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Jordan opens Syria camp for 130,000


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

A Syrian refugee family walks towards the new Syrian camp of Azraq, which stretches for 9 miles, and lies 55 miles from the Syrian border in Jordan, on Wednesday. (AP)​


Published — Thursday 1 May 2014

Last update 1 May 2014 4:16 pm

AMMAN: A UN official says Jordan is opening a new, sprawling tent city to accommodate tens of thousands more Syrian refugees who are expected to flee fighting as their nation’s civil war continues unabated.
Helene Daubelcour says Jordanian officials will open the Azraq refugee camp on Wednesday, about 90 km from the Syrian border.
The UN says the camp will ultimately host 130,000 people, as many as there are now in Zaatari, currently Jordan’s largest camp.
Jordan already hosts some 600,000 Syrian refugees, forming 10 percent of the country’s population.
Syria’s conflict, now in its fourth year, has spawned a massive displacement crisis. There are nearly 2.7 million Syrian refugees, mostly in neighboring countries, and another 6.5 million Syrians have been displaced from their homes inside the country.

Jordan opens Syria camp for 130,000 | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

I think that the Arab and Sunni Muslim world now know for an eternity who the real enemy (ies) is/are. I think that it is fair to conclude that by now.

Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon deserve praise for their humanitarian work in terms of hosting Syrian refugees. Iraq as well although that is mostly Iraqi Kurdistan.

Especially Lebanon is extremely hard-hit. I read that 1/3 of the population are now Syrian refugees and Lebanon already has a huge population of displaced Palestinians bound in the events of 1947, 1973 etc.

It is especially admirable what Lebanon and Jordan are doing with their humble economy and already enormous refugee population (Palestinian, Iraqi and now Syrian).
God bless them.
Although Turkey is doing great work but i have mad respect for Jordan and Lebanon . These countries barely have anything resembling an economy still they are leaving no stone upturned to help these refugees .
Although Turkey is doing great work but i have mad respect for Jordan and Lebanon . These countries barely have anything resembling an economy still they are leaving no stone upturned to help these refugees .

Yes, indeed. Don't forget that Jordan and Lebanon have hosted significant numbers of Palestinians that now make up 25-30% of both countries populations if I am not mistaken. Already as early as 1947 and later from 1973 and onwards. Then you had the Iraq war in 2003 where hundreds of thousands of Iraqis went to mainly (out of those two countries) Jordan but also to a smaller degree to Lebanon.

Now the Syrian catastrophe. We are talking about small countries with humble economies and populations not exceeding 13 million in total.

They deserve mad respect. Especially Jordan. They are not praised enough for all that amazing hospitality even if there are some unpleasant incidents from time to time but who the hell expects any differently when 50% of your population are foreigners, fellow Arabs or not, over the night basically and you don't have much to begin with.

I don't believe that any other regional country would be willing to host so many refugees that would end up making 50% of their population. Can you imagine KSA suddenly hosting 16 million foreign refugees and Turkey for instance 39 million foreign refugees? It's just to put the percentages in perspective.

Not many if anyone can. I cannot.

That's why I get angry when idiotic trolls make propaganda threads against Jordan for instance because there are some unpleasant incidents in some 100.000 big refugee camp 5-10 times a year. Idiots who don't understand the wider picture.

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Its a shame to see so many people far away from their homeland, but one thing is for sure, they are in friendly countrys where they get threatened as human beeings, far better than beeing a refugee in Africa for exsample.
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Its a shame to see so many people far away from their homeland, but one thing is for sure, they are in friendly countrys where they get threatened as human beeings, far better than beeing a refugee in Africa for exsample.

I don't think the refugees are threatened to such an extent in Turkey, Jordan.
I didnt get it, you mean like Africa?

Khalifa meant the opposite namely that neither Turkish nor Jordanian refugee camps are of such a standard like the ones found in Africa.

Especially a developed and rich country like Turkey with a strong economy. Jordan is also a developed country but poorer yet they are doing an incredible job in this regard as well.

@Yzd Khalifa is that not right or have I misunderstood something here as well?

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