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JSD won't join the dialogue on EC formation

On topic, I USA removes BAL through a fair election or other means I am fine with that as long as BNP-Jamat and BAL are kept out of power
That's the point where it's look we both agree. We need national concencus govt . And also maybe return of presidential form will be helpful as influence of political parties will be reduced.

If public can directly vote for their ruler that will be fine instead of depending on political gundas.
Hasina alone can't give it. Things aren't so simple as it looks. The bay of Bengal is the center of international power game nowadays. So before giving it to USA , Hasina shall have to face China.

Hasina can give it by disregarding national interest and investment interest from China, only caring about her own interest of staying in power. I personally think Hasina is a bit more patriotic than others although corrupt but it is to be seen whether she will sell national interest of such an extent to stay in power.
That's the point where it's look we both agree. We need national concencus govt . And also maybe return of presidential form will be helpful as influence of political parties will be reduced.

If public can directly vote for their ruler that will be fine instead of depending on political gundas.

National consensus govt? What is that?
The farcical show since 1991 to 2008 was not ideal but a little better than the last 12 years, at least we had some semblance of democracy.
Why 2001 and 2008 wasn't farce? Because all party participated? Well then I would humbly say 2018 isn't farcical as well , as all parties ( including (BNP) participated.

It was even better than 1986 election ( where BAL got 52 seat ) , as BNP didn't participate.

So surely parliamentary form is a farce in Bangladesh. Presidential form maybe better option.
Why 2001 and 2008 wasn't farce? Because all party participated? Well then I would humbly say 2018 isn't farcical as well , as all parties ( including (BNP) participated.

It was even better than 1986 election ( where BAL got 52 seat ) , as BNP didn't participate.

So surely parliamentary form is a farce in Bangladesh. Presidential form maybe better option.

Because there was CTG. I am ok with parliamentary or presidential, if there are good honest people both can work.
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National consensus govt? What is that?
জাতীয় ঐক্যমতের সরকার।

Because there was CTG. I am ok with parliamentary or presidential, if there are good honest people both van work.
It's easy to find 1/2 good person instead of 300 good person. So presidential form will be better.

Also we need to re write our constitution. What's the point of democracy if there is article 70? You are asking about CTG , but where it is in constitution written that CTG govt is a divine law that can't be changed?

Don't you think that's CTG was responsible for massacre in Bangladesh?

1996 election ( 15 February) BAL massacred for caretaker govt and later in 2014 BNP did the same thing and even more. Did you forget arson terrorism by BNP Jamat ? Is people's life so cheap? So what make you think that CTG is a divine thing?

Why can't think beyond it? You should broad your sight to see distant future.

আজ কেউ তত্বাবধায়কের প্রধান হবে, একদল জিতবে, এর পর বিচারপতির অবসরের বয়স বাড়িয়ে তাকে কেয়ার টেকার সরকারের প্রধান বানাবে। সেটা বিরোধী দল মানবে না ( ন্যায্য কারনেই), জ্বালাও পোড়াও করবে। প্রতি ৫ বছর পর পর এমন নাটক ( আর ফলাফল হিসাবে জনগনের জানমালের ক্ষতি) দেখেও যদি আপনাদের শখ না মিটে থাকে তাহলে আর কিছু বলার নাই আমার।

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জাতীয় ঐক্যমতের সরকার।

It's easy to find 1/2 good person instead of 300 good person. So presidential form will be better.

Also we need to re write our constitution. What's the point of democracy if there is article 70? You are asking about CTG , but where it is in constitution written that CTG govt is a divine law that can't be changed?

Don't you think that's CTG was responsible for massacre in Bangladesh?

1996 election ( 15 February) BAL massacred for caretaker govt and later in 2014 BNP did the same thing and even more. Did you forget arson terrorism by BNP Jamat ? Is people's life so cheap? So what make you think that CTG is a divine thing?

Why can't think beyond it? You should broad your sight to see distant future.

আজ কেউ তত্বাবধায়কের প্রধান হবে, একদল জিতবে, এর পর বিচারপতির অবসরের বয়স বাড়িয়ে তাকে কেয়ার টেকার সরকারের প্রধান বানাবে। সেটা র বিরোধী দল মানবে না ( ন্যায্য কারনেই), জ্বালাও পোড়াও করবে। প্রতি ৫ বছর পর পর এমন নাটক ( আর ফলাফল হিসাবে জনগনের জানমালের ক্ষতি) দেখেও যদি আপনাদের শখ না মিটে থাকে তাহলে আর কিছু বলার নাই আমার।


National Unity Government sounds like communist one party rule. There is no point going from the current shit show of dynastic rule to another shit show of one party rule. I get where Mr. Oli is coming from, he has been a communist through and through.
Well have been reading tons of thread from you , so I suppose that it's another thread where you are singing about democracy !
I sing for democracy. But, you are claiming America is trying to restore democracy. If so, please send us the proof.

I have no objection if Hasina Bibi returns another five times, but she must come with people's mandate, and not by stealing votes at midnight. Note one point. This time no CTG means no election!!! Can Hasina Bibi stay in power forever?

With stalemates, there will be a military coup to oust her forever and she will be hanged for killing 57 army officers in the Pilkhana. You know very well, who killed these officers, aren't you?

I personally would prefer her to be skinned alive!! Bloody killing machine evil woman!!!
But, you are claiming America is trying to restore democracy. If so, please send us the proof.
কথার মার প্যাঁচ দিয়ে নিজের কথাকে অন্যের কথা হিসাবে চালিয়ে দেবার ( যখন ভুল প্রমাণিত হন) বদ অভ্যাস টা আপনার আর গেল না। নাকি নিজে কখন কি বলেন আর করেন সেটা মনে থাকে না আপনার? আপনি নিজে এই কথা বলেছিলেন আমি না।আমি তো গণতন্ত্র সমর্থনই করি না। সেক্ষেত্রে আমি কিভাবে এটা বলতে পারি?

আমার কাছে গণতন্ত্র = ছোটলোকের শাসন। আমি অভিজাততন্ত্রে (Aristocracy) বিশ্বাস করি, যেটা আমার কাছে যোগ্য লোকদের শাসন। আমাদের সেই দিকেই যেতে হবে। অভিজাত = পশ্চিম বা ( এক দলীয় হলে) চীন থেকে) আমলা ট্রেইন করে আনা লাগবে।

Many will disagree, but Bengali doesn't have the quality of being ruling class. So we have to create true rulling class from our people.

Only military is such well trained , but since in this world military rule doesn't have acceptability, so we need well trained civilian bureaucrat who will be free from partisan point of view. You can't introduce western democracy here so fast!

আমি শুরু থেকেই বলে আসছি যে যুক্তরাষ্ট্র নিষেধাজ্ঞা দিয়েছে কোয়াডের কারনে ! তারা চায় যে বাংলাদেশ কোয়াডে (QUAD) যোগ দিক আর তাই এটা এক ধরনের প্রেসার!আর এটা বলার জন্যেই কয়েক দফা আমার সাথে আপনার টক্কর লেগেছে এইতো ২/৪ দিন আগেই ,সবই ভুলে গেছেন? ্মেমোরি দেখি আপনার খুবই দুর্বল!
I have no objection if Hasina Bibi returns another five times, but she must come with people's mandate, and not by stealing votes at midnight. Note one point. This time no CTG means no election!!! Can Hasina Bibi stay in power forever?
আগে সংসদীয় গণতন্ত্রের সংজ্ঞা টা ভাল করে আবার পড়ে আসেন। কিসের গণতন্ত্র যেখানে পার্লামেন্টারি সিস্টেমে ৭০ অনুচ্ছদের মত একটা অনুচ্ছেদ থাকে? যে ৭০ অনুচ্ছেদ আসলে প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে রাজা/রানীর মত (Absolute monarchy) ক্ষমতাবান করে? আগে ৭০ অনুচ্ছেদ বদলানোর আন্দোলন করার পরামর্শ দেন, এর পর গণতন্ত্র গণতন্ত্র করে মুখে ফেনা তোলেন।

আর ৭০ অনুচ্ছেদ বাতিল হলে রাজনৈতিক বাটপার গুলাকে নিয়ন্ত্রন করা সহজ হবে না। তখন রাষ্টপতি শাসিত সরকার ফিরিয়ে আনা গেলে হয়ত কাজ কিছুটা ভাল হবে। না হাসিনা চিরকাল ক্ষমতায় থাকবে না। কিন্তু তত্বাবধায়ক সরকার আসছে না। খুব জোর জাতীয় ঐক্যমতের ভিত্তিতে একটা টেকনোক্রাট সরকার আসতে পারে। তত্বাবধায়ক সরকার একটা ব্যর্থ প্রজেক্ট।
With stalemates, there will be a military coup to oust her forever and she will be hanged for killing 57 army officers in the Pilkhana. You know very well, who killed these officers, aren't you?
I don't buy your YouTube rumor and photo shop. I said it many times.
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National Unity Government sounds like communist one party rule. There is no point going from the current shit show of dynastic rule to another shit show of one party rule. I get where Mr. Oli is coming from, he has been a communist through and through.
So what? Democracy isn't divine commandment that can't be altered. Nowadays China is doing much better than west. And also if your economic model remain capitalist ( like China) , there is no point of equating them with leninist or stalinist communism or socialism. Look at Europe , specially social welfare Nordic states. They are less capitalist than so called socialist China.
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So what? Democracy isn't divine commandment that can't be altered. Nowadays China is doing much better than west. And also if your economic model remain capitalist ( like China) , there is no point of equating them with leninist or stalinist communism or socialism. Look at Europe , specially social welfare Nordic states. They are less capitalist than so called socialist China.

Democracy is not divine but there is no difference between BAL or any other party ruling the country through fake elections and a one party ruling the country. Both are same, in so called Nation Unity Government it will be one party, in BAL or BNP ruling through their loyal cohorts it will also be same party. It's like going from one poop hole to another poop hole.
. . . .
bluesky said:
With stalemates, there will be a military coup to oust her forever and she will be hanged for killing 57 army officers in the Pilkhana. You know very well, who killed these officers, aren't you?

@Atlas, do you think the military will accept your viewpoint above that Hasina Bibi was not responsible for the Pilkhana carnage? Have you not seen the video footage and photographs when the carnage was going on?

Why do you blame YouTube for the carnage? You have to understand why Hasina Bibi called General Moeen at the PM's office and did not allow him to leave until the carnage was over? A small boy understands this but a Chetona like you cannot.

- Better you see the photographs where some BDR troops were with head band. Some were having long hair, and some were wearing ill-fitting uniforms.

- So, who were they? Only Taposh and Nanok can say who were they.

- Have you ever tried to know why did Sohel Taj leave the BAL govt.? It is because he (State Minister for foreign Affairs) was ordered to bring in 19 pairs of newly made BDR uniforms from Sylhet in a helicopter without knowing its purpose. He left the govt afterward.

- So, why he was carrying 19 BDR uniforms to Dhaka immediately before the carnage? The uniforms were provided to the RAW agents and BCL cadres. This is why some BDR troops were ill-fitted.

- The Heli pilot was also killed by your Hasina Bibi some time afterward.

- Please know also under what circumstances General Shakil was killed. See the picture of a minibus on the opposite side of the road in front of the main gate. The riders initiated the carnage by firing at him.

- So, why a minibus was allowed inside, and who were the killers if not RAW agents and your Chetonna Colleagues?

- Do you think they were the BDR group? No. They left the spot immediately after killing Shakil.

- By the way, why America has declared $5 million to the informers of the two murderers of Avijit? It is because your Hasina/ BAL is sheltering them because they are as usual BAL cadres. They are not Islamic terrorists. Do you think I have created a fiction?

Once your aunt Hasina Bibi leaves the office, they will hang her in a light post without trial. She carried out Pilkhana and in order to save herself, she adopted the one party rule under fake elections.

Now, the bell has rung. That killer Hasina will have to face it.
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@Atlas, do you think the military will accept your viewpoint above that Hasina Bibi was not responsible for the Pilkhana carnage? Have you not seen the video footage and photographs when the carnage was going on?

Why do you blame YouTube for the carnage? You have to understand why Hasina Bibi called General Moeen at the PM's office and did not allow him to leave until the carnage was over? A small boy understands this but a Chetona like you cannot.

- Better you see the photographs where some BDR troops were with head band. Some were having long hair, and some were wearing ill-fitting uniforms.

- So, who were they? Only Taposh and Nanok can say who were they.

- Have you ever tried to know why did Sohel Taj leave the BAL govt.? It is because he (State Minister for foreign Affairs) was ordered to bring in 19 pairs of newly made BDR uniforms from Sylhet in a helicopter without knowing its purpose. He left the govt afterward.

- So, why he was carrying 19 BDR uniforms to Dhaka immediately before the carnage? The uniforms were provided to the RAW agents and BCL cadres. This is why some BDR troops were ill-fitted.

- The Heli pilot was also killed by your Hasina Bibi some time afterward.

- Please know also under what circumstances General Shakil was killed. See the picture of a minibus on the opposite side of the road in front of the main gate. The riders initiated the carnage by firing at him.

- So, why a minibus was allowed inside, and who were the killers if not RAW agents and your Chetonna Colleagues?

- Do you think they were the BDR group? No. They left the spot immediately after killing Shakil.

- By the way, why America has declared $5 million to the informers of the two murderers of Avijit? It is because your Hasina/ BAL is sheltering them because they are as usual BAL cadres. They are not Islamic terrorists. Do you think I have created a fiction?

Once your aunt Hasina Bibi leaves the office, they will hang her in a light post without trial. She carried out Pilkhana and in order to save herself, she adopted the one party rule under fake elections.

Now, the bell has rung. That killer Hasina will have to face it.
I don't want to discuss about pilkhana massacre again, as we discussed several time at past. You are a person driven by emotion and rumor. And that's why I don't consider you worthy of discussing on such sensitive topic!

But for sure , criminals should get punished.
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