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JUI-F leader allegedly assaults woman rights activist on TV show: FB poster


Feb 21, 2012
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JUI-F leader allegedly assaults woman rights activist on TV show

Columnist and rights activist Marvi Sirmad is seen sitting on the left during a private TV show in this Twitter photo of February 28. PHOTO: TWITTER/marvisirmed
Human rights activist Marvi Sirmed was allegedly assaulted by a Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) leader during the recording of a TV show at a private news channel on Friday.

“I have just undergone a very traumatic experience at a News One programme [Nadia Mirza Show] when Hafiz Hamdullah of JUI-F got angry,” the woman activist tweeted.

@django @Musafir117 @saiyan0321 @Hell hound @PaklovesTurkiye @haviZsultan
I have issues with her views on intl relations and our domestic security policies but thats no way to talk to her
JUI-F leader allegedly assaults woman rights activist on TV show

Columnist and rights activist Marvi Sirmad is seen sitting on the left during a private TV show in this Twitter photo of February 28. PHOTO: TWITTER/marvisirmed
Human rights activist Marvi Sirmed was allegedly assaulted by a Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) leader during the recording of a TV show at a private news channel on Friday.

“I have just undergone a very traumatic experience at a News One programme [Nadia Mirza Show] when Hafiz Hamdullah of JUI-F got angry,” the woman activist tweeted.

@django @Musafir117 @saiyan0321 @Hell hound @PaklovesTurkiye @haviZsultan
I have issues with her views on intl relations and our domestic security policies but thats no way to talk to her

can't believe this
If true then its very disturbing and very wrong. I don't agree with marvi sirmed and her views more often than not are wrong and aarmycentrc but this is no way and I repeat no way to treat a lady. In ramzan these guys have lost control. I have said it before and I will say it again that JUI-F is a curse upon this nation and apart from their terrorist sympathizing and corruption they are morally corrupt and are unfit to be ulemas and do mor damage to Islam than anybody else.

However having said that a video is required so that we can ourself gauge what happened and make a judgment accordingly.

I will also add that my views about JUI-F are pretty negative so the above won't be changing irrespective of this event.

Surely we can watch the video after the fast. :p :p :p
— Marvi Sirmed (@marvisirmed) June 10, 2016

and went on and on with his arrogance and rudeness. I responded in almost the same coin. And that's when he started 3/n)

I returned this to his own family women. And then he tried to beat me. All of this recorded in camera. (5/n)

— Marvi Sirmed (@marvisirmed) June 10, 2016

Nothing to get emotional, she replied the bark with same " the way of a bitch"

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