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Journalist Saleem Shahzad Abducted and found dead.

Do you mean some others might have given him the false impression that he is under isi threat,and that might have made him inform hrw that he is likely to get abducted by isi?

he was never under any isi threat .

he had deep links as sources with army, ISI and militant groups so you never know.

wait for investigations .
Most likely his source killed him , from fear of being discovered

just see the second part of his report which now will never be published. it seems he would have exposed much more information about this terrorist group that had attacked Pakistani Naval base.
what all he reported was dangerous for al qaeda and not Navy as navy had already arrested officials much before this attack -
Purported double agents (working for the Navy and Al Qaeda) who have been arrested can do no further harm. Double agents who are not arrested but serve as press sources can. Suppose one of these got frightened and decided to spill to a reporter? That may have been what the ISI was trying to prevent - with Shahzad dead, who would now dare report from such a hot source? You wouldn't, would you Jana?
are you sure that if an activity against state is happening where the culprit's open arrest could trigger a chain reaction or he might go 'underground', they will ask him 'via legal process'?
I have confidence that a citizen's rights will be protected if he is brought in for questioning, yes.

ISI doesn't take easy on 'pretenders'
How would you know? And what happens to them?
Purported double agents (working for the Navy and Al Qaeda) who have been arrested can do no further harm. Double agents who are not arrested but serve as press sources can. Suppose one of these got frightened and decided to spill to a reporter? That may have been what the ISI was trying to prevent - with Shahzad dead, who would now dare report from such a hot source? You wouldn't, would you Jana?

Your post makes NO sense because here in Pakistan the media either is PRO WEST PRO US and no one here in the mainstream media is any agent of military though you will find more CIA, agents in guise of media persons.

so dont try to bring up your imaginative BS here which has no weight .
It is possible that intelligence agencies assassinated him

I feel that ISI is slowly turning into SAVAK.

Islamic Republic of Pakistan will soon see a revolution to remove the corrupt and puppet Government and the higher military brass. I just hope it is not an islamic lunatic group that takes it's place like Iran.
The blocked number, untracable call has already been made to family and a journalist union's rep. When they do it, everyone knows.

This is a Military state.
Saleem Shehzad wrote nothing significantly more original than has already been reported by various Pakistani and international journalists - i.e the alleged existence of extremist sympathisers within the military.

This is very weak motive to implicate the ISI.

The ISI may have indeed contacted him, and might have even pressured him, but that does not mean they killed him. A lot of high profile journalists would be dead now if the ISI intended to kill every man critical of the military.
Anyone remember poor Daniel Pearl? People were saying it was ISI then as well. I personally think the guy was taken out by militants, afraid of him busting their operations.

RIP Shahzad.
Why TTP militant would kill him for writing that TTP was involved ,when TTP himself claimed responsibly for the PNS attack ??

Why would the TTP kill Col Imam (known as the godfather of the original Taliban) and Khwaja Khalid, who filed and fought many cases in favor of extremists and opposed military operations against the Taliban?
Purported double agents (working for the Navy and Al Qaeda) who have been arrested can do no further harm. Double agents who are not arrested but serve as press sources can. Suppose one of these got frightened and decided to spill to a reporter? That may have been what the ISI was trying to prevent - with Shahzad dead, who would now dare report from such a hot source? You wouldn't, would you Jana?

Once the story of 'AQ cells inside the Navy' broke, the terrorists (outsiders and/or insiders) who had confided in SS might have panicked and considered him a loose end who could lead investigators to them.

The quote in my signature rings true once again: Life in Pakistan, circa 2011: Go to bed to bad news. Wake up to bad news. Repeat.

I was shocked to hear that he had died. I feel unfortunately we'll never know what exactly happened and even if we do, the murderer/murderers will never be brought to justice.
Once the story of 'AQ cells inside the Navy' broke, the terrorists (outsiders and/or insiders) who had confided in SS might have panicked and considered him a loose end who could lead investigators to them.
You're right. Yet if they had confidence enough to approach him in the first place, what would make them change their mind?
You're right. Yet if they had confidence enough to approach him in the first place, what would make them change their mind?

Reports of arrests of certain individuals based on information obtained from the dead terrorists?

If the terrorists realized that their network was being busted, those who had been in contact with Saleem would want to neutralize him.

Then again, as the Co Imam and Khwaja abductions and killings show, the TTP/AQ do not always act rationally or with clear motive.
My guess is that Saleem was able to locate the Al Qaeda/Terrorists cell which is operating in our security establishment. He probably had a verifiable source and names of those who are complicit in attacks against the state of Pakistan. I am very sure that some higher ups are a part of this terrorist cell that might have been exposed by him.

To keep their identity under wrap, the militants and even members who are a part of this cell who are found in the security establishment killed Saleem before any damage could occur.

It might not necessarily be ISI but members who are affiliated with Al Qaeda who killed him and in the process all blame will fall upon ISI.

Just see how the media is/will react(ing) against the military establishment now.

One thing is for sure, the terrorists and their sympathizers are scared, times running out for them I suppose.
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