The US military building this temporary air strips is building them as forward military bases to conduct Ops from. Not for 1-2 scheduled local civil flights, of course they will put a lot more stuff there.
Juzzak Airport in Saindak Operational!

Built by MCC Resources Development Company of China, the construction of the airport was completed in August 2021 and is operational now.
It helps locals to travel from Saindak Balochistan to Karachi in 20 mins only.

This is excellent for Medevac, and supplying medicines or to aid in disaster relief.

Though once again, security of such an asset is necessary. I've seen footage of a RAF C-130 getting blown up on runway because someone planted an IED there.
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