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Jawans of our Indian Army slept outside in -9° to keep us warm

You are too late...
Read the news properly first than post...:woot: read the bold part properly:-)

SDM Bidhoona Pravendra Kumar, while investigating the case, confirmed to TOI that a domicile certificate of Ajmal Kasab had been issued against a submission of fake documents by some unidentified person.

Ajmal`s nationality confirmed


Mohammed Ajmal Kasab, a Pakistani, was hanged Wednesday in Pune, a city southeast of Mumbai. He was the lone surviving gunman from the attacks in India's financial capital in November 2008 that killed more than 160 people.

He said his abrupt about-face Monday was sparked because the Pakistani government acknowledged he was Pakistani and began legal proceedings against the alleged masterminds of the Mumbai attack.

In an interview with Pakistani media, a resident of Faridkot identified Qasab as his son. He said that he had left home four years before the attacks.

By the way, it does matter what do you think.... The matter is the world what does think....
wow,this is your own media evidance came out from india and now your media again proving it is false , don't get here the logic what you guys hiding

and who is Elle Davidson??? ohh wait, Elias Davidson is a Palestinian Jew but now he lives in Germany. and he said that Elias Davidson believes that motive behind Mumbai attacks was to get India into the Imperialist Camp..... Who cares on his believed???? Ohh wait, might be you...

If tomorrow I write something than will expect that everyone should believe, uhhhhhhh----Right?:p::p::p::p:
now I belive after your statment this is correct ,https://www.businesstoday.in/curren...d-a-fake-story-ipsos-survey/story/282362.html
wow,this is your own media evidance came out from india and now your media again proving it is false , don't get here the logic what you guys hiding

It happens in India, many people from bangladesh, nepal , bhutan are living in India with fake documents... because our govt babu's are greattt....... But you are saying that Your Ex- PM, ministers and other people are fool enogh to accept that he was Pakistani.. :-):-)

wow,this is your own media evidance came out from india and now your media again proving it is false , don't get here the logic what you guys hiding

now I belive after your statment this is correct ,https://www.businesstoday.in/curren...d-a-fake-story-ipsos-survey/story/282362.html

This is not about Kasab, Sir ji....... By the way, at least our country does not give warning to Israel for nuclear attack against a fake news?
Pakistan issues nuclear warning to Israel in response to 'fake news' story
It happens in India, many people from bangladesh, nepal , bhutan are living in India with fake documents... because our govt babu's are greattt....... But you are saying that Your Ex- PM, ministers and other people are fool enogh to accept that he was Pakistani.. :-):-)
well EX-PM was liar , he is now in Jail becuase of his lie.
well EX-PM was liar , he is now in Jail becuase of his lie.

After 5 years, you will say same thing to Imran Also..... before you said to Zardari and before pervez musharraf As well.... It's pakistan history, so we never mind.,...
It happens in India, many people from bangladesh, nepal , bhutan are living in India with fake documents... because our govt babu's are greattt....... But you are saying that Your Ex- PM, ministers and other people are fool enogh to accept that he was Pakistani.. :-):-)

This is not about Kasab, Sir ji....... By the way, at least our country does not give warning to Israel for nuclear attack against a fake news?
Pakistan issues nuclear warning to Israel in response to 'fake news' story
we have no such official news and co.uk is not our news channel, may be indian operated from UK.

After 5 years, you will say same thing to Imran Also..... before you said to Zardari and before pervez musharraf As well.... It's pakistan history, so we never mind.,...
what about your Modi, is he not liar ?
I disagree. Kashmir is just the tip of an iceberg. India is a illegitimate country that should not exist. It’s a continuation of British imperialism and it need to split into multiple pieces mirroring Indian subcontinent before British arrival. Only that way, imperialism can be defeated.

One word stfu, your country bullying others... occupying their lands, sea .... 21st century expansionist..
My goodness, look at all these pathetic haters, people could have died but that doesn't matter as long as they can troll.

And now compare it with what the IA does in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir ....
West Bengal and Sikkim is India,
Kashmir is not.

Only thing I remember is when IA was saving Kashmiris from mass floods only a few years ago while separatists were stopping the relief operations.


Are you forgetting something Ajmal Kasab holding the domicile of Indian state UP and indian media mentioned
Kasab’s birth place is mentioned as Bidhoona
Read more at:

Why don't people read their own links.

Someone posted a fake domicile application of Kasab in UP this year, 10 years after 26/11.
Please don't pretend like he was always domiciled in UP before 2008.

if you still have doubt who involved in attack of mumbai ,read Ellias Davidson book:

He's the same dude who peddles internet fanboy style conspiracy theories on 9/11 as well.
I'd much rather believe multiple organizations from multiple countries than some obscure lone wolf self proclaimed debunker.

Conspiracy nut jobs might say that the 9/11 was to launch the "War on Terror" but what was 26/11 for? Did we attack pakistan?
Why you are talking like itch in every thread related to India..
@WebMaster this is not acceptable .... Trolling certain thread is fine but even on humanitarian missions...you are sick... go back to normal life..

I’m just responding to a post about the behavior of Indian men toward women. Since Indian soldiers are men, it’s not out of line to discuss how weomen would be treated under their authority. And even Pakistan request UN to investigate rape inside India. So instead of complaining to admins. You Indians should learn self introspection.
I’m just responding to a post about the behavior of Indian men toward women. Since Indian soldiers are men, it’s not out of line to discuss how weomen would be treated under their authority. And even Pakistan request UN to investigate rape inside India. So instead of complaining to admins. You Indians should learn self introspection.

OK but Pakistan also comes in top 6 on Dangerous country for Women and also being 6 times less population compare to India, Than how could the world believes on Pak army and Pakistani as well? now coming to ratio than Pakistan will be well ahead compare to India, Sir ji..

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My goodness, look at all these pathetic haters, people could have died but that doesn't matter as long as they can troll.

Only thing I remember is when IA was saving Kashmiris from mass floods only a few years ago while separatists were stopping the relief operations.


Why don't people read their own links.

Someone posted a fake domicile application of Kasab in UP this year, 10 years after 26/11.
Please don't pretend like he was always domiciled in UP before 2008.

He's the same dude who peddles internet fanboy style conspiracy theories on 9/11 as well.
I'd much rather believe multiple organizations from multiple countries than some obscure lone wolf self proclaimed debunker.

Conspiracy nut jobs might say that the 9/11 was to launch the "War on Terror" but what was 26/11 for? Did we attack pakistan?
don't worry we know that he was your pigeon - it is matter of time when world know your real face . it is just starting

The US took 13 long years to understand that India is not its strategic partner. :-) nice
don't worry we know that he was your pigeon - it is matter of time when world know your real face . it is just starting

The US took 13 long years to understand that India is not its strategic partner. :-) nice

No one believes in pakistan's diatribe on 26/11 being a false flag.
In fact, if it wasn't for other countries' independent findings on 26/11, our case about pakistan using terrorism as state policy would have never bore any fruit.

As for "real face", you lot can dream about India's fall with your "will happen", "is going to", "is starting", etc but here is what's happening now.

Pakistan placed on FATF 'grey list' despite diplomatic efforts to avert decision

Offtopic, but I'll bite.
Just coz Pentagon moved its office away to some kilometers away, that does not mean the India-US relationship is somehow now over LOL.
India - US relations span such interrelated geopolitics that it will in all probability never sour, at least not to US-pakistan levels.

I understand pakistanis seek to gather little hope for India to do worse in the world stage like pakistan has done but alas that'll never come to fruition.

If you look at all the major landmark decisions taken by both India & US just in 2018, that one rumor about India-Us relations going bunk coz Pentagon moved its office seems like a minow among a thousand salmons.

Many, but this will not be reported as Indian army is involved. Since Indian army has a freehand over its civilians, rape is expected and it won’t make news unless there is murder. Sick everywhere else but a norm in India.
Why you are talking like itch in every thread related to India..
@WebMaster this is not acceptable .... Trolling certain thread is fine but even on humanitarian missions...you are sick... go back to normal life..

Why is truth not acceptable to you, Indian?

Indian army’s sexual violence is an organized tactic, endorsed by military higher-ups.

"Rape" is an institutionalized military tactic used by Indian Army in Occupied Kashmir to demoralize and intimidate Kashmiri Muslims.

No one believes in pakistan's diatribe on 26/11 being a false flag.
In fact, if it wasn't for other countries' independent findings on 26/11, our case about pakistan using terrorism as state policy would have never bore any fruit.

As for "real face", you lot can dream about India's fall with your "will happen", "is going to", "is starting", etc but here is what's happening now.

Pakistan placed on FATF 'grey list' despite diplomatic efforts to avert decision

Offtopic, but I'll bite.
Just coz Pentagon moved its office away to some kilometers away, that does not mean the India-US relationship is somehow now over LOL.
India - US relations span such interrelated geopolitics that it will in all probability never sour, at least not to US-pakistan levels.

I understand pakistanis seek to gather little hope for India to do worse in the world stage like pakistan has done but alas that'll never come to fruition.

If you look at all the major landmark decisions taken by both India & US just in 2018, that one rumor about India-Us relations going bunk coz Pentagon moved its office seems like a minow among a thousand salmons.

FATF uses peer pressure through the age-old technique of name-and-shame. There are many factors at play and it remains unclear how negative Pakistan’s placement on the grey list will eventually turn out to be.
India waging a proxy war against Pakistan through Afghanistan and sending trainined terriost via afghnistan in Pakistan.
and Regarding terrorism, many in Pakistan disagree with FATF and see the country as a victim of terrorism that has already suffered and sacrificed much.

The Global Terrorism Index 2017 by Institute for Economics & Peace, which describes itself as “an independent, non-partisan, non-profit think tank”, ranks Pakistan as the fifth-most affected country from terrorism, behind Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Syria.
Bottom line is that FATF’s grey listing of Pakistan should not be looked at in isolation but placed in the larger picture of US-Pakistan relations that have had many ups and downs.

Considering the continuous conflict of interests between Washington and New Delhi, and partly because of greater preoccupation with conflicts in the Middle East and East Asia, the Trump administration seems to have crystalized its relationship with India. The administration’s increased engagement with Pakistan on the issue of Afghanistan might have also come at the expense of Indo-US ties and the ouster of the “India office” from the Pentagon.

India is not the natural ally of the US; it is as clear as a midsummer sky. US is leaving India alone in Afghnistan , it is too bad , this is a Trump punishmnet to you on purchase of S-400 and Iraninian oil , you fired :-)
after US leaves afghanistan , Tera keya hoga Kalia :-)
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