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Joint Forces in #Yemen's west coast launch Operation #GoldenVictory to retake the port cit


Apr 28, 2011
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Who are Joint Forces ? Saudi+other arab allies or Saudi+NATO?
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — A Saudi-led coalition backing Yemen’s exiled government began an assault Wednesday morning on Yemen’s port city of Hodeida, a crucial battle in the 3-year-old conflict that aid agency warned could push the Arab world’s poorest country into further chaos.

Iranian-aligned Shiite rebels known as Houthis and their allies for years have held the Red Sea port, crucial to food supplies in a nation on the brink of famine after years of war. The battle for Hodeida, if the Houthis don’t withdraw, also may mark the first major street-to-street urban fighting for the Saudi-led coalition, which can be deadly for both combatants and civilians alike.

Before dawn Wednesday, convoys of vehicles appeared to be heading toward the rebel-held city on the Red Sea, according to videos posted on social media. The sound of heavy, sustained gunfire clearly could be heard in the background.

Saudi-owned satellite news channels and later state media announced the battle had begun, citing military sources. Houthi media did not immediately report the attack.

Yemen’s exiled government “has exhausted all peaceful and political means to remove the Houthi militia from the port of Hodeida,” it said in a statement. “Liberation of the port of Hodeida is a milestone in our struggle to regain Yemen from the militias.”

Forces loyal to Yemen’s exiled government and irregular fighters led by Emirati troops had neared Hodeida in recent days. The port is some 150 kilometers (90 miles) southwest of Sanaa, Yemen’s capital held by Shiite rebels known as Houthis.

Emirati Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash earlier told French newspaper Le Figaro the deadline for a withdrawal from Hodeida by the Houthis expired early Wednesday morning.

The United Nations and other aid groups already had pulled their international staff from Hodeida ahead of the rumored assault.

Over 10,000 people have been killed in Yemen’s civil war. The Saudi-led coalition has been criticized for its airstrikes killing civilians. Meanwhile, the U.N. and Western nations say Iran has supplied the Houthis with weapons from assault rifles up to the ballistic missiles they have fired deep into Saudi Arabia, including at the capital, Riyadh.

Before the war, over 70 percent of Yemen’s food and fuel imports came through Hodeida, accounting for over 40 percent of the nation’s customs income. The port remains crucial for incoming aid, food and medicine for a nation driven to the brink of famine by the conflict and a Saudi-led blockade.

The U.N. says some 600,000 people live in and around Hodeida, and “as many as 250,000 people may lose everything— even their lives” in the assault.

Yemeni Forces Destroy UAE Warship

Yemeni armed forces have targeted a UAE warship off the country’s western coast, the Yemeni National Salvation Government said in a statement.

The UAE warship was hit on Wednesday shortly after Saudi-led troops began a major operation to bring Hodeidah under their control, Abdulsalam Jaber, the spokesman of the national salvation government, said.

He added that Saudi-led helicopters rushed to save the forces aboard the vessel, which is now burning near Yemen’s coastline.

A second battleship left the site following the incident, it added, according to al-Masdar News.

Meanwhile, according to The Wall Street Journal, there are signs that the US military is deepening its role in the assault on Hodeidah, in spite of UN warnings of massive human casualties. Washington, the paper says, is providing its Gulf allies with intelligence on airstrike targets in the port.

It cited American military officials as saying that the US is helping the UAE develop a list of targets meant to be off limits for airstrikes on Hudaydah, with an apparent aim to minimize civilian casualties.

Looks like they are trying to secure just the port or the coastal line along the city. There aren't many reliable reports of what's going on the ground, however. Houthi's still control many populated cities, I'm surprised Taiz is still under Houthi control.

Latest news is the (Saudi +UAE supported) Yemeni government led forces are closing in on the air port in the city of Hodiedah
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They will be celebrating their own defeat, just as Egyptian did in 73..while Ariel Sharon was parading also, but in the deversoir...
Hodeida will be liberated, and the Yemeni people will gain back a major artery of life. An essential lifeline that was previously plagued by the Iranian backed Houthi militia.

The liberation of Hodaydah will allow the full utilization of the capacity of its port back to the levels of 2014, it will also enable further expansion of the port’s capacity.

You are showing your bias.Yemenis will gain a "major artery of life"? because Saudis bombed all other arteries of life such as their hospitals and schools?(i dont say that to be biased, but it seems saudis did systematic bombing of relevant and irrelevant aspects of Yemeni infrastructure, maybe they learnt it from ISraelis bombing Lebanon in 2006?).
You are showing your bias.Yemenis will gain a "major artery of life"? because Saudis bombed all other arteries of life such as their hospitals and schools?(i dont say that to be biased, but it seems saudis did systematic bombing of relevant and irrelevant aspects of Yemeni infrastructure, maybe they learnt it from ISraelis bombing Lebanon in 2006?).
There is no bias in this my friend.. look up Hodeidah's importance for Yemeni people's supplies of food and medecine and iin who's hands it was all this time since the Houthi coup in 2014.. and you should understand the issue better.. KSA has intervened only when asked by the legitimate government and the UN.. and any bombings other than military Houthis targets are pure propaganda.. the best example is the time and the efforts it is taking to save civilians in Hodeidah right now..
Yemeni Houthi forces still control the Hodeidah Air port. 6 Collation soldiers killed by sniper During attack on Air port.
There is no bias in this my friend.. look up Hodeidah's importance for Yemeni people's supplies of food and medecine and iin who's hands it was all this time since the Houthi coup in 2014.. and you should understand the issue better.. KSA has intervened only when asked by the legitimate government and the UN.. and any bombings other than military Houthis targets are pure propaganda.. the best example is the time and the efforts it is taking to save civilians in Hodeidah right now..
UN never asked KSA to "intervene" in Yemen. I accept Hodeidah port is critical to Yemen but why are you ignoring the horrible naval and air blockade the arab coalition put on the whole of Yemen?? didnt that also block many imports from coming in? bro! try to see both sides. Saudis will lose the war though, and they deserve to. many warcrimes, and they dont fight well enough. How can you call Hadi legitimate when his "government"couldnt even stand their ground IN the country they rule? if you can get kicked out by internal factions, you dont deserve to rule, because you are effectively weak. Lets speak the truth- Saudis intervened because leaving the houthis to rule Yemen would damage Saudis influence in Yemen. simple. Thats fair, but now they are in a big mess. I think Saudis deserve to lose and they will.

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