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Jund-shaitan terrorist executed in Iran

Its always sad to see somebody being executed - but if this terrorist would have remained alive - he may have murdered many more

I hope he indeed was a terrorist and now got what he deserved

Death to the terrorists :)
we would ensure that the terrorists dont go out of our country to take refuge in another country in the first place!!

bomb pakistan balochistan at your own risk

I think Nima was actually saying that Iran cannot bomb the Pakistani Balochistan no matter what issues Iran may or does face without Pakistan's leave, which Iran would not get. Moreover bombing isn't the solution either.
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We did capture him and handed him over to Iran..The game is not one sided..After all Iran did support Insurgency in Iraq and continues to support Hezbollah so get off your moral high horse.

oh woopdeedooo!
You captured riggi after how long??? And this is just one person. Do you know how many Afghan drug traffickers go to Pakistan in order to cross into Iran from Baluchistan???
And yes, Iran does support insurgency in Iraq, but our discussion isn't about Pakistan supporting insurgency in Iran is it? I never said Pakistan is hurting Iran on purpose for you to make such a retarded counter argument. I'm just saying Pakistan doesn't care about its borders nearly as much as it should.

we would ensure that the terrorists dont go out of our country to take refuge in another country in the first place!!

bomb pakistan balochistan at your own risk

buddy, Iran is a police state, every square inch of the land is being monitored. Pakistan on the other hand is a safe haven for people who want to hide out. A Pakistani terrorist would be safer in Afghanistan or Pakistan than Iran where he would stick out like a sore thumb. If riggi ran away to Pakistan it is b/c he has support among the Baluchi people and also b/c Pakistan is a much better and safer hideout than Iran. As to why Riggi was allowed to leave, you have to look at Baluchistan and the shape it is in. In Iran Baluchistan is the poorest province and it borders Pakistani Baluchistan which is also a mess. It is very easy to go back and forth when one side isn't helping out and also when the Americans support them (jundollah).

Also you have to be a retard to not get what I've been saying regarding the whole bombing thing. This is the third time I'm repeating so put on your glasses. I MEANT THAT IRAN CAN NOT BOMB PAKISTANI BALUCHISTAN...
Stop acting like psychotic chick on her period

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