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Jews Control USA

How do you know he is Chinese? Just because he say pro China thing and have a chinese flag under his name does not mean he is Chinese. Lol

Go out to your nearest Chinatown and ask them how much they care about Israel or Palestine? Do uou really expect most of them say like the "Chinese " PDF member you refer to?

This thread isn't about I/P situation. :-)
do kindly please tell me what this thread is about
. . . . .
Americans let Israelis believe that they control USA. But a microscopic view would reveal that Israel is USA's only bestie in middle east, USA needs Israel to maintain their upper hand in ME.

Um, yeah it is the other way around actually - Contrary to popular belief :lol: The Protocols of Zion were actually Soviet propaganda.

People should understand the reality of lobbying in the US. They cover a broad range of subjects. Israel is all but a small part of the system. In 2014 alone, they spent almost $500 million. The US Chamber of Commerce currently tops in that category.

And for the record, did anyone know that the NFL is tax exempt non-profit under Section 501 c(6) in spite of the huge amounts of money they make? It was thanks to lobbying way back in the 1940's, and is officially the only sport in that code.

That's just one example. Things tend to follow where the money flows.
"The Israelis control the policy in the congress and the senate."

-- Senator Fullbright, Chair of Senate Foreign Relations Committee: 10/07/1973 on CBS' "Face the Nation".
. . . .
People should stop worrying about who controls what and just live their life making the best use of what they got.
Mods, ban this fucker.

I would ban everyone who said thanks, too.

One of the main goals of zionism is to dehumanize Muslims, anyone who tries to dehumanize all Muslims should get an auto-ban.

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