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Japanese rightwinger to be jailed for Korea hate campaign


Jul 25, 2011
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Japanese rightwinger to be jailed for Korea hate campaign | The Japan Times Online

Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012

Japanese rightwinger to be jailed for Korea hate campaign
AFP-Jiji, Kyodo

OSAKA — The Osaka District Court sentenced a nationalist to a year in prison Tuesday over a hate campaign against a pharmaceutical firm which had a South Korean actress as its public face.

Hitoshi Nishimura, 44, and three other men barged into the headquarters of Rohto Pharmaceutical in the city of Osaka in March and angrily demanded to know why the company was using Kim Tae Hee in its commercials, the court found.

Nishimura claimed Kim was an anti-Japanese activist who has been involved in a campaign asserting South Korea's sovereignty over Takeshima, the disputed islets in the Sea of Japan controlled by South Korea.

In footage of the confrontation posted on the Internet, Nishimura rails against company officials and claims to represent "angry Japanese throughout the country."

Nishimura will be imprisoned for one year for using threatening behavior, according to the ruling. The website of a rightwing group to which he is affiliated said he plans to appeal.

No information was given on the other three men involved.

Incidents of anti-Korean harassment by rightwingers reportedly rose after South Korean President Lee Myung Bak visited Takeshima in August.

Small but vocal campaigns have been organized against broadcasters that show South Korean dramas.

NHK's decision not to feature any South Korean singers during its "Kohaku" yearend music program is generally linked with the deteriorating bilateral ties, although the popularity of the K-Pop music, led by such groups as Girls' Generation and KARA, is still huge in Japan.
thats a wrong word to use. japanese do never hate koreans, but look down on them, history of korea are pretty much enslaved one, to be frank,
thats a wrong word to use.
Well, it is a Japanese written article on a Japanese newspaper describing an incidence that took place in Japan, so no mistake in context and word use.

japanese do never hate koreans, but look down on them, history of korea are pretty much enslaved one, to be frank,
The "real" looking down business is on Taiwan and China, not Korea. When you go to 2CH and there rightwingers blame everything on Korea(They don't care about China), it is the real fear that's producing such reactions.

So when was the last time a Japanese rightwinger protesting the hiring of Chinese actors/models to sell Japanese product? Never! No one cares!
Well, it is a Japanese written article on a Japanese newspaper describing an incidence that took place in Japan, so no mistake in context and word use.

The "real" looking down business is on Taiwan and China, not Korea. When you go to 2CH and there rightwingers blame everything on Korea(They don't care about China), it is the real fear that's producing such reactions.

So when was the last time a Japanese rightwinger protesting the hiring of Chinese actors/models to sell Japanese product? Never! No one cares!

its AFP, a french press, not japanese, you are so funny

Well, it is a Japanese written article on a Japanese newspaper describing an incidence that took place in Japan, so no mistake in context and word use.

The "real" looking down business is on Taiwan and China, not Korea. When you go to 2CH and there rightwingers blame everything on Korea(They don't care about China), it is the real fear that's producing such reactions.

So when was the last time a Japanese rightwinger protesting the hiring of Chinese actors/models to sell Japanese product? Never! No one cares!

yeap, on 2CH, japanese all tease you korean all out of their deepest despise over you weak koreans, 2CH never mention americans so on your funny logic, they look down on americans?? lol, stop denying it, you koreans are the pathetic slaves most of time

Well, it is a Japanese written article on a Japanese newspaper describing an incidence that took place in Japan, so no mistake in context and word use.

The "real" looking down business is on Taiwan and China, not Korea. When you go to 2CH and there rightwingers blame everything on Korea(They don't care about China), it is the real fear that's producing such reactions.

So when was the last time a Japanese rightwinger protesting the hiring of Chinese actors/models to sell Japanese product? Never! No one cares!
hire korean model?? lol, thats because koreans have all plastic face, looking perfect ,even its fake, but have some advertising effect for sure, japanese like fake animation, so the fake face is good to them
people in 2CH.net do look down at korean very much.Almost everything about korea is considered as joke.
people in 2CH.net do look down at korean very much.Almost everything about korea is considered as joke.
Indeed, the 2CHers blame their unemployment on Korean companies stealing business from Japanese companies, their loniness on damned Korean actors who steal the hearts of Japanese women, their diarrhea on that Korean BBQ they ate last night. They cannot stop thinking about Korea while eating, 2CHing, sleeping, and taking a dump.

Why is that?
Indeed, the 2CHers blame their unemployment on Korean companies stealing business from Japanese companies, their loniness on damned Korean actors who steal the hearts of Japanese women, their diarrhea on that Korean BBQ they ate last night. They cannot stop thinking about Korea while eating, 2CHing, sleeping, and taking a dump.

Why is that?

its very simple, if you really consider somebody a idiot, you will try teasing him on every possible way, so you korean were considered low life idiot by them, so they try make fun out of you koean whenever they are eating, playing, even taking a dump, which is pretty pathetic, but you korean can bring fun to them, and take it easy, the world is not perfect
The "real" looking down business is on Taiwan and China, not Korea. When you go to 2CH and there rightwingers blame everything on Korea(They don't care about China), it is the real fear that's producing such reactions.

So when was the last time a Japanese rightwinger protesting the hiring of Chinese actors/models to sell Japanese product? Never! No one cares!
Koreans are just slaves, no need to look down. After Japan rules Korean, it is US now.I dont understand why Korean like to be ruled, N. Korean like the dictator, S. Korea like their US daddy. Can you tell me why?
Indeed, the 2CHers blame their unemployment on Korean companies stealing business from Japanese companies, their loniness on damned Korean actors who steal the hearts of Japanese women, their diarrhea on that Korean BBQ they ate last night. They cannot stop thinking about Korea while eating, 2CHing, sleeping, and taking a dump.

Why is that?

Because you korean people are just annoying,talking big and making things up from nowhere.Same thing is going on in china too.people won't see their respective opponent as a joke.
Samsung and some hot pants korean girls won't make them respect you or take you serious.
Seriously how many times did you read 2ch comments?It's full of discrimination against korean.
now now kids, play nice.

It's nice to see Japan rein in these Racists. Korea needs to do the same.
Hate for Japan in Korea is everywhere and Korea needs to tone it down, maybe also send some people to jail.
Seriously how many times did you read 2ch comments?

It's full of discrimination against korean.
No, it's called the deep innate fear of Korea.

Let's put it this way. Chinese talk about Japan and the US as the enemy of China every single day. Does China talk about Vietnam or Philippines as security threats to China everyday?

Now you understand why these Japanese rightwingers can't stop talking about Korea.
Do you know how desperate both of you sound, each saying Japan hates their country less (like its some accomplishment)
Fear of korea?lol,who would fear you from what?completely non-sense.which japanese politician considers korea as a threat?
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