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JDL sends threatening mail to Press TV Canada reporter

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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JDL sends threatening mail to Press TV Canada reporter


Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (R) and Israeli Premier Benjamin Netanyahu

Press TV’s Canada correspondent Joshua Blakeney says he has received a threatening email from the Jewish Defense League (JDL) over his criticism of Israel.

In an article published on the Press TV website on Tuesday, the Iranian news channel’s Calgary-based reporter disclosed an email by the JDL, in which he had been threatened to be attacked with “extreme prejudice.”

The JDL had called Blakeney an “anti-Semite,” stating, “When we are attacked by hate-filled anti-Semites like you, we respond with all the resources at our disposal, and with extreme prejudice.”

Blakeney rejected the anti-Semitism allegation leveled against him in the harassing message and argued, “You have to dislike all Jews and irrationally so to qualify as an anti-Semite.”

“I merely oppose the actions, arguments and assumptions of those Jews who are oppressors, warmongers, apologists for Israel and proponents of a Zionist exceptionalist police state,” wrote the Press TV correspondent.
He also criticized the Canadian government for supporting the “dirty work” of the far-right organization of JDL in Canada, adding that the Canadian administration has turned the country from a “peaceful nation to being a warmongering de facto colony of Israel.”

“The Zionists want to use countries like Britain, Canada and the US as playthings to advance Israeli geopolitical goals…,” Blakeney wrote.

The United States considers the JDL as a terrorist group. The stated goal of the organization is to expel Palestinians from their homeland and “protect Jews from anti-Semitism by whatever means necessary.”

In 2001, the FBI classified the organization as “a right-wing terrorist group,” which has been involved in plotting and executing acts of terrorism within the United States.

PressTV - JDL sends threatening mail to Press TV Canada reporter
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