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Joint Operation: Amid India-China Tension, IAF, Army Conduct Massive Exercise In Ladakh

May 20, 2011
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Joint exercises by Indian Army and Indian Air Force in Ladakh after recent tensions with China.

It seems that Indians are getting ready for war with China. It could also be a war with Pakistan to diver Indian population's attention away from China.

The situation is getting hot and chances of war between two nuclear neighbours is increasing by the day.

This time it is not the usual nuclear Powers , India and Pakistan but Indian and China.

These actions of India would necessitate similar actions from the Chinese. Resulting in heighten tensions and chances of things getting out of hands.

In 1962 India was not a nuclear power. What would be Indians response if things start to go south for them!! Would Indians resort to Nuclear threat when they see the defeat in conventional war!!

The allegations they used against Pakistan in the past would apply to them. I will see the Indians reactions and comments when the shoe is on the other foot.

I don't think there will be more escalation. Surrendera Modi has proven himself to be a coward but Sanghis will still support him due to Islamophobia.
India flex muscle, try to avoid China further escalate. The weaker one has less intention to escalate, it will be fatal for Modi if India Army lose again.

More importantly, if India Army lose again. It will be dilemma for India Air force. Either deescalate or all in. None of those two are good options.

As long as war break out, India will have no choice but seek protection from US. It will be very costly, politically and economically.
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