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Javed Ch. advise to Nawaz Sharif


Feb 2, 2014
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Javed Ch. has given very good advises to Nawaz Sharif. In his recent article, he has mentioned about Zardari, how he tackled his government during the worst of the events. The army was very strong in the government, internal and external security was at its lowest point, the economy was in worse shape, even then Zardari was able to save his government.
Javed ch. Has mentioned certain stakeholders in Pakistan politics, e.g. America, army and opposition parties.
Zardari understood the importance of all three in the Pakistani politics and he gave them their share. So nobody was against him.
Nawaz Sharif is quite a better situation than Zardari, but he is creating lots of problems for his politics. He is trying to stand against the army, he is also not giving due share to the opposition parties.

His latest fight with the army was completely useless. He could very easily stop Geo to working against the army, but he enjoyed the whole situation. Then when Shasta Waheedi's show was on air, he could very easily resolved the situation by banning the show on the Geo and the situation could be dissolved, but instead he was enjoying the whole show and now the whole game is out of his hands. On one side army is really annoyed and on the other side religious parties are on the streets wanted the closure of Geo TV.
PEMRA has cancelled the license of Geo. On that same day, all the governmental members of Pemra were absent and later on PEMRA spokes person announced that the order is illegal as governmental members were not present in the meeting, so once again Sharif govenment has made the whole situation completely confusing.
Javed Ch. has advised Nawaz Sharif to take some help from Zardari, how to run the government. Nawaz Shairfi is literally beaking the relations with the army, where both could enter the point of no return,

I think, Javed Ch. Has given very sage advices and it is in the interest of Nawaz Sharif to make working relationship with the army, America and the opposition parties.

Daily Express News Story
The thing about both is both are super corrupt & have ZERO love for Pakistan, both had failed to defend Pakistan interests & both have & are opening Pakistan internal issues to the world which is wrong. Both had & have failed to defend Pakistan in all fronts & both were & are puppets of US & are ignoring Kashmir issue completely.

I think, Javed Ch. Has given very sage advices and it is in the interest of Nawaz Sharif to make working relationship with the army, America and the opposition parties.

With the Pak Army it's not going to happen because he is unable to defend Pakistan interests & defend Pakistan in all fronts, even after knowing the enemy, who they are where they are he is blind, deaf & mute & this pisses the Army, the same was done by Zardari. About US, both of them had & have bowed down to US & they can't say a single word in front of US.

So at times Javed Chaudhry gives epic advice's but most of the time he talks non sense & total crap.

As far as JEW or JAI group is concerned nora can't sh!t about it as both of them are serving foreign interests or agenda, which is to harm Pakistan.
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Javed Ch. has given very good advises to Nawaz Sharif. In his recent article, he has mentioned about Zardari, how he tackled his government during the worst of the events. The army was very strong in the government, internal and external security was at its lowest point, the economy was in worse shape, even then Zardari was able to save his government.
Javed ch. Has mentioned certain stakeholders in Pakistan politics, e.g. America, army and opposition parties.
Zardari understood the importance of all three in the Pakistani politics and he gave them their share. So nobody was against him.
Nawaz Sharif is quite a better situation than Zardari, but he is creating lots of problems for his politics. He is trying to stand against the army, he is also not giving due share to the opposition parties.

His latest fight with the army was completely useless. He could very easily stop Geo to working against the army, but he enjoyed the whole situation. Then when Shasta Waheedi's show was on air, he could very easily resolved the situation by banning the show on the Geo and the situation could be dissolved, but instead he was enjoying the whole show and now the whole game is out of his hands. On one side army is really annoyed and on the other side religious parties are on the streets wanted the closure of Geo TV.
PEMRA has cancelled the license of Geo. On that same day, all the governmental members of Pemra were absent and later on PEMRA spokes person announced that the order is illegal as governmental members were not present in the meeting, so once again Sharif govenment has made the whole situation completely confusing.
Javed Ch. has advised Nawaz Sharif to take some help from Zardari, how to run the government. Nawaz Shairfi is literally beaking the relations with the army, where both could enter the point of no return,

I think, Javed Ch. Has given very sage advices and it is in the interest of Nawaz Sharif to make working relationship with the army, America and the opposition parties.

Daily Express News Story

Maybe Javeed Ch. is not as smart as I originally thought he was. How could the Prime Minister of a country get involved what a private channel does. What he doesnt understand is that govt cannot be showing its intention against a media group and what GEO did is not criminal as far as Pakistani laws are concerned. If govt start showing hostilities against media then we all know what starts to happen in the west, EU is already threatening to ban their pinchful GSP plus.

I think these media idiots should stop giving advices to govt, that will be much better for the country. I think Pakistani people should stop giving too much importance to these half baked media anchor person and so called Tajzia Nigar....sad facts is that everyone in Pakistan knows every anchor by name but no one knows what is the book of the month.
Maybe Javeed Ch. is not as smart as I originally thought he was. How could the Prime Minister of a country get involved what a private channel does. What he doesnt understand is that govt cannot be showing its intention against a media group and what GEO did is not criminal as far as Pakistani laws are concerned. If govt start showing hostilities against media then we all know what starts to happen in the west, EU is already threatening to ban their pinchful GSP plus.

I think these media idiots should stop giving advices to govt, that will be much better for the country. I think Pakistani people should stop giving too much importance to these half baked media anchor person and so called Tajzia Nigar....sad facts is that everyone in Pakistan knows every anchor by name but no one knows what is the book of the month.

The advice given by Javed Ch. is that Nawaz has to tackle this issue from the very beginning.

Nawaz was enjoying the show from the very beginning.
The advice given by Javed Ch. is that Nawaz has to tackle this issue from the very beginning.

Nawaz was enjoying the show from the very beginning.

Its not the job of the PM, ISI had issue with it then Army or ISI should have gone to court
or take up the issue with PEMRA.
Its not the job of the PM, ISI had issue with it then Army or ISI should have gone to court
or take up the issue with PEMRA.

The countries like Pakistan, PM has to take notice of all the issues. At the end, it is for the stability of his government.
It is who you take stand for.

The army is the biggest stakeholder in the politics and treating them like this would have serious consequences.
The countries like Pakistan, PM has to take notice of all the issues. At the end, it is for the stability of his government.
It is who you take stand for.

The army is the biggest stakeholder in the politics and treating them like this would have serious consequences.

But the Army has no legal role in politics! It is a violation of their oath and sworn duty. It simply cannot be justified.
But the Army has no legal role in politics! It is a violation of their oath and sworn duty. It simply cannot be justified.

It's not the question of the role, it's all about who are the stakeholders in the politics and the army is definitely a big stakeholder.
Nawaz Sharif has to follow the footsteps of Zardari, who continuously engaged army during this tenure and give them what they wanted. During the Zardari's times, the army wanted to restore CJ Iftiqhar Ch. which Zardari did immediately. See what he got, complete five years of his term. Not a bad deal.
I think he (NS) suffers from a strong ego, and to be successful in politics one has should leave his ego at home.
It's not the question of the role, it's all about who are the stakeholders in the politics and the army is definitely a big stakeholder.
Nawaz Sharif has to follow the footsteps of Zardari, who continuously engaged army during this tenure and give them what they wanted. During the Zardari's times, the army wanted to restore CJ Iftiqhar Ch. which Zardari did immediately. See what he got, complete five years of his term. Not a bad deal.

I agree with recognizing the reality, but also keeping in mind the illegality of what the Army does.
I agree with recognizing the reality, but also keeping in mind the illegality of what the Army does.

The armies are biggest stakeholders everywhere in the world. Based on the fact ammunition industry is growing, role of armies is also increasing. In coming days, no government would be able to make any policy without the approval of their armies.

Lately, we have seen that Thai army has taken over.

So we can't deny the role of the armies in this century.
The armies are biggest stakeholders everywhere in the world. Based on the fact ammunition industry is growing, role of armies is also increasing. In coming days, no government would be able to make any policy without the approval of their armies.

Lately, we have seen that Thai army has taken over.

So we can't deny the role of the armies in this century.
also the Army's role in Egypt also gets the node from Uncle Sam.

having a recognized or constitutional role of military will put an end to a coup from military. Article 58 2 B was a best tool in that regard and prevented the military from coming and the moment it was taken out ..... we know what happened

problem with nawaz is that he doesnt like to share. he doesnt even like to give powers to his own ministers.
re Army ..yes there is an element of settling a personal score but in the longer run he just wants the institution to the same level of subservience and ability as any other organisation say like police. with judiciary in the pocket, media friendly and military neutralized, Amir Al Momineen can rule Pakistan for years to come without any fear.

@VCheng what do you think? disbanding Pak-Mil will be better option? using Iraqi formula? raise something on more favourable foundations ... no?

he already has his own army of about 4 thousand strong , independently trained out of military sphere and equipped to safeguard his crown. just like Zulfi's FSF? I must say.. our democratic leaders are very creative and have contingencies in place when the time comes. sadly FSF didnt rise up to the occasion but hopefully Nawaz's army will or at least buy him enough time to escape out of Pakistan. in case 111 brigade comes knocking at the door?

Mir Shakil already talks about taking the fight to the enemy and says he wishes that he can make an armored assault at GHQ pindi .. that's even better .. preemptive strikes.. there are good examples from Israel and America.

It's not the question of the role, it's all about who are the stakeholders in the politics and the army is definitely a big stakeholder.
Nawaz Sharif has to follow the footsteps of Zardari, who continuously engaged army during this tenure and give them what they wanted. During the Zardari's times, the army wanted to restore CJ Iftiqhar Ch. which Zardari did immediately. See what he got, complete five years of his term. Not a bad deal.
What have you been smoking....you think army is really that dumb??
also the Army's role in Egypt also gets the node from Uncle Sam.

having a recognized or constitutional role of military will put an end to a coup from military. Article 58 2 B was a best tool in that regard and prevented the military from coming and the moment it was taken out ..... we know what happened

problem with nawaz is that he doesnt like to share. he doesnt even like to give powers to his own ministers.
re Army ..yes there is an element of settling a personal score but in the longer run he just wants the institution to the same level of subservience and ability as any other organisation say like police. with judiciary in the pocket, media friendly and military neutralized, Amir Al Momineen can rule Pakistan for years to come without any fear.

@VCheng what do you think? disbanding Pak-Mil will be better option? using Iraqi formula? raise something on more favourable foundations ... no?

he already has his own army of about 4 thousand strong , independently trained out of military sphere and equipped to safeguard his crown. just like Zulfi's FSF? I must say.. our democratic leaders are very creative and have contingencies in place when the time comes. sadly FSF didnt rise up to the occasion but hopefully Nawaz's army will or at least buy him enough time to escape out of Pakistan. in case 111 brigade comes knocking at the door?

Mir Shakil already talks about taking the fight to the enemy and says he wishes that he can make an armored assault at GHQ pindi .. that's even better .. preemptive strikes.. there are good examples from Israel and America.

He can prepare himself as much as ge pleases but when the time comes, nothing is going to save him....Did they not have Iraqi militia to protect Saddam, what happened when bombs started dropping, this is what these morons dont realize is that, Allah is Almighty, and he can make things happen, as he wishes.....
Talking about Private Militia, then you wouldknow, ZAB had set up its own little military, and he created an intelligence cell of trusted retd military personnel, who would keep an eye on isi, verify the reports handed to him by isi/ib and also keep an eye on his opponents, what he did not.know was that, those goons were caught in action by intelligence personnel, and most of their reports were found to be hogwash.....
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