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Jilin city in NE China hits zero-COVID status at the community level after one month lockdown


Nov 4, 2011
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Jilin city in NE China hits zero-COVID status at the community level after one month lockdown​

Updated: 2022-04-08 19:43

A volunteer registers information for a resident at a COVID-19 testing site in Jilin city, Northeast China's Jilin province, March 18, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua]

Jilin city in Jilin province has reached zero-COVID status at the community level, officials said on Friday.

A full nucleic acid testing at communities in the city has been completed in 24 hours from 8 am on Thursday to 8 am on Friday.

Based on comprehensive study and judgment of the testing results, the city's epidemic prevention and control headquarters have concluded that the city has reached zero-COVID status at the community level after 37 days' hard work to control the novel coronavirus outbreak since the recent round of the epidemic broke out on March 2, Zhang Baozong, an official with the publicity department of Jilin province, said at a news conference on Friday.

NE China's Jilin to gradually resume work, life routines after it clears COVID-19 in communities
By Zhang Changyue
Published: Apr 10, 2022 09:42 PM

Northeast China's pandemic-stricken Jilin Province will gradually resume work and life routines on condition of secure epidemic prevention, said local officials on Sunday, after the province achieved zero-COVID status at the community level on Friday.

Jilin will promote work resumption, restore transportation and prepare for the reopening of schools in an orderly manner based on the health risks in different regions, Zhang Baozong, a senior official of the Jilin provincial government, said at a press briefing on Sunday.

Zhang said the reopening of life-necessities providers and timely spring farming are high priorities, emphasizing guarantees for spring-season agricultural activities, including financial support, transportation, electricity supply and fuel for farm machinery, to make sure the planting process won't be delayed, and all farmers and all their lands will be covered.

According to Zhang, 95.25 percent and 83.19 percent of the farm households across the province have received seeds and fertilizers used for spring plating

The government of Jilin city (namesake of the province) has set up a "green channel" for agricultural materials transportation and for farmers who were stuck in the city but needed to go back to their villages and towns for spring planting, Zhang Hongliang, a representative with the Changchun Jinyuan Seeds Co, told the Global Times on Sunday.

Despite the "green channels", Zhang said he's worried that certain villages in Jilin city may not allow farmers and agricultural materials to enter for the sake of COVID-19 transmission risks.

He said that the epidemic also created transportation difficulties for fertilizers from neighboring provinces due to a lack of drivers and loaders, since Jilin Province doesn't produce fertilizers itself.

"But the COVID-19 transmission chains in communities have been cut. With the gradual work and production resumption, I believe the situation will get better," he said.

Jilin reached zero-COVID status at the community level on Friday based on the comprehensive judgment of national anti-pandemic regulations and results of the latest round of mass nucleic acid testing, which was conducted on Thursday and Friday.

According to Zhao Qinglong, deputy director of the emergency department of the Centers for Disease Control in Jilin Province, "zero-COVID status at the community level" means that all the confirmed or asymptomatic cases had been found among people under quarantine and the transmission risk had been effectively controlled.

But zero-COVID status is not equal to zero transmission risk, Zhang said, adding that the risk can be largely eliminated only when restrictions are lifted from all areas under lockdown and management.

"We still need to implement differentiated anti-pandemic policies in accordance with situations in different areas, gradually bringing people's work and life back to normal," Zhang noted.

According to the national health commission, Jilin Province reported 242 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 755 asymptomatic cases on Saturday. The total number of infected people surpassed 28,000 as of Saturday.

Lockdown is not the answer , as soon as the lock down is lifted covid comes even faster , the world has opened up . The only way out of it is vaccinated+natural immunity from infection . Even If u lock down for ten years the moment u open up some new variant will overwhelmed. Countries with a mix of vaccination and natural immunity are doing fine now . Ppl get infected but it's very mild most people don't realize it was due to covd anymore
Lockdown is not the answer , as soon as the lock down is lifted covid comes even faster , the world has opened up . The only way out of it is vaccinated+natural immunity from infection . Even If u lock down for ten years the moment u open up some new variant will overwhelmed. Countries with a mix of vaccination and natural immunity are doing fine now . Ppl get infected but it's very mild most people don't realize it was due to covd anymore
We are expecting a new vaccine espcially targetting Omicron soon, now it's under clinical trial, and the government thinks the longer we hold on, the milder the virus will become, so when China indeed opens up, the damage could be minimized.
China is losing its damn mind. It’s a goddamn flu. Stop shutting people in and killing pets over a stupid flu. This is crazy.
Lockdown is not the answer , as soon as the lock down is lifted covid comes even faster , the world has opened up . The only way out of it is vaccinated+natural immunity from infection . Even If u lock down for ten years the moment u open up some new variant will overwhelmed. Countries with a mix of vaccination and natural immunity are doing fine now . Ppl get infected but it's very mild most people don't realize it was due to covd anymore
You don't understand China, we work differently. The reason this outbreak happen was because of omicron, and our vaccines were designed for the first type. For 2 years China had near zero cases, so we got complacent and relaxed, people were not worried and didn't get a booster. Now after this wake up call, they will boost the vaccine with a specific omicron variant. You can choose to stay with the virus, we choose not to yet.
Not trying to debate whether zero covid is a good or bad policy. But this are the facts today, two cities were quarantined in China, Jilin pop 4.5mil and Shanghai 25mil pop. China has a pop of 1.4 billion, 2% OF CHINA IS QUARANTINED. The rest 98% of the country is OPEN. Jilin last week declared zero covid and controlled the virus within 30 days, Shanghai is at day 18.
You don't understand China, we work differently. The reason this outbreak happen was because of omicron, and our vaccines were designed for the first type. For 2 years China had near zero cases, so we got complacent and relaxed, people were not worried and didn't get a booster. Now after this wake up call, they will boost the vaccine with a specific omicron variant. You can choose to stay with the virus, we choose not to yet.
Omicron is what built the herd immunity in most part of the world , omicron was mild everyone got infected and now the virus is history unlike in china .in USA about 60% of the population has had the infection .
Again lockdown will further prolong the epidemic , rest of the world is widely opened now with no issue no masks mandate because they have immunity now
Omicron is what built the herd immunity in most part of the world , omicron was mild everyone got infected and now the virus is history unlike in china .in USA about 60% of the population has had the infection .
Again lockdown will further prolong the epidemic , rest of the world is widely opened now with no issue no masks mandate because they have immunity now
Well if letting people die to the tune of 1 mil people is a strategy then count me out. China is introducing a new omicron specific vaccine. 50 people died and it became headlines in China. 300 people died on that same day in US, and nobody cares. This is the difference in attitude, one country couldn't control it, we could and will try at the expense of economic growth. Its a calculated risk. We can't close down forever and we won't, its now. Roughly one month 3 days, and the cases are now near zero.
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